National Board Score Release December 11
NBPTS has announced that results for all 2020-2021 candidates - both initial and Maintenance of Certification (MOC) - will be released on December 11.
If you are receiving scores this year, please log in to your account to ensure you recall your username and password. If necessary, you can retrieve your password by clicking the "Forgot your password? Reset it here" link. If you do not recall your username, please contact the NBPTS Customer Support team for assistance. Visit the NBPTS Score Release page for access to resources that will assist you in understanding your results.
Please note that many renewing NBCTs may have an expiration date listed on their certificate prior to December 11. This does not mean your certificate has "lapsed", nor will it impact your eligibility to maintain your Washington state certificate or for the NBCT bonus payment - new expiration dates will be accounted for by OSPI in bonus apportionment and in the E-Certification system. As always, it is important for NBCTs to notify their school district of any changes to their National Board Certificate's expiration date. This is critical to ensuring annual district personnel reporting is accurate, which is largely used by OSPI in determining bonus eligibility each year.
NBCTs are eligible to receive 100 clock hours for completing MOC; candidates are eligible for 50 clock hours per component submission. Clock hour forms should have already been emailed out earlier this fall to any eligible NBCT and candidate per NBPTS submission data. Please contact OSPI National Board Program Specialist, Steven Mueller (, if you did not receive your clock hour form.
Conditional Loan Application Closing November 30
Educators looking to start their National Board journey or candidates already in progress may still be eligible to apply for OSPI's Conditional Candidate Loan. The application for the loan had opened earlier this summer and will close at the end of the month - but, there is still time to apply! Any application received prior to November 30 at 5:00 PM will be reviewed.
The loan covers 3 of 4 initial component purchases (a total of $1,425). Candidates must pay or have already paid for one of the components in a previous cycle, as well as the $75 registration fee. Candidates must have not completed any more than one component to be eligible for the loan. Funding can carry over through multiple-year candidacy.
Candidates log into their EDS account to locate the conditional loan application under "National Board Scholarship". More information on the loan can be found on the OSPI website.

New and Improved NBPTS Website
We are excited to share that the National Board’s web site - - has been refreshed. All visitors to the site will experience a new look and feel along with a range of changes intended to enhance the user experience.
- Navigation based on audience needs
- Enhanced search
- Greater flexibility to make changes over time
- Updates based on your feedback
This exciting evolution comes with change that may require some action from you and all visitors to the NBPTS website. Because of some of the back-end requirements, most URLs on the site are changing. NBPTS expect the search to function effectively and the site will be intuitive - so finding content should be easy. But, bookmarks and resources documents that have old URLs will require updating.
Candidate Support Options, CSTP Online Cohort
Do you have friends and colleagues interested in becoming a NBCT? Maybe you're considering support through the MOC process? If so, make sure to check out and/or direct your fellow educators to OSPI's Candidate Support Page. This webpage maintains a list of state-approved National Board cohorts run by districts, EAs, organizations and universities all around Washington. The approved support provider list will continue to be updated through the fall, as well as school district-specific incentives.
Candidates without local support options may consider the online, statewide cohort facilitated by the Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession (CSTP). Registration for CSTP cohorts for Components 1, 3 and introductory Foundations course is currently open. |
Registration for the CSTP cohort can be found below:
NBCTs looking to guide candidates through the National Board process as cohort facilitators should plan on attending OSPI Facilitator Training in the summer. This is an excellent opportunity to not only support other teachers, but to grow as a school leader. Dates for training are still to be determined, though are typically hosted in June and August. When available, registration will be posted on OSPI's Cohort Facilitator Page.
WEA MOC Jump Start Registration Now Open
In 2020, the National Board introduced the requirements for MOC. NBCTs with certificate expiration dates in 2022 and 2023 are eligible for candidacy in 2021-22. Please visit this NBPTS link for additional details around eligibility. If you are weighing whether to pursue MOC or not, check out this helpful OSPI resource to inform your decision.
The Washington Education Association's (WEA) MOC Jump Start training series guides participants through the requirements in a collaborative environment with other NBCTs. The MOC Jump Start consists of two modules. Each module is an interactive, 3 ½ hour virtual training. NBCTs are encouraged to attend Module 1 and can then determine if Module 2 is helpful. Cost: $20 per session; this is a WEA member event only
Module One provides a big picture approach to MOC. In this training, participants network with other NBCTs, review the Five Core Propositions, and get an overview of the MOC process. They will also begin to plan their Professional Growth Experiences (PGEs). The objectives for Module 1 include:
- Network with other MOC candidates from around the state, creating informal support structures for candidacy ahead
- Understand the Five Core Propositions in depth to frame the upcoming MOC process
- Obtain an overview of the MOC requirements and process to inform next steps with certification
- Plan possible PGEs to meet the MOC requirements
Eligible clock hours: 4 hours (3.5 hours of instruction; .5 hour for required preparation)
Module Two is a close look at the MOC instructions to inform next steps with PGEs. The objectives for Module 2 include:
- Share an early draft of a PGE with other NBCTs candidates to inform future revisions
- Network with other MOC candidates from around the state, creating informal support structures for candidacy ahead
- Participate in a close read of the MOC PGP requirements to develop a deep understanding of requirements
- Analyze the MOC instructions, and make a plan for completing the MOC
Eligible clock hours: 4 hours (3.5 hours of instruction; .5 hour for required preparation)
WEA Inclusionary Practices Training Series
WEA Inclusionary Practices Project (IPP) and Special Education Support Center (SESC) is offering several synchronous courses supporting inclusionary practices for Washington educators throughout the 2021-2022 school year. All courses are free and offer clock hours. Upcoming courses include:
- December 9, Thursday, 4:00 PM-5:30 PM: Identity, Mirrors and Funds of Knowledge w/ Mirko Chardin
- January 6, Thursday, 4:00 PM-5:30 PM: The Why of Learning: The Engagement Network w/ Katie Novak
- February 3, Thursday, 4:00 PM-5:30 PM: The What of Learning: The Representation Network
w/ Katie Novak
- March 10, Thursday, 4:00 PM-5:30 PM: The How of Learning: The Action & Expression Network w/ Katie Novak
- April 7, Thursday, 4:00 PM-5:30 PM: Designing a UDL Lesson Plan w/ Katie Novak
More information on these courses and how to register can be found in this flyer from WEA.
School Ambassador Fellowship Opportunity
The application window for the 2022-2023 cohort of U.S. Department of Education’s School Ambassador Fellowship is currently open. The application portal will be open for application submissions through Friday, January 14, 2022! This is a fantastic opportunity for Washington NBCTs.
The School Ambassador Fellowship is designed to improve educational outcomes for students by leveraging the expertise of school-based practitioners in the creation, dissemination, and evaluation of national education policy. Founded on the principles of partnership, collaboration and cooperation with school-based educators, the Fellowship seeks to:
- Create a community of teachers, administrators, counselors, psychologists, social workers, and other school staff members who share their expertise with one another and collaborate with Department of Education leaders on issues important to students and educators nationwide.
- Involve practicing educators in developing policies that holistically affect learning environments.
- Highlight practitioners' voices and expand educators' critical leadership at the local, state, and national levels.
The School Ambassador Fellowship offers two separate 9-month tracks: full-time and part-time. The full-time appointment is based at the Department of Education Headquarters in Washington, DC and requires Fellows to relocate to the Washington, DC area for their Fellowship experience. The part-time fellowship does not require relocation allows educators to maintain their regular school responsibilities in their home communities, while also participating in the School Ambassador Fellowship experience. To be eligible for the School Ambassador Fellowship, participants must:
- Be a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident.
- Currently be a teacher, administrator, counselor, social worker, or other school staff member (and anticipate being employed in this role during the 2022 – 2023 school year).
- Be employed by a traditional public, charter, private, virtual, military (DoDEA), or tribal (BIE) school that serves any grade, preschool through twelfth.
- Have at least five years of experience in his/her role, up to and including the current school year.
- Have daily interaction with students and/or educators in his/her school/district role.
Ideal candidates for this program are educators from public, charter, independent, magnet, parochial schools, etc. who have made significant contributions to student learning and culture, can effectively communicate to a variety of internal and external education stakeholders, and can promote excellence in education through their collaboration and leadership capabilities. The deadline to apply for the 2022 – 2023 School Ambassador Fellowship is Friday, January 14, 2022 at 11:59 pm EST. For more information and to apply, please visit the School Ambassador Fellowship Website. Prospective applicants should email us at with general questions about the program or eligibility to apply.