COVID-19 update from the Kitsap EOC - July 13, 2020

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COVID-19 Testing Results Update for Kitsap County as of 2 p.m. on July 13


COVID-19 daily cases


Rental relief for Kitsap small businesses

The Kitsap Economic Development Alliance (KEDA) is partnering with Kitsap County to administer the Kitsap CARES Small Business Rental Relief Grant Program, a small business grant program made possible by federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act funds.

Kitsap County has committed $880,000 for small business assistance using federal CARES funding. Up to $750,000 will be awarded to businesses in unincorporated Kitsap County and $130,000 within incorporated Kitsap County cities. (Incorporated cities in Kitsap County may offer separate funding opportunities.)

Funds must be fully distributed by October 31, 2020. The grants are meant to reimburse business-related commercial rent or lease expenses paid between March 1, 2020 and date of the grant application.

KEDA is offering an informational webinar at 11 a.m. Friday, July 17 to review eligibility and application requirements. Applicants are strongly encouraged to participateEach business may receive up to $5,000, based upon eligible COVID-19 impacts. Program details, eligibility requirements and the application timeline and process are available at


Staying home is still safest

Everyone has a role to play in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and keeping Kitsap’s recovery on track. It’s important to continue staying home as much as possible and doing your part to keep everyone healthy.

When you do go out, stay six feet away from others, wear a cloth face covering, wash your hands, and cover coughs and sneezes. Recreate and do business locally to avoid spreading the virus across county lines. If you feel symptoms of COVID-19, get tested.

Safe Start infographic


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