New Version of CCRS to Rollout Jan. 9, 2023 -- Important Info for ALL Licensees, Labs and Integrators

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December 21, 2022

CCRS: Six Important Updates for Licensees, Labs and Integrators

Good afternoon,

This message is to remind you that the LCB is rolling out a new system update to CCRS on Jan. 9, 2023 at 12:01 a.m. This update will include streamlining that has been requested by the industry after launching CCRS a year ago. The update requires some process changes and action by licensees, labs and integrators, and now is the time to practice in the PREproduction environment and prepare for this update.

Key information is listed and linked below. Please take note. All new files and instructions described below can be found on the CCRS Resources Page.

1. Updated .CSV files and valid values
On Jan. 9, 2023, the Manifest webform, Strain.CSV and Plant.CSV files currently in use will no longer be accepted in CCRS. If an old .CSV format (those currently used in CCRS) is used on or after Jan. 9, the upload will fail.

  • Specific .CSV file modifications (in addition to the manifest):
    • Removed harvest cycle field from the .CSV.
    • Addition of license number field to .CSV.
  • Modifications in compliance with state law HB 1210 (changing the word “marijuana” to “cannabis”):
    • Changes to the .CSV valid values for propagation material, harvested material, intermediate product and end product.
    • NOTE: Any user-defined names (such as strain name) can still use the word (or variations of) “marijuana.”

2. Current reporting requirements and files still apply until Jan. 9

  • Until Jan. 9, the old files for Strain.CSV, Plant.CSV and the Manifest webform must still be used to meet reporting requirements.

3. New Manifest.CSV file will replace current webform

  • Starting Jan. 9, all manifests must be submitted via the Manifest.CSV and the Manifest webform will no longer be in use.

4. Users will now be notified via email of successful Manifest.CSV uploads.

  • On Jan. 9, CCRS will inform the sender, receiver, integrator (as appropriate) and transporter (as appropriate) of a successful CSV file upload. The manifest file, in PDF format, will be attached to the email.

5. Existing strains must be uploaded using new Strain.CSV file

  • All licensees will need to re-upload all existing strains using the new Strain.CSV report on Jan. 9.
    • We expect there will be little impact to already uploaded inventory, product and plant records, as long as the Strain.CSV used the same strain information that was submitted prior with the addition of the license number.
    • More detailed instructions on this process will be available closer to the Jan. 9 launch date.

6. You can "practice" now through Jan. 8

  • The CCRS PREproduction environment is currently available to practice using the new file formats (for manifest, strain and plant) before release on Jan. 9.
  • The new files will ONLY work in the PREproduction environment from now through Jan. 8. 
  • We encourage your feedback! Please let us know about your experience using the files for upload and new user resources. 

All new formats and detailed instructions can be found on the CCRS Resources Page.

For further information and commonly asked questions, please visit the CCRS FAQ Page.

If you have any questions or run into any challenges with the PREproduction processes, resources, or regular CCRS production, please contact


Thank you,

CCRS Project Team