Earlier this week the President signed the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021 which provides another round of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds, further referred to as ESSER III. Like the first two rounds of ESSER funds, 90% of the total state award must be allocated to school districts based on the Title I-A methodology from the most recent fiscal year (2020). Unique to ESSER III is the requirement that LEAs must use at least 20% of the funds they receive to address learning loss.
Below is a high-level breakdown of funds for Washington:
Total ESSER III Award - $1,852,501,000 Awards for LEAs (90%)- $1,667,251,000 Learning Loss Investment - $333,450,000
District by district estimates of ESSER III funds, including a combined total of all ESSER funds, have been posted to the OSPI website at the following link: https://www.k12.wa.us/sites/default/files/public/communications/ESSERComparison.xlsx.
Please be advised that ESSER III amounts are only estimates and are subject to minimal change.
As was the case for prior ESSER rounds, OSPI needs approval from the legislature to make ESSER III funds available to school districts. The Legislature may only approve partial availability of ESSER III amounts listed as they did with ESSER II funds. Once we can get a sense of timing of approval, we will begin work on the ESSER III application and form package. Until that time, our primary focus will remain on ESSER II approvals and disbursements from both ESSER I and II.
ESSER II Reminder For your district to receive funds in March apportionment payments the following must occur no later than Monday, March 15th:
Obtain approval of your school re-opening plan from OSPI. Obtain approval of form package 120 application and budget matrix. Submit claims in the EDS Grants Claims System for reimbursement. Fill out the federal expenditure reporting template available through Smartsheet.
The federal expenditure reporting template is available at the following link: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=5d73ecad91c342d1819b4acd4218f4b1
As a reminder, the legislature has only approved school district access to 90% of each school district’s share of ESSER II, and has not granted permission for OSPI to make available ESSER II funds to non-Title I recipient districts.
Approved school reopening plans will receive a letter from OSPI confirming approval. Districts that do not receive approval will be contacted directly via phone call or email to discuss issues preventing approval.
Please let me know if you have any questions,
T.J. Kelly Chief Financial Officer Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) P.O. Box 47200 | 600 SE Washington St. SE Olympia, WA 98504-7200 Office: 360-725-6301 thomas.kelly@k12.wa.us www.k12.wa.us
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