July 6, 2022

Reminder: Kitsap County accepting reclassification requests for 2024 Comprehensive Plan update
Kitsap County kicked off its 2024 Comprehensive Plan update this summer. The plan establishes the direction for Kitsap in addressing land use, environmental protections, employment, housing, transportation, and other facility and service priorities over the next 20 years. The Board of County Commissioners uses this document to guide decisions on policy, County Code and development review.
In an effort to expand public participation and receive specific requests for amendments as early in the process as possible, the Board is soliciting proposals for changes to the Comprehensive Plan including urban growth area sizing, property zoning, goals and polices as well as County Code. Examples could include:
- Zoning changes that increase the amount of housing or development allowed on a property.
- Zoning changes that allow commercial or industrial uses on a property.
- Code changes that impact the development of certain uses in a specific area.
This will be just one of many opportunities for the public to participate in the 2024 update.
The period for submitting proposals runs through August 18, 2022. Proposals will be reviewed for potential inclusion in land-use alternatives or draft documents to be approved by December 31, 2024.
Land-use change forms and additional information can be found here. Staff is available to meet with applicants on a first-come basis to answer submittal and process questions. Meeting times are limited. Book a virtual appointment here.
To learn more, please visit the 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update website and the Comprehensive Plan storyboard.
For more information, contact Colin Poff at compplan@kitsap.gov or 360-337-7181.