News & Information
COVID-19 Testing Results Update for Kitsap County as of 2 p.m. on June 14

Kitsap Transit summer 2020 survey
Kitsap Transit has launched a new community survey to learn about the choices Kitsap County residents and workers are making during the COVID-19 pandemic and how their travel choices may be affected by the pandemic.
The survey will shed light on public perceptions of health risk and attitudes toward behaviors aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19. The Kitsap Public Health District is proud to partner with Kitsap Transit to deepen their understanding of the community and use findings to help direct other outreach efforts.
Those who complete the survey can enter a drawing for a $150 grocery gift card. Customers who lack access to the Internet or need assistance taking the survey may contact Kitsap Transit Customer Service at 1.800.501.RIDE. The survey closes on Sunday, June 21.
It’s #2020CENSUS week!
Have you responded to the 2020 U.S. Census yet? If not, go to It takes less than 10 minutes to complete and the impact of your answers lasts a decade. Respond online, by phone or mail. Information is available in multiple languages.
Data from the 2020 census helps determine where critical federal funding is distributed for hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, veterans, human services and much more.
Responses to the census are confidential. Learn more about Kitsap’s Complete County Committee and local efforts at Kitsap counts! Be counted!
Checking in on our habits
Our regular routines have been disrupted by COVID-19 for a number of months. Now, as we begin to step back into some of our regular routines, it might be time to check in on the new habits we’ve developed.
This blog post from the Washington State Department of Health may help you choose wisely what habits to continue as we move forward.

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