SHIBA News Flash -- Jan. 5, 2018

SHIBA News Flash
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Apple Health now uses a single preferred drug list

As of Jan. 1, the Apple Health program (Medicaid), in partnership with managed care plans that serve Apple Health clients, are using a single list of preferred drugs. Clients on these plans will receive a letter and fact sheet telling them about this change and to contact their plan if they have questions. Note: This change only affects people NOT on Medicare and should not be confused with Medicare Part D.

New Medicare cards coming

Sample of the new Medicare card

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will start mailing out new Medicare cards this April and they'll no longer include Social Security numbers. The Social Security numbers will be replaced by a new Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI). Medicare will mail the cards to the beneficiary's address on file with the Social Security Administration, so remind your Medicare clients to make sure their contact information is accurate.

It will take CMS 12 months to mail out the new cards to everyone. During this time, remind clients Medicare will never request personal or private information, so be wary of anyone who contacts them about the new card or MBI. Once they receive the new card, destroy the old card immediately.