Greetings from
This Friday is the fiscal committee cut-off,
which means that the Senate’s budget committee, Ways and Means, has until the
end of tomorrow to approve bills with budgetary implications. We have been working
long days in the committee all this week to hear public testimony on
legislation before deciding which bills to send to the Senate Rules Committee –
which sets the voting calendar for the full Senate.
Several of my bills are still in play this legislative
session, including a fix to the disastrous Hirst
decision, which has brought rural economic development to a halt. If you haven’t
been following this issue, it stems from a state Supreme Court ruling late last
year that turns decades of water law on its head, preventing families who want
to build in rural areas from obtaining water via household wells.
My legislation, Senate
Bill 5239, would ensure that water is
available to support families who don’t have the luxury of hooking up to
municipal water resources. The bill received a public hearing in the Senate
Ways and Means committee this past Tuesday. Click
here to watch the proceedings. There are clearly differences of opinion about
how we solve this problem. I think my approach provides a comprehensive
solution that addresses stakeholder concerns while ensuring that property
owners regain the ability to obtain water in a convenient and affordable way.
The consequences of inaction could mean hundreds of millions of dollars in
financial losses to the citizens of our state.
Managing our state’s
Two of my bills relating to livestock are still working
their way through the legislative process. Senate
Bill 5750 concerns livestock inspections. The changes it would make to the inspection
fees assessed by the state Department of Agriculture are aimed at helping the
beef industry thrive in our state. They have to do with collecting needed data
for animal disease traceability and are the result of working with industry
leaders to ensure ownership.
The second bill, Senate Bill 5793, also known as the Beef
Check Off, would make changes to the per-head assessment for the state’s Beef
Commission to increase funding to expand markets and help our beef industry be
more successful during what are challenging times for the industry. The bill
also requires that the commission provide a report to the Legislature on how
the funds are used to support this critical part of our state’s economy.
Protecting our
state’s vulnerable
In addition to my work on agricultural issues, I have a
passion for protecting our state’s vulnerable residents. Before this
legislative session, I served on several special committees looking at
Washington’s mental-health system as it relates to delivering critical services
to families and children. As a result I introduced Senate
Bill 5763, which would improve how the state coordinates mental health
services for low-income children and ensures there are enough mental health
professionals in our workforce.
Rural Economic
I met recently with representatives of Mitsubishi here in
Olympia. We discussed their ongoing efforts to boost employment opportunities
in our community. I look forward to their continued involvment
in our region.
It is an honor to serve as your state Senator. Please do not hesitate to reach out to my office with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your state government. Please watch your email, as I look forward to providing you with regular updates
throughout the session.
Judy Warnick,
13th District Senator
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