Last week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released SP 11-2021, CACFP 10-2021, SFSP 06-2021: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021: Effect on Child Nutrition Programs.
This memo provides guidance to Child Nutrition Program operators regarding Sections 743, 764, 767, and 789 of Division A of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 which:
- Allows the substitution of vegetables for fruits under the School Breakfast Program.
- Prohibits funds from being used to procure raw or processed poultry products from the People’s Republic of China in Child Nutrition Programs.
- Provides guidance related to pricing of paid lunches for the National School Lunch Program, during school year 2021-2022.
- Allows the offering of low-fat (1% fat) flavored milk in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program.
Questions? Please contact your OSPI CNS Program Specialist.
Join OSPI Child Nutrition Services and United Way of King County as we discuss Breakfast after the Bell (BAB) for school year 2021–22!
We encourage you to invite your school administrators, business officials, and other partners to these webinars!
Breakfast After the Bell (BAB): Meals in the Classroom and Back to School
Discover how you can best serve kids' and teens' universal meals this coming school year! Many districts are wondering how meals in the classroom works. We will share how it can be an easy solution and should fit into your back-to-school plans! Whether you are new to meals in the classroom or have experience, all are welcome to join. Register Here! Date: Wednesday, May 12 Time: 2–3 pm PT
Breakfast After the Bell (BAB): Effective and Sustainable Approaches
Join us for a discussion on how to support students struggling with food insecurity or hunger. Register Here! Date: Tuesday, May 25 Time: 2–3 pm PT
Questions? Please email Mikhail Cherniske.
The April Claim Due Date falls on Saturday, May 15. Child Nutrition Services staff will be in the office until 5pm on Friday, May 14, to assist with claim errors or questions.
WINS will be available to input claims until 5 pm PT, Saturday, May 15. At 5:00pm, WINS will log sponsors out in order to prepare to run the monthly payment process.
Best Practice - Submit claims early in case an error comes up and you need assistance. We will have staff available until Friday, May 14, at 5:00 pm PT.
General Claiming Reminders
FSMC & Vended Sponsors – Correct your SFSP Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Before Claiming
- Meals claimed in excess of the CAP count for a site will result in a claim error. SFSP sponsors must make Average Daily Attendance (ADA) revisions prior to submitting monthly claims. Specialists must approve revisions before claims can process for payment.
- Revised ADA's will not be approved for claims that go into error status due to meals claimed over the approved CAP.
- Compare the Average Number of Meals to the approved CAP. If the Average exceeds the CAP, increase the ADA in your site calendar and email your Program Specialist.
- Here is a quick equation to determine whether the ADA should be revised: Total Meals Served / Number of Operating Days = Average Number of Meals per day.
Working with a Food Service Management Company (FSMC) or Vendor? FSMCs and Vended Sponsors cannot be reimbursed for any meals above the 120% of the ADA. Update the ADA prior to submitting the claim for the excess meals to be reimbursed.
- Monthly claim data must be in "OK to Pay" status by 5:00 pm PT on the 15th.
- Didn't submit your claim by the 15th? That's okay! Submit your monthly claim by the 60-day deadline.
- Errors must be resolved for claims to be paid. WINS has multiple edit checks to help resolve issues before your claim is submitted.
- Pro-Tip: Always select “Preview Errors” at the bottom of each site claim once information is entered.
For more detailed reminders and resources, please review the Claim Reminder in our February Update.
Have Questions? Please contact Hydie Kidd, Fiscal Supervisor, or Pam Fravel, Fiscal Analyst.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced several nationwide waivers that apply to School Meal Programs in school year 2021–22. Please review our 4/26 Weekly Newsletter for more details.
Join us for a Webinar!
Join us for the 5/19 Bi-Weekly Webinar! During this time we will review details about these waivers and their implementation in SY 21–22 for National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) program operations.
Register Here Date: Wednesday, May 19 Time: 2–3 pm PT
Follow up emails are not sent after the meeting. If you missed our last webinar, you can review the recording from our 5/5 meeting here.
- Save us on your calendar! When you register, there is an option to add us to your calendar at the bottom of the confirmation email.
- A reminder email with your link to log into the webinar is sent 1 hour before the session starts.
Questions? Please contact your OSPI CNS Program Specialist.
Last week, OSPI released a new article reviewing recent questions about P-EBT. We encourage you to share this information with families.
Review the Pandemic EBT 2.0 — What you need to know article here!
For additional P-EBT information, please review our 5/3 Update.
Stay Up To Date
To stay up to date about P-EBT, we recommend to follow the Washington State DSHS Facebook page for additional updates and answers to questions.
For additional information, please refer to the FAQ on or call the P-EBT Contact Center at 833-518-0282.
Financial Management Training
In addition to the live Annual Training Updates Webinar, we will also offer ICN's Financial Management for Managers live virtual training. Participation in this training will provide professional standards credits! For more details about this training, please review ICN's class description.
Save the Date!
This 6-hour training will be held from 9:00 am–3:30 pm PT, with a half hour lunch and additional breaks scheduled. Please mark your calendars for one of these dates:
- Thursday, August 5
- Tuesday, August 17
- Thursday, August 26
We will release ICN Financial Management registration in future updates and look forward to 'seeing' you there!
Register for SY21–22 Annual Training!
During this past year we have held bi-weekly webinars to keep program operators in the know about updates and reminders. We welcome you to join us for School Meal Programs Annual Training for SY21–22!
Register Here Date: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 Time: 1:30–3:00 pm PT
During this webinar, we will review the updates from this past year, things to expect for next year, Food Distribution updates, and more!
In Washington state, there are requirements for public school districts to offer a summer meal program (RCW 28A.235.160(4)).
Schools districts must offer a summer meal program if educational, enrichment, or remedial services are offered during the summer months at a school in which 50% or more students are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals.
When planning your summer meal program, it’s important to note that SFSP & SSO also have specific requirements for summer school sites.
- Summer school sites must operate as open sites. Meals must be offered to both summer school students and the community.
- Summer school sites cannot operate as closed enrolled sites.
If a district plans to offer meals only to students enrolled in summer school, the NSLP/SBP must be extended. Under NSLP/SBP, a by-name meal count is required and meals must be claimed according to a student’s approved eligibility status.
Offering Online Summer School?
If your district is offering summer school in an online format through a school in which 50% or more students are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals, summer meal service requirements still apply. There are 3 options for districts during this time:
- Operate SFSP or SSO (open to the community)
- Operate NSLP/SBP (open to Summer school students only – by name meal count based on F/R)
- Note: The Summer 2021 waiver extensions do not currently apply to NSLP/SBP – meals must be eaten on-site during established meal services times.
- Choose not to operate – refer families to community programs.
- Sponsors must demonstrate which program families are referred to for meal services and how they communicated community resources to families.
Questions? Contact your Program Specialist or email
CEP Waiver Released
Similar to the waiver last year, there are significant changes to the date requirements for CEP. The two big changes impacting LEAs directly are the flexibility for the date for calculating the Identified Student Percentage, and an extension for the deadline to apply for CEP.
USDA released COVID–19: Child Nutrition Response #82- Nationwide Waiver of Community Eligibility Provision Deadlines in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs.
CEP Requirement
Traditional Deadlines
New SY 2021-22 Deadlines
Data Used to Calculate ISP
April 1
Anytime between July 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021
SY 2021-22 – Application deadline
June 30
September 30, 2021
Want to learn more? Watch our recent webinar series and explore our resources!
Unsure if your schools are eligible for CEP? The 2021-22 CEP Eligibility List will be posted shortly on our CEP webpage
Questions? Please contact your Program Specialist.
Do You Divert USDA Foods?
If so, the final day to submit diversion adjustments for the 20–21 school year will be May 21, 2021.
This deadline has been extended from the original May 10 closing date.
Sponsors must complete and submit a Food Distribution Sponsor Application annually to receive USDA foods.
Submitting your Application
- Review the Sponsor Application Instructions - they describe how to review, update and submit your application
- Log in to CNP Web.
Submit your application by June 14, 2021.
IMPORTANT: You will not be able to place USDA Food orders until the application is submitted and approved.
CNP Staff Accounts
Do you need a staff member added to CNP? Or need a previous staff members account deactivated?
Complete and return a USDA Foods User Authorization form for any personnel changes throughout the year.
Delivery Location or Contact Person
Notify us of any changes to the delivery location or delivery contact person. You can request those changes using the Delivery Updates Form.
Questions? Please email Trisha Santee or call 360-725-6204.
May 14 |
Get your April claims in early in case you need assistance! CNS Staff will be available until 5pm PT! |
May 15 |
April Claims Due in WINS |
May 19 |
Bi-Weekly Webinar - Focusing on SY21–22 School Program Operations | Register Here
June 1
March Claim 60-day Deadline - if you haven't already, submit your claim!
August 11
SY21-22 NSLP Annual Updates Webinar - Register Here