OSPI Legislative Reports Now Available
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The following legislative report is available on the OSPI website. If you have any questions or comments about legislative reports in general, please contact the OSPI Communications team at commteam@k12.wa.us. If you have questions about this report, please contact the report’s author. That information can be found on the report's cover page.
Social Emotional Learning in Washington's K–12 Schools (PDF)
Social emotional learning (SEL) helps people build awareness and skills in managing emotions, setting goals, establishing relationships, and making responsible decisions. State-level work in SEL has led to the creation of resources for school leaders, teachers, parents and families, students, and communities; all of which are appendices to this report. This report contains information about Washington's state-level work in SEL, as well as recommendations for further work.
Appendix A: SEL Workgroup Membership (PDF)
Appendix B: Glossary (PDF)
Appendix C: Washington Social Emotional Learning Implementation Guide (PDF)
Appendex D: Social Emotional Learning Standards, Benchmarks, and Indicators (PDF)
Appendix E: Washington SEL Implementation Brief: For Education Leaders (PDF)
Appendix F: Washington SEL Implementation Brief: For Educators (PDF)
Appendix G: Washington SEL Implementation Brief: For Parents and Families (PDF)
Appendix H: Washington SEL Implementation Brief: For Community and Youth Development Organizations (PDF)
Appendix I: Washington SEL Implementation Brief: Focus on Culturally Responsive Practices (PDF)
Appendix J: Stakeholder Feedback and Community Outreach Summary: Social Emotional Learning Indicator Development (PDF)
Appendix K: K–12 Social and Emotional Learning Across Washington: A Statewide Landscape Scan (PDF)
Appendix L: National SEL Environment Scan: Review of Other States' SEL Efforts (PDF)
Appendix M: SEL and Equity: Current Issues and Considerations (PDF)
Appendix N: Washington Social and Emotional Learning Standards: Annotated Bibliography Evidence Basis for SEL (PDF)
Appendix P: Washington Social and Emotional Learning Standards: Reference List (PDF)