Measuring Plant Canopy -- A Reminder

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July 2, 2024

To:  Cannabis Industry

Fr:   Enforcement and Education Division Director Chandra Wax

Re:  Plant Canopy Reminder 


We have officially entered summer and are looking forward to sunny weather! With that in mind we wanted to send out a brief reminder about canopy compliance.


Plant canopy is the square footage dedicated to live plant production (WAC 314-55-010)


Plant canopy cannot exceed the amount licensed (WAC 314-55-075 (6))

  • Tier 1 – Less than four thousand square feet
  • Tier 2 – Four thousand square feet up to ten thousand square feet
  • Tier 3 – Ten thousand square feet up to thirty thousand square feet

Plant Canopy includes:

  • The space between plants that allow:
    • Airflow
    • Light
    • Growth
    • Access for watering
    • Trimming
  • Dedicated clone and mother plant production areas.
  • Dedicated plant production areas including pathways, walkways and empty space between rows
  • Propagation that occurs in a multiple level structure, each level will be calculated as part of the total canopy

Plant Canopy does not include:

  • Vehicle access roads
  • Completely fallow areas where no cannabis plant propagation or growth is occurring

For more information, please refer to the Measuring Plant Canopy Guide or contact your compliance consultant.


Have a safe and compliant growing season!