Participate in your democracy next session!

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Participate in your democracy next session!

Dear friends and neighbors,

I hope you enjoyed the summer and fall, and are getting ready for the holidays. As we head into the final weeks of the year, I want to take this opportunity to give you some information on ways you can participate this coming session, as well as information on our Page Program. I am also including a very short survey to learn about the issues that are important to you.

Ways to Participate in 2024

Chapman - engage 2024
  • broadcasts all debates and votes that happen in the House or Senate, as well as all committee meetings in both chambers.
  • TestifyGo here for an overview of the process, here for instructions on how to testify remotely, and here to sign in for hearings in the House or Senate.
  • Research —Look up any bill by number, lawmaker or topic here. To learn about the entire legislative process, click here.
  • Stay Informed — Visit my website and my official Facebook page.
  • Get in Touch — You can always reach my office by email:

Legislative Page Program – Applications are Open!

Do you know any 14-16 year-old students who are interested in state government and politics? Encourage them to check out the House page program!

Page Prog gif

Our state has one of the best Legislative Page programs in the country.

Paging presents students with a unique educational opportunity to participate in the legislative process as they:

  • Contribute to the efficient operation of the Legislature by providing assistance to the chamber during floor debates.
  • Receive daily civics instruction while attending the Legislative Page School.
  • Draft their own bills.
  • Participate in mock committee hearings, and more.

This program gives students an up-close look at government in action, while they are having fun, making friends with kids from different parts of the state, earning a stipend, and receiving community service hours.

Spots fill up quickly. Click here to apply.

The expense of traveling to and staying in Olympia for a week can restrict young people’s ability to participate in the page program, that’s why we created a scholarship to help offset costs for those who qualify.

Your 2024 Priorities

As we get closer to the end of the year and the beginning of next session, I’m reaching out to hear about your priorities. Please take this very short survey to help me identify key issues for the 2024 session.

Take survey blue button

I look forward to going over your responses and using them to inform my work next session.

As we wrap up the year, I want to thank you for taking the time to read my updates and for your interest in my work on your behalf. With the festive season just around the corner, I’d like to wish you a joyous holiday filled with warmth and laughter in the company of family and friends.

happy holidays and new year gif

May the spirit of the season bring you peace and happiness.


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LEG 132B | PO Box 40600 Olympia, WA 98504
(360) 786-7916 | Toll-Free Hotline: 1-800-562-6000 | 1-800-635-9993 (TTY)

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