Regional, cross-industry partnerships are needed to expand job opportunities for young people in Washington.
The nine Regional Networks in Washington each have a career connected learning (CCL) coordinator. Employers, schools, nonprofits, colleges, and others interested in getting involved with career connected learning programs can contact their regional network leads.
Visit the website ( for the most current regional coordinator contact information.
Help us plan for next year’s Open Doors training events. We’d love to hear from you! What are your priority topics related to Open Doors Youth Reengagement? Your answers will help us in designing events, webinars, and gatherings. |
Share the Link:
Please share the survey link with other Open Doors Youth Reengagement colleagues, staff, and partners!
Training event survey for Open Doors Youth Reengagement:
This webinar, focused on partnerships with local tribes, awareness of Native languages, and bringing culturally relevant learning into your program, is still available for viewing and for clock hours. Click on the link to register and watch.
The emergency waiver of graduation requirements is available for approved districts to grant to students who are in the 2020 to 2024 graduation year cohorts and who are attempting to graduate in the 2022-23 school year. The graduation requirement emergency waiver (GREW) is available as a last resort for students whose education has been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Up to two credits can be waived but no more than one credit in each core subject area, and students must earn a minimum of 20 total credits. In addition, the graduation pathway requirement may be waived. Students in the 2024 graduating cohort who are seeking to graduate early in 2023 must meet all credit graduation requirements and may use the emergency waiver for the graduation pathway requirement only.
To consider granting the waiver, districts must:
- Make a good faith effort to support students in meeting all graduation requirements.
- Administer the waiver equitably and track data on the use of the waiver.
- Advise student on the potential benefits and limitations of using the waiver.
- Ensure that students have demonstrated preparation for their next steps after high school.
Additional information about the waiver is available on the State Board of Education Emergency Waiver Program web page. Districts that have previously been approved do not need to apply again. A list of approved districts is also available on that page.
Next year the Graduation Requirement Emergency Waiver will change. Students in the graduating cohorts of 2020 to 2024 who plan on graduating in the 2023-24 school year may be granted a waiver of up to one credit in any subject area, provided the student earns a minimum of 21 total credits. A waiver of the graduation pathway requirement will not be available in the 2023-24 school year.
If you have questions about the use of the waiver, check out the Emergency Waiver FAQ, or contact
Click here to view the Graduation Requirement Emergency page.
FAPE & Open Doors
Open Doors programs, in partnership with the local district, must follow all requirements related to identification, evaluation, placement, and the provision of a “free appropriate public education” (FAPE). FAPE is required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 for eligible students. FAPE consists of regular or special education and related aids and services designed to meet the individual needs of students with disabilities as adequately as the needs of students without disabilities are met.
Child Find & Open Doors
Open Doors Youth Reengagement Programs must evaluate, or refer for evaluation, any student they know or suspect has a disability and may need services under IDEA or Section 504. This practice is commonly referred to as “Child Find”.
Open Doors programs must participate in Child Find and refer and evaluate a student they know, or suspect has a disability and may need services, as a result, to access and benefit from their education. School district programs such as Open Doors must not counsel or encourage families to revoke consent for special education services. To Learn more, contact your district’s Special Education team or visit the website for Special Education | OSPI (
Guidance for CNA Process, including Open Doors Youth Reengagement
Multiple federal and state programs require an annual comprehensive needs assessment (CNA) to be completed. A CNA is a process of examining data to help identify, understand, and determine priorities that will inform implementation of improvement efforts to address the gap between the current state of a school or a district and the desired state.
This new toolkit, developed in cooperation between Title I, Part A and Office of System and School Improvement (OSSI), is meant to provide guidance through the CNA process. It contains an appendix especially for the Open Doors Youth Reengagement schools and programs; See Appendix E: Open Doors/“R-type” Code Schools.
Utilization of this document is intended to support the following outcomes:
- Guidance for conducting
- Coordination of federal and/or state programs.
- Efficient use of time.
- Facilitation of a culture of continuous improvement.
Hope Science: Utilizing Hope to Improve Mental Health & Wellness
- May 10th | 9 am - 4 pm, General Conference Day
- May 11th | 9 am - 1 pm, Senior Leadership Day
Keynote Speakers: Dr. Chan Hellman & Dr. John Gaines
This virtual conference is specifically aimed at mentoring and youth development professionals across Washington State. This conference will provide an opportunity for organizations to come together and explore how hope science and wellness can support their work and health of youth, families, and communities. If you have any questions, please email Laura Mendoza.
GATE Equity Webinar Series - Regular monthly webinars. Information and registration available through the GATE website.
Past Newsletters:
Check our website for previous years' newsletter topics.
Mandy Paradise, M.Ed
Open Doors Program Supervisor
Email Mandy 360-789-3949