ELP Assessment Update [September 20, 2021]
If you have students who cannot participate in the screener or students who have reached their limit in testing, there is an option called “End Domain Incomplete.” How to do this is different depending on the domain you are trying to end.
Students must be offered an opportunity to test in each domain unless they qualify for a domain exemption. Domain exemptions are available for a student
- whose disability prevents them from accessing a domain as part of their regular communication and
- who cannot access the domain test even with accommodations
To End Domain Incomplete for Listening and Reading domains, begin the test and test the student. If the student reaches a point at which they can no longer participate in the test, end the test. If the student begins the test and cannot engage with the first item, offer the second item. If the student still cannot respond, determine if this is a result of behavior and the test should be paused and the student can complete testing at a later time, or if the situation is a result of a disability and the domain should be ended incomplete. For the Reading and Listening domains, a student whose test is ended incomplete will receive and automatic score of 1.
Permissions to End Domain Incomplete have been enabled for DACs. DACs must enable this permission for other staff.
A supplement to the WIDA AMS user guide will be available on the ELP Screeners page and on the Washington page of WIDA's website.
If a student is unable to use the technology effectively, a TA can operate the technology for the student on the Listening and Reading domains. The TA may click, as directed by the student, or in response to student gestures such as pointing. The TA may not support the student in any way with the content of the test, only the technology. For the speaking domain, the TA can operate the technology; however, there is only one opportunity for a student to record, so spending some time in the practice items, so the student knows how to use the microphone is often a better option. For the writing, if a student cannot respond through typing a response, the response can be handwritten on paper. Please see the WIDA Secure Portal training for more details on how to use paper for the response. The TA may not type a student’s dictated response directly into the test.
OSPI has sent WIDA a file with all current school names as they appear in EDS. WIDA is working through updating their list of schools in the secure portal. If your district has a school with the incorrect name, you can still assign staff to that school. If you have a school that is not listed, you can assign people to the district and only active Professional Learning and Assessment Training for those accounts and they will not have district level or account creator privileges. If you have school coordinators who are assigned to a school that is not yet in WIDA, you can still assign Assessment Training, and they can complete training without a school assignment. Once the school is visible in the secure portal, you can assign staff to that school. WIDA has confirmed that they have the update and will update the schools.
OSPI is continuing our Open Zoom opportunities to get your questions answered and offer an opportunity to connect with other district leaders to work through any difficulties that you may be experiencing. These are informal opportunities to talk with OSPI and other districts around the new WIDA assessments. The sessions are scheduled for an hour but will not always last the full hour.
Monday, September 20 at noon: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84516693006
Monday, September 27 at noon: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85431855758
Monday, October 4 at noon: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87385235945