Update on “Joints for Jabs” Vaccine Promotions

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June 17, 2021

To: Cannabis Retailers

Fr: Liquor and Cannabis Board

Re: Update on “Joints for Jabs” Vaccine Promotions


Quick clarification to licensed cannabis retailers -- you may use your store’s parking lot to host a vaccination clinic.


In cases with shared parking with other tenants, please limit the boundary to parking spots dedicated for your business. This allowance does not supersede any lease agreements with your property owner so please be sure to check whether this is permissible.


Despite a negative news report about stores not participating, vaccination events at retail stores are already underway or planned at locations around the state. Stores have until July 12, 2021 to participate.


Gov. Inslee has likened the state vaccination effort to be on the “two yard line.” The LCB supports this vaccination incentive as another effort to help get the state over the line. We continue our efforts to make it easier to participate. Please consider now whether this promotion is right for your business.


More information about the so-called “Joints for Jabs” vaccine promotion is available here.