Key Takeaways from the January 9 JLARC Meeting

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JLARC Meeting Highlights

The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee met on January 9, 2025. Here's what you should know:


Senator Salomon and Senator Wagoner were elected to JLARC executive committee

Senators Jesse Salomon and Keith Wagoner will serve as chair and secretary, respectively, through this biennium.

The committee thanked the outgoing chair and secretary, Senators Mark Mullet and Lynda Wilson, respectively, for their many years of service and dedication to nonpartisan performance evaluation.



JLARC members heard a report on the Developmental Disabilities Administration

JLARC staff presented the preliminary report about the Developmental Disabilities Administration’s (DDA) processes and staffing. DDA is part of the Department of Social and Health Services. Its responsibilities include helping people with developmental disabilities access services in their community.

Members asked JLARC staff questions about DDA’s client assessment process, how other states determine case management ratios, and about whether there are demographic disparities between the groups of DDA clients who are receiving paid services and those who are not.

Full report | One-page overview | 90-second video

Why it matters:

  • DDA has not systematically analyzed how well its process helps people become clients and access services. Clients say the process can be long and confusing.
  • DDA lacks adequate procedures, documentation, and quality reviews to ensure its published data is accurate and reliable.
  • DDA’s approach to determining the appropriate case manager to client ratio is not based on workforce planning best practices.
  • The Legislative Auditor recommends that DDA should develop performance metrics to evaluate how well its process works, implement quality controls to ensure the reliability and accuracy of its data, and use a workforce planning approach to determine the number of case managers it needs.

Next steps:

  • DDA will give its official response to the report recommendations.
  • JLARC staff will include the response in a proposed final report, to be issued in May 2025.




Paid Family and Medical Leave program report approved for distribution

JLARC staff presented the proposed final report on the Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) program.

  • Staff presented the preliminary report in November 2024.
  • The Legislative Auditor recommends that the Legislature change the rate-setting approach and that the Employment Security Department (ESD) improve its program administration.
  • ESD agreed with the recommendations.

During the presentation, members asked representatives from ESD about call center management, employer audits, and employer compliance with the PFML program.

Full report | One-page overview | 90-second video




Two reports on special education approved for distribution

JLARC staff presented two proposed final reports on special education. One report addresses service delivery and access. The other addresses funding formulas and spending.

  • Staff presented the preliminary report in December 2024.
  • National experts identify six strategies to increase the number of students served in general education classrooms, which is known as inclusion. Washington uses elements of these strategies, but implementation is not coordinated across all districts statewide.

Each report includes a recommendation to the Legislature:

  • For service delivery and access, the Legislative Auditor recommends that if the Legislature wants to improve inclusion, it should state its public policy objective.
  • For funding formulas and spending, the Legislative Auditor recommends that if the Legislature wants to align special education funding with the needs of students and district spending, it should consider changing the current funding approach.

During the presentation, members asked JLARC staff and the study consultant about how regionalization factors might drive variations in special education funding and whether changes in the enrollment cap have increased funding for some districts. They also asked whether changes to the funding formulas based on services provided to students could decrease or eliminate variations in funding.

Service Delivery and Access: Full report | One-page overview | 2-minute video

Funding Formulas and Spending: Full report | One-page overview | 90-second video




2023 public records data is available in interactive dashboards

The committee received a briefing on the ongoing public records data collection effort.

  • State and local agencies submit data to JLARC staff each year based on metrics in RCW 40.14.026.
  • JLARC staff compile the data but do not independently verify the information that agencies submit.
  • 653 agencies responded to JLARC staff, and 1,759 agencies did not.

Briefing report | Overview dashboard

Members asked JLARC staff whether the agencies provided more detailed data about public records court cases or the types of public records requesters.




JLARC's next meeting will be on May 14 and will include:



Find more information about JLARC here.


Eric Thomas
Legislative Auditor (he/him)
Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee, WA State Legislature | (360) 786-5182 |

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