SHIBA News Flash -- Oct. 17, 2023

SHIBA News Flash
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PEBB open enrollment

Open enrollment for many retired Washington state employees and teachers is coming up. The date for eligible retirees is Nov. 1 through Nov. 30, 2023. SHIBA is not able to answer detailed questions about the plan offerings. Here are links for people who want to learn more about options, cost and coverage. 


2024 changes to coverage for Boeing retirees with Medicare

On Sept. 29, Boeing sent a letter to their retirees to notify them of changes to the Boeing-sponsored retiree medical plan option.  The new plan option will be Aetna Medicare Advantage ESA PPO Plan D, administered by Aetna. 

SHIBA has received some questions about this. Retirees should read their letter carefully and make sure they get all their questions answered by contacting the sources in the letter.  Boeing’s annual enrollment period is Nov. 1 through Nov. 22, 2023.

SHIBA can advise about Medicare options for Boeing retirees who choose to opt out of Boeing’s coverage. However, retirees should carefully consider their choices, because they generally won’t be able to get back into a Boeing-sponsored plan if they change their minds later.