Consider participating in the Healthy Youth Survey
What it is: The Washington State Healthy Youth Survey (HYS) measures health risk behaviors that contribute to morbidity, mortality, and social problems among youth in Washington State. Data from this survey provides critical insight into understanding the needs of youth, as well as a source of information to write and report on grants to better meet those identified needs. |
What has changed: As of 2021, HYS is now administered electronically. With this change, we are exploring how we can best include students enrolled in online/virtual schools for HYS 2023. Currently, the electronic survey still requires administration in a proctored, in-person setting.
Action: Email Doua Kha,, answering the following 3 questions:
- What is your role at the school?
- Would your Open Doors Youth Reengagement, online, or alternative school be interested and able to administer the electronic survey in-person?
- If not able to administer in person, would your school be interested in administering remotely if that option was made available (e.g., through an exemption process)?
Why this is important: When students leave traditional settings for online, remote and other flexible learning options, they may have been excluded from this survey and the resulting data. Possible changes to the delivery could collect this critical data and recognize the experiences and needs of these students.
The End of Year data reporting due date is December 7th, 2022. The date is the close date of the EDS Youth Reengagement application.
Please forward this information to those responsible for the Youth Reengagement program end-of-year reporting for the 2021-22 school year.
Want help? Tip sheets and guidance for End of Year reporting are on the Open Doors Youth Reengagement Resources page. Look for the “Annual Reporting” expandable menu.
Need assistance? Please contact
Are you providing CTE Courses in your Open Doors Youth Reengagement Program? A CTE graduation pathway? If so, how are you making it happen? One of our Open Doors programs has requested information on programs who are offering CTE.
Please submit your shareable samples or explanations to
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) opened on Oct. 1. Students nationwide are applying for aid that might support their college education or career training.
Many students in Washington state are missing out - the state has the third-lowest FAFSA completion rate in the country. About $50 million in federal aid has been left on the table by Washington students that never filed a FAFSA.
There's money available, and students must file their FAFSA to get it. Washington has some of the most generous student aid programs in the country, available to families of almost all income levels. Families often discover college costs are either completely or significantly covered after aid. State programs also support students who choose technical education or apprenticeships. Learn more:
The RAPSA Forum brings together education and community leaders who serve at-promise students. Many of you return year after year because of the targeted content and collaboration among colleagues and old friends. We are committed to maintaining the quality and connections that you expect. Find additional details here.
We Do It for the Culture™ is a culturally responsive social-emotional learning curriculum for grades 6-12. The lessons are rooted in hip-hop culture and designed to engage students using the content and media they are already consuming in an educational way. See a sample lesson plan.
These professional learning opportunities are shared for your information but do not constitute an endorsement by OSPI of any specific organizations.
Unpacking Abusive Relationships in Media
December 20, at 10:00am
Description: During this webinar, we will discuss examples of unhealthy relationships from pop culture to understand what youth are consuming. Then we will talk about strategies to help youth take a critical lens to the media they consume and identify what is important to them in their relationships. Register: December Webinar: Unpacking Abusive Relationships in Media (
Teaching about Social Media and Sexually Explicit Materials
January 12, 2023, 3:00-6:00pm
This training is designed to increase your comfort level with engaging in conversations and answering student’s questions about social media and sexually explicit materials. This training is hosted by OSPI and offers free clock hours. Click here to register.
Teaching about Gender and Sexual Diversity
January 24, 2023, 3:30-5:30pm
Many CSHE curricula now include lessons on gender and sexual orientation. For many people, this information may feel new or complex. This training offers a foundation for understanding the dimensions of gender and sexuality and how to create sex education that is inclusive and relevant for all students. This training is hosted by OSPI and offers free clock hours. Click here to register.
GATE Equity Webinar Series - Regular monthly webinars. Information and registration available through the GATE website.
- December – Countering the Winter Blues
- January - Getting Proactive with Threat Assessments
- February - Balanced Calendar & Scheduling PARTNERSHIPS
- March - Mastery-based Learning
- April - Partnerships to Support Culturally Relevant Learning
- May – The Power of Youth Co-Design
Past Newsletters:
Check our website for previous years' newsletter topics.
Mandy Paradise, M.Ed
Open Doors Program Supervisor
Email Mandy 360-789-3949