February Alternative Learning Update

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Reminder - Online School Program Updates Due March 1

Annual updates for Online School Programs are due March 1, 2019.

Steps to meet this deadline:

  1. Prepare data on completion rates, passing rates, and teacher-to-student ratio.
  2. Review your information on the Online Learning website.
  3. Email your data and any updates to your information to Nicole González


Impact of Inclement Weather on ALE

Weekly Contact - WAC 392-121-182 requires contact with a certificated teacher at least once a school week until the student completes all course objectives or otherwise meets the requirements of the learning plan. Weekly student contact needs to be made each week that has 3 or more school days, per the definition of a school week in section 3(j). 

  • If a week had less than 3 days of school in session due to inclement weather, weekly contact would not be required.
  • If a week had 3 or more days of school in session, but students were not able to attend due to inclement weather, weekly contact would be required and could be made through phone or email.

Monthly Progress ReviewWAC 392-121-182 requires the educational progress of each student be evaluated at least once each calendar month.  

  • As always, monthly progress is determined by the certificated teacher based upon realistic expectations and the program’s and school board’s policies. Expected progress for this month should be adjusted by the certificated teacher to reflect the lack of school days. Any external factors taken into account in the monthly review, such as inclement weather, should be noted on the review.
  • Intervention plans must be in place by the fifth school day of the date of determination of unsatisfactory progress, and must include student input, which may be made via phone or email in the event of non-attendance due to inclement weather.

OSPI NEWS RELEASE: Waiving Missed Days during State of Emergency for Storm

Several school districts have canceled school days during the month of February due to winter storms. Many have asked about the possibility of waiving those missed days. For more information and Superintendent Chris Reykdal’s statement, click here.

Legislative Update

The 2019 legislative session is in full swing! The Alternative Learning Department is closely monitoring a variety of bills. You can find more information on these bills via the links below.

Changing Alternative Learning Experience to Personalized Learning Experience
House Bill 1674 https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?billnumber=1674&year=2019&initiative=False

Providing Multiple Pathways to a Meaningful High School Diploma
Senate Bill 5548 https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5548&Year=2019&Initiative=False

House Bill 1304 https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1304&Initiative=false&Year=2019 

Certificates of Academic and Individual Achievement as Graduation Requirements
House Bill 1089 https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1089&Initiative=false&Year=2019

Compliance Corner - WSLP Approval

Can learning plans be approved in June for the following year?

WAC 392-121-182 requires a written student learning plan (WSLP) be in place and approved by a certificated teacher prior to the student being claimed for apportionment. However, the WAC does not specify limits or time frames regarding how far in advance a learning plan can be approved. 


  • Staff Turnover - If there was turnover in teaching staff between when the WSLP was approved and its start date, the new teacher hired for the school/program and assigned to the student would need to evaluate the learning plan and document their approval prior to the student being claimed for apportionment.
  • Change in Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) – If a student will / will no longer be sharing FTE with another school or program, the FTE and estimated weekly hours will be need to be adjusted at the start of the new school year.
  • Student’s residence – If a student moves out of district over the summer but is continuing in your program, a choice transfer must be processed and approved before the student may be claimed for apportionment.

Best Practice 
Beginning the WSLP process as the student completes their current or previous WSLP allows for the certificated teacher to make a more accurate determination regarding the student’s next academic goals. Preparing a new learning plan too far in advance will not accurately predict a student’s learning needs. The WSLP should always be reviewed at the beginning of the new school year for potential revision based upon the student’s gains or losses in skills over the summer, or other factors as listed above.

Upcoming Events

Northwest PBIS Conference
February 27 - March 1, 2019
Portland, OR
Register here

WALA Spring Conference
March 21-23, 2019
Suncadia Lodge
Register here

OSPI Student Support Conference
May 23-24, 2019
Wenatchee, WA
Additional information here

AWSP/WASA Summer Conference
June 30 - July 2, 2019
Spokane, WA
Additional information here