Agenda Update; Senate Labor & Commerce

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Removed Public Hearing on SHB 1200: Requiring public employers to provide employee information to exclusive bargaining representatives. (Remote Testimony Available) and SHB 1323: Requiring a training and certification program for individuals who apply fire-resistant materials. (Remote Testimony Available).
Added to Executive Session: ESHB 1106, E2SHB 1320, SHB 1068, SHB 1521, HB 1684, 2SHB 1491, SHB 1217, 2SHB 1762, and ESHB 1050.
Removed from Executive Session: HB 1772 - Prohibiting products that combine alcohol and tetrahydrocannabinol.
Labor & Commerce - 3/23/2023 8:00 AM

Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 1 and Virtual
J.A. Cherberg
Olympia, WA

REVISED ON 3/16/2023 AT 3:00 PM

Executive Session:
1.   HB 1563 - Concerning arrest protections for the medical use of cannabis.
2.   ESHB 1731 - Concerning complimentary liquor by short-term rental operators.
3.   HB 1730 - Allowing people 18 years of age or older to work in certain 21 year and older establishments.
4.   ESHB 1106 - Concerning qualifications for unemployment insurance when an individual voluntarily leaves work.
5.   E2SHB 1320 - Concerning access to personnel records.
6.   SHB 1068 - Concerning injured workers' rights during compelled medical examinations.
7.   SHB 1521 - Concerning the duties of industrial insurance self-insured employers and third-party administrators.
8.   HB 1684 - Clarifying procedures for federally recognized tribes to report standard occupational classifications or job titles of workers under the employment security act.
9.   2SHB 1491 - Prohibiting unjustified employer searches of employee personal vehicles.
10.   SHB 1217 - Concerning wage complaints.
11.   2SHB 1762 - Protecting warehouse employees.
12.   ESHB 1050 - Expanding apprenticeship utilization requirements.

Possible other business.

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