Hello Cannabis Licensee,
The Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) Research Program has developed a short, anonymous, online survey for cannabis retail licensees and employees. The survey results will help LCB understand budtender roles and how to better support cannabis education efforts in Washington State.
Click here to take the survey or copy and paste the following link into your browser: http://tiny.cc/27euzz
We value your and your team’s feedback. Please help us promote this survey to your retail employees, such as sending an email to your staff or posting the attached flyer in an area where employees will see it. We want to hear from you and your employees!
Attached below is a flyer and a FAQs document that can be shared.
Once data collection has been completed, the LCB Research Program will share key takeaways from the survey results with you.
If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact the LCB Research Program at: lcbresearch@lcb.wa.gov.