ELP Assessment Update [August 25, 2022]
Welcome to a new school year. OSPI has been busy this summer and there are some updates to ELP testing that were communicated in previous ELP Assessment Updates. They are all located on the ELP Assessment Page if you need to catch up. We are looking forward to a great year and working alongside you all again to serve our multilingual students.
OSPI is finalizing the list of new schools to send to WIDA and DRC. We will share this list with our vendors in the coming days and schools should appear shortly thereafter in the respective systems. There is no need for districts to contact WIDA, DRC, or OSPI to get new schools added to the systems.
WIDA’s Secure Portal will roll over on September 1 for the new school year. Any test administrators who complete training before the roll over will show up in the 2021-22 school year with a date of completion. Anyone who completes Screener training after July 1 counts for the 22-23 school year. Please make a note when you are completing training logs to check both school years for training completion.
WIDA is in the process of transforming the WIDA Alternate ACCESS. As part of that process, all students who take the WIDA Alternate ACCESS will also complete the WIDA Alternate ACCESS Field Test in the spring of 2023. We know this will feel like a lot of testing for these students and their test administrators, and we appreciate your dedication to improving the tools we use to measure language development in these students. We will have additional information in September about the field test, but we encourage you to begin talking with your special education departments about the spring testing schedules. The field test will be approximately the same duration as the Alternate ACCESS assessment.
WIDA Alternate ACCESS testing window: January 30 to March 24
WIDA Alternate ACCESS Field Test window: February 7 to April 17
OSPI is holding Lunch with Leslie hours this fall. This is an opportunity on Mondays at noon for districts to hear updates from OSPI, ask questions about WIDA assessments, or find out how other districts are approaching testing processes. This is a casual opportunity for collaboration and information sharing and any district staff involved with ELP assessments is welcome to attend.
The WIDA Screener FAQ document has been updated with new information and policies. The document can be found on the ELP Screener page of the OSPI website or here.
If you have questions about any of the content in this communication or WIDA assessments more generally, please don't hesitate to reach out.
ELPAssessments@k12.wa.us: OSPI shared inbox (State-level WIDA questions)
wida@datarecognitioncorp.com: DRC Customer Service (WIDA AMS questions)
Help@wida.us: WIDA Client Services (WIDA Secure Portal questions)