COVID-19 update from the Kitsap EOC - November 25, 2020

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COVID-19 Testing Results Update for Kitsap County as of 2 p.m. Nov. 25

View the COVID-19 Risk Assessment Dashboard for the latest data.

CORRECTION TO 11/24/20 BULLETIN: Kitsap Public Health reported one new COVID-19-associated death for Kitsap County on Nov. 24. The community member who died was an older adult (65 or older) with underlying health conditions. With the addition of this case, 27 COVID-19-associated deaths have been reported in our county to date.

Thanksgiving holiday: Kitsap Public Health will be closed in observance of Thanksgiving, Thursday, Nov. 26. COVID-19 testing results will not be reported and there will not be a Coronavirus Update published tomorrow. Updates will resume on Friday, Nov. 27.


COVID-19 daily cases


Public health and hospital officials urge action to prevent strain on healthcare system

COVID-19 activity has reached record-high levels in Kitsap. Local health officials warn a surge of new COVID-19 cases is leading to a wave of hospitalizations, as more residents are exposed to the virus. Left unchecked, this spike in disease activity, combined with the arrival of flu and cold season, is a recipe for a healthcare crisis. 

“There is very real potential for our hospitals and clinics to become overwhelmed in coming weeks and months unless we take decisive action as individuals and as a community to slow the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses,” Kitsap Public Health District Health Officer Dr. Gib Morrow said. “Now is simply not a safe time for us to gather with people from outside our households. I urge Kitsap residents to avoid gatherings, for the sake of their families, neighbors, and the frontline workers who are putting themselves at risk to keep our community healthy.”

Kitsap County’s health care system is coping with demand so far. However COVID-19 hospitalizations have doubled in the past weeks, with the number of inpatients increasing from seven at the beginning of November to as many 16 last week. Today, the state Department of Health reported COVID-19 hospital occupancy is "soaring" in Washington.



Turkey tips

Happy Thanksgiving Eve! Kitsap Public Health reminds you to cook your turkey (and stuffing) until it reaches an internal temperature of 165° F. An undercooked turkey can make you and your family sick.

This infographic from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has tips on how to handle your turkey during each step of the process. The USDA also has a list of FAQ's on preparing your turkey. And, more food safety tips are available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Happy Thanksgiving from the EOC

We are thankful for our families, friends, neighbors, and the Kitsap County community for their support during 2020. We are especially grateful for the 150 volunteers and staff who are so important in supporting our operations in the Emergency Operations Center during these challenging times. John Kennedy once said “We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” We encourage everyone to take a moment and thank those who make a difference in your life. Happy Thanksgiving!



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