Board Filings and Rescinded Board Interim Policy 13-2019

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July 23, 2020

The Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board took the following action yesterday at its July 22, 2020 Board meeting. 

  1. Board approves CR-101 regarding 2020 Legislation Implementation:

Pre-proposal filings (CR-101)

  1. Board renews CR-103E (Emergency Rule) Regarding Chapter 314-12 WAC


Emergency Rules (WAC 314-12) – General – Applicable to all Licensees (Effective July 22, 2020)


  1. Board rescinded BIP 13-2019:


  • BIP-13-2019- Issues with Release 1.37.5 of Leaf Traceability System Software (Effective July 23, 2019)

*Special Note Regarding Rescinded BIP-13-2019:

On July 23, 2019 BIP-13-2019 was adopted to allow marijuana licensees, labs and integrators flexibility to develop workarounds to problems directly associated with the lab test data and manifest information that were impacted by the code changes made in the 1.37.5 traceability system on July 15, 2019. This policy was aimed at records that were already in the traceability system and were being blocked by field parameters that had changed.


A condition for this very limited scope was the requirement to submit workarounds to a designated email address for record keeping and tracking.  WSLCB has tracked all requests made related to the BIP since July 2019.  A year has passed and the lab results and manifests that existed prior to July 15, 2019 are aging out or have had workarounds applied to those situations.  Lab results and transfers after July 15, 2019 are not within the scope of the BIP and are not subject to the same conditions that necessitated the BIP.


Moving forward, any instances in which lab results or manifests incorrectly create a block will be triaged on an individual basis by submitting a service ticket to Leaf Customer Support.