Public Hearing Notice: 2019-2020 Biennial Budget

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Lynnwood Washington

Mayor Smith recently issued her Proposed Biennial Budget for the years 2019 & 2020. During her presentation to the City Council and the community on October 8, she stated “this budget continues our steadfast commitment to fiscal sustainability, and supports our inspired plans for a positive future”.

The General Fund portion of the proposed budget is $111,370,670 (for a two-year period), which is $7.4 million less than the same budget for 2017-2018. Voter approval of the Regional Fire Authority (South County Fire) in 2017 has removed the Fire Department from the City’s budget.

Lynnwood’s adopted Financial Policies, robust financial forecasting, and industry best practices were used to develop a financially sustainable proposed budget for the years ahead. This proposed budget preserves current services and adds funding for expanded services based upon established goals. For example, the Proposed Biennial Budget provides funding for additional patrol and maintenance of our parks, additional resources for prompt responses to requests for public records, and for faster permit processing.

The City is planning to undertake $93 million worth of improvements to local streets, infrastructure for drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater, neighborhood parks, and other critical features. Most of this funding comes from outside sources specific to capital (infrastructure) improvements. Lynnwood has been particularly successful in winning sizable state and federal grants for critical infrastructure projects.

Public Hearings:

Public hearings on the Proposed Budget are scheduled for 7:00 pm on November 13 and 26, in the City Council Chambers. As part of the budget process, the City Council will also set the property tax levy for 2019. You are invited to participate and share your thoughts and suggestions. After the public hearings, City Council will deliberate on the proposed budget and adopt a balanced budget before the end of the year.

Together, we are Building Lynnwood’s Future!

The Proposed Biennial Budget for 2019-2020 is available for review at City Hall or online at For additional information, contact Corbitt Loch at 425-670-5406 or

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