Highly Capable Data Reporting
with Brian Loffer from Bethel Schools
Monday, August 29 | 3–4 pm
Program Coordinators, please invite your data staff to join you for this session about how Bethel collects and uses referral data to evaluate their identification process. There will be time for questions!
Virtual Office Hour is an open meeting/forum for educators working with K–12 HiCap students to discuss issues and hear from colleagues in other districts. New and returning HiCap coordinators and other educators are invited to join with questions about form packages, reporting requirements, program operation, professional learning, twice-exceptionality, or other topics about identification and services for HiCap students.
No registration is required to join HiCap Office Hours. Please use the Zoom link below to join the meeting on Monday, August 29 | 3–4 pm
Join Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3607256171
Tuesday, October 4 | 3:30–4:30 pm
New Program Coordinators, please join us for an overview of Highly Capable requirements and supports from OSPI. There will be time for questions!
Virtual Office Hour is an open meeting/forum for educators working with K–12 HiCap students to discuss issues and hear from colleagues in other districts. New and returning HiCap coordinators and other educators are invited to join with questions about form packages, reporting requirements, program operation, professional learning, twice-exceptionality, or other topics about identification and services for HiCap students.
No registration is required to join HiCap Office Hours. Please use the Zoom link below to join the meeting on Tuesday, October 4| 3:30–4:30 pm
Join Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3607256171
Your district apportionment period for HiCap allowable expenditures is from September 1, 2021, through August 31, 2022. There is no carryover provision for these funds. Contact Jody Hess with questions about allowability of expenditures for HiCap apportionment.
Summer professional learning opportunities are allowable expenditures for any educator working with HiCap and advanced learners. HiCap funds can be used in summer to stipend staff who work with advanced learners for curriculum work, PLCs, HiCap student activities and other allowable activities. Be aware that registration for activities conducted after August 31, 2022, will be paid from 2022–23 apportionment.