House Legislative Meeting Schedule for the Week of 2/10

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House Legislative Meeting Schedule for the Week of 2/10

Monday, February 10, 2025
Time Committee Location
1:30 PM Community Safety (H) House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
Education (H) House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
Environment & Energy (H) House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
Housing (H) House Hearing Rm C and Virtual
4:00 PM Appropriations (H) House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
Transportation (H) House Hearing Rm B and Virtual

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Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Time Committee Location
8:00 AM Finance (H) House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
10:30 AM Agriculture & Natural Resources (H) House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
Civil Rights & Judiciary (H) House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
Labor & Workplace Standards (H) House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
Local Government (H) House Hearing Rm E and Virtual
Technology, Economic Development, & Veterans (H) House Hearing Rm C and Virtual
1:30 PM Consumer Protection & Business (H) House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
Early Learning & Human Services (H) House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
Health Care & Wellness (H) House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
Postsecondary Education & Workforce (H) House Hearing Rm C and Virtual
State Government & Tribal Relations (H) House Hearing Rm E and Virtual
4:00 PM Community Safety (H) House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
Education (H) House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
Environment & Energy (H) House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
Housing (H) House Hearing Rm C and Virtual

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Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Time Committee Location
8:00 AM Agriculture & Natural Resources (H) House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
Civil Rights & Judiciary (H) House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
Labor & Workplace Standards (H) House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
Local Government (H) House Hearing Rm E and Virtual
Technology, Economic Development, & Veterans (H) House Hearing Rm C and Virtual
1:30 PM Consumer Protection & Business (H) House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
Early Learning & Human Services (H) House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
Health Care & Wellness (H) House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
Postsecondary Education & Workforce (H) House Hearing Rm C and Virtual
State Government & Tribal Relations (H) House Hearing Rm E and Virtual
4:00 PM Appropriations (H) House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
Transportation (H) House Hearing Rm B and Virtual

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Thursday, February 13, 2025
Time Committee Location
8:00 AM Community Safety (H) House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
Education (H) House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
Environment & Energy (H) House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
Housing (H) House Hearing Rm C and Virtual
1:30 PM Capital Budget (H) House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
Finance (H) House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
4:00 PM Appropriations (H) House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
Transportation (H) House Hearing Rm B and Virtual

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Friday, February 14, 2025
Time Committee Location
8:00 AM Consumer Protection & Business (H) House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
Early Learning & Human Services (H) House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
Health Care & Wellness (H) House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
State Government & Tribal Relations (H) House Hearing Rm E and Virtual
10:30 AM Agriculture & Natural Resources (H) House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
Civil Rights & Judiciary (H) House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
Labor & Workplace Standards (H) House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
Local Government (H) House Hearing Rm E and Virtual
Technology, Economic Development, & Veterans (H) House Hearing Rm C and Virtual

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Agriculture & Natural Resources
2/11/2025 10:30 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1553 - Extending the dairy inspection program until June 30, 2031. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1588 - Expanding opportunities for organic, regenerative, climate-smart, and sustainable producers. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1775 - Prohibiting activities related to the production and manufacturing of fur products. (Remote Testimony Available).

Executive Session: HB 1325 - Expanding enforcement options for certain fish and wildlife violations.

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Agriculture & Natural Resources
2/12/2025 8:00 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1539 - Addressing wildfire protection and mitigation. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1563 - Establishing a prescribed fire claims fund pilot program. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1758 - Calculating the inflation rate for aquatic land leases. (Remote Testimony Available).

Executive Session:
1.   HB 1553 - Extending the dairy inspection program until June 30, 2031.
2.   HB 1735 - Prohibiting the force-feeding of birds.

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Agriculture & Natural Resources
2/14/2025 10:30 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1608 - Concerning the selling, possessing, transporting, and distributing of farmed octopus. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1609 - Promoting efficient administration of state education agencies. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1707 - Establishing a review process before the state noxious weed control board may list certain agricultural crops as noxious weeds. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1825 - Concerning grizzly bear management. (Remote Testimony Available).

Executive Session:
1.   HB 1539 - Addressing wildfire protection and mitigation.
2.   HB 1563 - Establishing a prescribed fire claims fund pilot program.
3.   HB 1758 - Calculating the inflation rate for aquatic land leases.

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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2/10/2025 4:00 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Possible Executive Session:
1.   HB 1102 - Increasing support and services for veterans.
2.   HB 1114 - Concerning the respiratory care interstate compact.
3.   HB 1144 - Adding an additional superior court judge in Skagit county.
4.   HB 1217 - Improving housing stability for tenants subject to the residential landlord-tenant act and the manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act by limiting rent and fee increases, requiring notice of rent and fee increases, limiting fees and deposits, establishing a landlord resource center and associated services, authorizing tenant lease termination, creating parity between lease types, and providing for attorney general enforcement.
5.   HB 1540 - Expanding eligibility for the students experiencing homelessness and foster youth program to an accredited tribal college.

Public Hearing:
1.   SHB 1057 - Promoting economic development by increasing support for local communities to access federal funds. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1068 - Removing the exclusion from interest arbitration of Washington management service employees at the department of corrections. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1105 - Exempting exclusive bargaining representatives for department of corrections employees from certain provisions related to coalition bargaining. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1642 - Providing additional plan choice to members of the teachers' retirement system plans 2 and 3, the school employees' retirement system plans 2 and 3, and the public employees' retirement systems plans 2 and 3. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

2/12/2025 4:00 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   SHB 1096 - Increasing housing options through lot splitting. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   SHB 1195 - Concerning compliance with siting, development permit processes and standards, and requirements for permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, indoor emergency housing, or indoor emergency shelters. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1275 - Establishing department authority to ensure payment is received from the self-insured employer after a self-insured group or municipal employer has their self-insurer certification withdrawn. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1380 - Allowing objectively reasonable regulation of the utilization of public property. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

2/13/2025 4:00 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   SHB 1154 - Ensuring environmental and public health protection from solid waste handling facility operations. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1392 - Creating the medicaid access program. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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Capital Budget
2/13/2025 1:30 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   SHB 1024 - Concerning the leasing authority of the state parks and recreation commission at St. Edward State Park. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1461 - Concerning contracts for materials or work required by joint operating agencies. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1726 - Prioritizing lumber procured from Washington state lumber mills for the purpose of public works projects. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1734 - Concerning outdoor learning grants to expand and improve the delivery of outdoor learning opportunities. (Remote Testimony Available).
5.   HB 1796 - Concerning school districts' authority to contract indebtedness for school construction. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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Civil Rights & Judiciary
2/11/2025 10:30 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1733 - Increasing the reimbursement cap for moving and relocation expenses incurred by persons affected by agency displacements. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1731 - Regarding unclaimed property held by a museum or historical society. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1056 - Concerning law enforcement and local corrections agency misconduct through investigations and legal actions. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Civil Rights & Judiciary
2/12/2025 8:00 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session:
1.   HB 1297 - Reporting self-employed workers to the division of child support.
2.   HB 1174 - Concerning court interpreters.

Public Hearing: HB 1743 - Enhancing opportunities for community-based providers to provide health care services in carceral settings. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Civil Rights & Judiciary
2/14/2025 10:30 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session:
1.   HB 1361 - Updating process service requirements.
2.   HB 1507 - Limiting health care nondisclosure agreements.
3.   HB 1207 - Concerning superior court clerk fees.
4.   HB 1733 - Increasing the reimbursement cap for moving and relocation expenses incurred by persons affected by agency displacements.
5.   HB 1731 - Regarding unclaimed property held by a museum or historical society.

To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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Community Safety
2/10/2025 1:30 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session:
1.   HB 1113 - Concerning accountability and access to services for individuals charged with a misdemeanor.
2.   HB 1180 - Implementing certain recommendations from the sex offender policy board concerning the criminal offense of failure to register.
3.   HB 1220 - Concerning appropriate response to assaults by individuals in behavioral health crisis.
4.   HB 1228 - Concerning toxicology testing by certified or accredited laboratories.

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1276 - Concerning organized retail theft. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1512 - Improving traffic safety. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1591 - Providing remedies for defendant survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, or human trafficking. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Community Safety
2/11/2025 4:00 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session:
1.   HB 1232 - Concerning private detention facilities.
2.   HB 1265 - Concerning commercial sexual exploitation.
3.   HB 1457 - Requiring electronic monitoring of sexually violent predators granted conditional release.

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1139 - Promoting public safety and deterring unlawful firearm possession by increasing criminal penalties for unlawful possession of a firearm. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1736 - Concerning procedures and requirements for reporting and investigating missing persons. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1829 - Concerning tribal warrants. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Community Safety
2/13/2025 8:00 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session:
1.   HB 1205 - Prohibiting the knowing distribution of a forged digital likeness.
2.   HB 1396 - Increasing transparency and accountability of the office of corrections ombuds.
3.   HB 1484 - Concerning exceptional sentences for offenses which result in the pregnancy of a victim of rape.
4.   HB 1604 - Providing parameters for conducting searches of transgender and intersex individuals confined in a local jail in compliance with federal law.

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1252 - Concerning pretrial release. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1574 - Protecting access to life-saving care and substance use services. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1668 - Concerning community custody. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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Consumer Protection & Business
2/11/2025 1:30 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1636 - Eliminating the per transaction limit for wine and spirit sales. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1698 - Updating liquor permit and licensing provisions. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1701 - Authorizing multiple liquor licensees to have licensed premises within a facility owned and leased out by another liquor licensee or person. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1719 - Concerning events conducted by liquor manufacturers and retailers. (Remote Testimony Available).
5.   HB 1807 - Regarding catered events with alcohol. (Remote Testimony Available).

Possible Executive Session:
1.   HB 1347 - Concerning cannabis testing laboratories.
2.   HB 1449 - Legalizing the home cultivation of cannabis by persons who are 21 years of age and older.
3.   HB 1515 - Modernizing the regulation of alcohol service in public spaces.
4.   HB 1602 - Addressing food service options for liquor licensees.

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Consumer Protection & Business
2/12/2025 1:30 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1645 - Enhancing consumer protections for automobile insurance coverage. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1748 - Conducting a study of credit history, credit-based insurance scores, and other rate factors in making rates for personal insurance. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1714 - Enabling opportunities for risk pooling by small businesses for property and liability risks. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1793 - Modifying reports of fire losses. (Remote Testimony Available).

Possible Executive Session:
1.   HB 1346 - Removing cannabis industry barriers.
2.   HB 1348 - Concerning employee ownership of licensed cannabis businesses.
3.   HB 1410 - Concerning the suspension of inactive cannabis producer licenses.
4.   HB 1551 - Extending the cannabis social equity program.
5.   HB 1431 - Concerning rental car company agreements.
6.   HB 1453 - Protecting consumers by increasing penalties for scrap metal businesses who purchase stolen copper from telecommunication cables.
7.   HB 1599 - Concerning consumer debt adjusters and debt resolution services providers.

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Consumer Protection & Business
2/14/2025 8:00 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1721 - Concerning manufacturers and vehicle dealers. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1464 - Concerning home equity sharing agreements. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1760 - Removing barriers for organizations selling manufactured homes to low-income households. (Remote Testimony Available).

Possible Executive Session:
1.   HB 1505 - Correcting obsolete or erroneous references in statutes administered by the insurance commissioner.
2.   HB 1530 - Modernizing payment systems by expanding consumer-friendly transaction options for registered tow truck operators and regulated businesses.
3.   HB 1516 - Conducting a study of insurance coverage options for permanently affordable homeownership units.

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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Early Learning & Human Services
2/11/2025 1:30 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1463 - Expanding time limit exemptions applicable to cash assistance programs. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1493 - Concerning the age at which clients of the developmental disabilities administration may receive employment and community inclusion services. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1509 - Concerning family reconciliation services. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Early Learning & Human Services
2/12/2025 1:30 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1033 - Authorizing local licensing and regulation of child care providers. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1363 - Modifying licensing requirements for child care and early learning providers. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1660 - Reporting information related to racial disproportionality in child welfare. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Early Learning & Human Services
2/14/2025 8:00 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session:
1.   HB 1171 - Exempting attorney higher education employees from certain mandated reporting of child abuse and neglect.
2.   HB 1322 - Improving outcomes for individuals adjudicated of juvenile offenses by increasing opportunities for community placement options and refining procedural requirements.
3.   HB 1385 - Concerning fingerprint background check on applicants.
4.   HB 1490 - Concerning fingerprint-based background checks.

To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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2/10/2025 1:30 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1634 - Providing school districts and public schools with assistance to coordinate comprehensive behavioral health supports for students. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1683 - Adjusting school director districts. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1709 - Addressing the care of students with adrenal insufficiency by parent-designated adults. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1795 - Addressing restraint or isolation of students in public schools and educational programs. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

2/11/2025 4:00 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1167 - Directing the statewide career and technical education task force to consider educational opportunities for careers in maritime professions. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1414 - Improving access to career opportunities for students. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1662 - Removing the requirement for certain education agencies to reside in the office of the superintendent of public instruction for administrative purposes and by making other necessary changes to support independent administration of each agency. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1830 - Concerning record checks for certain volunteers and contractors who will have access to children or persons with developmental disabilities. (Remote Testimony Available).
5.   HB 1832 - Improving student performance and success. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

2/13/2025 8:00 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1393 - Providing public school students with opportunities for cultural expression at commencement ceremonies. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1817 - Supporting survivors of sexual assault in public elementary and secondary schools. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1827 - Concerning the effective delivery and administration of basic education services to justice-involved students. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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Environment & Energy
2/10/2025 1:30 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1847 - Prioritizing the development of distributed alternative energy resources in targeted circumstances. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1598 - Concerning fair access to community solar. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1804 - Improving accessibility of community solar projects in Washington state. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1871 - Incentivizing grid-connected residential battery energy storage systems. (Remote Testimony Available). (If measure is referred to committee.)

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Environment & Energy
2/11/2025 4:00 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1756 - Concerning lead in cookware. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1819 - Increasing transmission capacity. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1857 - Concerning asbestos-containing building materials. (Remote Testimony Available).

Executive Session:
1.   HB 1150 - Improving Washington's solid waste management outcomes.
2.   HB 1071 - Implementing strategies to achieve higher recycling rates within Washington's existing solid waste management system.
3.   HB 1303 - Increasing environmental justice by improving government decisions.
4.   HB 1615 - Increasing consistency in the classifications of water systems.
5.   HB 1670 - Increasing transparency regarding sewage-containing spills.

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Environment & Energy
2/13/2025 8:00 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1856 - Concerning the compliance obligation under the climate commitment act for certain municipal gas utilities. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1842 - Allowing public utility districts to form, own, or use captive insurers. (Remote Testimony Available).

Possible Executive Session:
1.   HB 1420 - Establishing producer responsibility for textiles.
2.   HB 1652 - Reducing environmental impacts associated with the operation of certain ocean-going vessels.
3.   HB 1656 - Authorizing electrical companies to securitize certain wildfire-related costs to lower costs to customers.
4.   HB 1689 - Adopting emission standards for ocean-going vessels at berth.
5.   HB 1712 - Allowing the use of electricity generated by qualified biomass facilities in the Pacific Northwest to meet renewable resource requirements.

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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2/11/2025 8:00 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1356 - Concerning K-12 funding. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1334 - Modifying the annual regular property tax revenue growth limit. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1043 - Extending the commute trip reduction tax credit. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1127 - Modifying provisions of the revised uniform unclaimed property act. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

2/13/2025 1:30 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1641 - Amending the definition of timberland for purposes of determining the real property excise tax for a governmental entity. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1867 - Allowing counties or cities to impose a real estate excise tax for the purpose of developing affordable housing, subject to the will of the voters. (Remote Testimony Available). (If measure is referred to committee.)
3.   HB 1650 - Concerning the addition of airport capital projects as an allowable use of local real estate excise tax revenues. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1791 - Increasing the flexibility of existing funding sources to fund public safety and other facilities by modifying the local real estate excise tax. (Remote Testimony Available).
5.   HB 1694 - Concerning revenues from the excise tax on real estate transactions imposed by cities and counties under RCW 82.46.035. (Remote Testimony Available).
6.   HB 1042 - Authorizing cost recovery for county treasurers. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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Health Care & Wellness
2/11/2025 1:30 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1422 - Modifying the drug take-back program. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1706 - Aligning the implementation of application programming interfaces for prior authorization with federal guidelines. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1720 - Expanding the types of medication assistance that may be provided to residents of community-based care settings. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1784 - Concerning certified medical assistants. (Remote Testimony Available).
5.   HB 1813 - Concerning the reprocurement of medical assistance services, including the realignment of behavioral health crisis services for medicaid enrollees. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Health Care & Wellness
2/12/2025 1:30 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1640 - Placing licenses issued in chapters 18.71B and 18.71C RCW under the authority of the uniform disciplinary act. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1686 - Creating a health care entity registry. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1718 - Concerning well-being programs for certain health care professionals. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1725 - Increasing access to biosimilar medicines. (Remote Testimony Available).
5.   HB 1766 - Prohibiting certain contracting practices by a health carrier acting as a third-party administrator for self-insured coverage offered to public employees. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Health Care & Wellness
2/14/2025 8:00 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1755 - Exempting elective percutaneous coronary intervention performed in certain hospitals owned or operated by a state entity from certificate of need requirements. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1809 - Professionalizing first responders and co-responders through training and reimbursement for behavioral health emergency response. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1811 - Enhancing crisis response services through co-response integration and support. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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2/10/2025 1:30 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm C and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1696 - Modifying the covenant homeownership program. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1732 - Preserving homeownership options by limiting excessive home buying by certain entities. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1768 - Preserving manufactured housing communities by limiting purchases by certain entities. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

2/11/2025 4:00 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm C and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session:
1.   HB 1491 - Promoting transit-oriented housing development.
2.   HB 1500 - Concerning resale certificates for units in common interest communities.
3.   HB 1501 - Concerning inquiries into association governance or operations by unit owners in common interest communities.
4.   HB 1542 - Concerning senior independent housing.
5.   HB 1687 - Concerning social housing public development authorities.

To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

2/13/2025 8:00 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm C and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing: HB 1808 - Creating an affordable homeownership revolving loan fund program. (Remote Testimony Available).

Executive Session: HB 1757 - Modifying regulations for existing buildings used for residential purposes.

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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Labor & Workplace Standards
2/11/2025 10:30 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1672 - Addressing technology used by employers in the workplace. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1682 - Concerning part-time workers in the unemployment insurance system. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1747 - Expanding protections for applicants and employees under the Washington fair chance act. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1764 - Concerning labor standards. (Remote Testimony Available).
5.   HB 1843 - Concerning students' eligibility to receive unemployment insurance benefits. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Labor & Workplace Standards
2/12/2025 8:00 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1722 - Reviewing state restrictions affecting students participating in secondary career and technical education programs and other state-approved career pathways. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1739 - Regulating the use of self-service checkout stations. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1788 - Concerning workers' compensation benefits. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1821 - Expanding the definition of "interested party" for the purposes of prevailing wage laws. (Remote Testimony Available).
5.   HB 1879 - Concerning meal and rest breaks for hospital workers. (Remote Testimony Available). (If measure is referred to committee.)

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Labor & Workplace Standards
2/14/2025 10:30 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm D and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Possible Executive Session:
1.   HB 1121 - Concerning restrictions on the working conditions and hours of sixteen- and seventeen-year olds.
2.   HB 1313 - Addressing mass layoffs, relocations, and terminations.
3.   HB 1533 - Allowing a specialty electrician to continue working under a valid specialty certificate of competency while enrolled in a journey level apprenticeship program.
4.   HB 1549 - Modifying the responsible bidder criteria for public works projects.
5.   HB 1570 - Concerning collective bargaining for certain employees who are enrolled in academic programs at public institutions of higher education.
6.   HB 1622 - Allowing bargaining over matters related to the use of artificial intelligence.
7.   HB 1623 - Prohibiting deductions for credit card transaction processing fees from employee tips.
8.   HB 1644 - Concerning the safety and health of working minors.
9.   HB 1773 - Creating a wage replacement program for certain Washington workers excluded from unemployment insurance.

To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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Local Government
2/11/2025 10:30 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm E and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1690 - Assessing the state's existing water and sewer systems. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1814 - Streamlining certain decisions pertaining to the development or extension of a trail or path from the state environmental policy act. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1700 - Concerning the timing of updates for comprehensive plans and development regulations. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1798 - Enabling county auditors and county treasurers to have designees appointed to firefighters' pension boards. (Remote Testimony Available).
5.   HB 1818 - Concerning the administration of plats. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Local Government
2/12/2025 8:00 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm E and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1695 - Concerning unincorporated villages in the growth management act. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1654 - Concerning the administration of the international fire code. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1854 - Authorizing subdivision of land in rural areas for families. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Local Government
2/14/2025 10:30 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm E and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Possible Executive Session:
1.   HB 1690 - Assessing the state's existing water and sewer systems.
2.   HB 1654 - Concerning the administration of the international fire code.
3.   HB 1814 - Streamlining certain decisions pertaining to the development or extension of a trail or path from the state environmental policy act.
4.   HB 1695 - Concerning unincorporated villages in the growth management act.
5.   HB 1700 - Concerning the timing of updates for comprehensive plans and development regulations.
6.   HB 1798 - Enabling county auditors and county treasurers to have designees appointed to firefighters' pension boards.
7.   HB 1818 - Concerning the administration of plats.

To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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Postsecondary Education & Workforce
2/11/2025 1:30 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm C and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Possible Executive Session:
1.   HB 1554 - Providing equity in eligibility for the college bound scholarship.
2.   HB 1556 - Expanding tuition waivers for high school completers at community and technical colleges.
3.   HB 1557 - Establishing the Washington guaranteed admissions program and requiring student notifications.
4.   HB 1565 - Continuing the Washington dual enrollment scholarship.
5.   HB 1587 - Encouraging local government partner promise scholarship programs within the opportunity scholarship program.
6.   HB 1657 - Establishing the Washington 13 free guarantee.

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1777 - Concerning the requirements and process for approving and registering apprenticeship programs. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1783 - Concerning law enforcement officers participating in college and technical school programs. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Postsecondary Education & Workforce
2/12/2025 1:30 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm C and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1485 - Increasing the annual limit of services and activities fees at institutions of higher education. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1486 - Adding a student member to the state board for community and technical colleges. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1572 - Modifying higher education accreditation standards. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1705 - Convening a work group to study and recommend strategies to recruit, train, and retain large animal veterinarians. (Remote Testimony Available).
5.   HB 1762 - Prohibiting institutions of higher education from requiring students to live on campus. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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State Government & Tribal Relations
2/11/2025 1:30 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm E and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session:
1.   HB 1196 - Revoking a person's voting rights only when convicted of a state crime punishable by death.
2.   HB 1710 - Concerning compliance with the Washington voting rights act of 2018.
3.   HB 1750 - Creating guidelines for voter suppression and vote dilution claims under the Washington voting rights act.

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1745 - Ensuring election integrity at the county level. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1446 - Changing the state holiday called Presidents' Day to George Washington's Birthday (observed). (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

State Government & Tribal Relations
2/12/2025 1:30 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm E and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session:
1.   HB 1610 - Concerning the disclosure of critical energy infrastructure information.
2.   HB 1759 - Designating the twelfth day of December as the day of the 12s.
3.   HCR 4403 - Renaming the Joel Pritchard State Library.

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1692 - Exempting certain data related to American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Indian tribes from public inspection and copying. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1765 - Exempting email addresses of individuals who subscribe to regular communications and updates from local agencies. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1782 - Amending the timeline for reporting campaign contributions and expenditures. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

State Government & Tribal Relations
2/14/2025 8:00 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm E and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Work Session: Emerging issues in state government.

To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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Technology, Economic Development, & Veterans
2/11/2025 10:30 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm C and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session:
1.   HB 1483 - Supporting the servicing and right to repair of certain products with digital electronics in a secure and reliable manner.
2.   HB 1541 - Concerning the veterans affairs advisory committee.
3.   HB 1625 - Supporting back country search and rescue organizations and volunteers through the creation of the back country search and rescue grant program.

To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Technology, Economic Development, & Veterans
2/12/2025 8:00 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm C and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing: HB 1738 - Ensuring access to state benefits and opportunities for veterans, uniformed service members, and military spouses. (Remote Testimony Available).

Executive Session:
1.   HB 1503 - Furthering digital equity and opportunity in Washington state.
2.   HB 1595 - Creating a five-year statewide economic development plan.

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

Technology, Economic Development, & Veterans
2/14/2025 10:30 AM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm C and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Executive Session: HB 1671 - Protecting personal data privacy.

To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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2/10/2025 4:00 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:
1.   HB 1772 - Establishing shared streets. (Remote Testimony Available).
2.   HB 1774 - Modifying allowable terms for the lease of unused highway land. (Remote Testimony Available).
3.   HB 1822 - Establishing a driver work zone and first responder safety course requirement. (Remote Testimony Available).
4.   HB 1823 - Modifying transportation improvement board provisions. (Remote Testimony Available).
5.   HB 1837 - Establishing intercity passenger rail improvement priorities. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

2/12/2025 4:00 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Possible Executive Session: HB 1653 - Concerning payments to tow truck operators for the release of vehicles to indigent citizens.

To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

2/13/2025 4:00 PM
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B and Virtual
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing: HB 1846 - Modifying the fee disposition for the Seattle Sounders FC special license plate. (Remote Testimony Available).

See for information about viewing and providing public testimony at committee meetings. To view committee meetings or access the committee meeting documents, visit the Legislature's committee schedules, agendas, and documents website:

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