Latest News - Permit Application Portal

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Kitsap County Washington

Department of Community Development  News

Permit Application Portal Header

DCD is working to improve our current online permit application system. The new Permit Application Portal will offer tons of new features designed to improve your permit application process.

Here is one of the improvements you can look forward to in the new system.

When you type in your property address, the new portal will determine if the location is within Kitsap County jurisdiction. If it is not, it will tell you and save you from completing an application with the wrong permitting organization.

Cropped outjuris

Screenshot for an out of jurisdiction error on an application.


Thank you to everyone who completed the recent permit services survey. Yours, and the input of other permit service clients, provided great insights and will help us create a more intuitive system.

If you have questions, please visit us online. We can also be reached by email,; or by phone at (360)337-5777. 


Stay tuned for future updates.


Best Regards,

DCD Marketing Communications