Agenda Update; Senate Labor & Commerce

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Added Executive Session on SB 6053.
Added to Public Hearing: Concerning adult entertainers [S-5403.1].
Removed from Public Hearing: SB 6085 - Expanding opportunities for marijuana businesses by removing residency barriers and providing access to capital for minority and women-owned businesses through a fee on certain investments.
Labor & Commerce - 1/23/2020 8:00 AM

Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 1
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA

REVISED ON 1/16/2020 AT 3:59 PM

Public Hearing:
1.   SB 6393 - Concerning cannabis industry workplace standards.
2.   SB 6057 - Concerning price differentials in the sale of marijuana.
3.   SB 6033 - Concerning the safety and security of retail marijuana outlets.
4.   SB 6269 - Authorizing marijuana retailers to sell cannabidiol products.
5.   SB 6188 - Concerning the consumption of alcohol for certain special events held on agricultural fairgrounds.
6.   Concerning adult entertainers [S-5403.1].

Executive Session: SB 6053 - Establishing wage liens.

Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Possible other business. Committee meeting documents can be accessed through the committee's website:

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