Kitsap County Enters Phase 2

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Good Afternoon,

Today the Board of County Commissioners informed DCD that the state had approved Kitsap County's Request for Variance to move to Phase 2. This is excellent news and a real benefit to our customers, the construction industry, and our local economy. Entering Phase 2 means that DCD may now review, approve, and issue permits as well as inspect all construction work - including new construction. Please view guidelines and allowances specific to construction for Phase 2 here: COVID19 Phase 2 Construction Safety Guidance.pdf  A complete list of all allowable activities, businesses, and applicable guidelines are available here.

Effective immediately, all permits that were previously approved and placed on hold due to COVID, are reclassified to a ready-to-issue status. This permit status change will be complete by the close of business 5.28.20. The ability to request inspections via telephone or the online portal will be available to customers as soon as they go to the online portal and self-issue their permit. Any permits currently not approved, but under review, will proceed as they would have pre-pandemic and will be ready to issue upon approval.

The Phase 2 Construction Safety Guidance replaces, in its entirety, the previously issued Phase 1 guidance. DCD inspectors have been trained on Phase 2 guidance requirements. They subsequently will maintain social distance protocols and also have the ability to decline to perform an inspection if required safety and site standards are not in place upon their arrival to a project site. While DCD will resume the issuance of all building permits with Phase 2, the DCD lobby will remain closed to the public until Phase 3 of the Governor's Safe Start Plan. As they have since the beginning of the Stay Home Stay Safe Order, DCD staff will continue to be available via telephone, email, and live chat. 

If you have questions regarding this message or regarding code requirements, please email Kitsap1at, or call via 360-337-5777.



Jeff Rimack, CBO

Director DCD


"Good leaders don't make excuses.

 Instead, they figure out a way to get it done." 

– Jocko Willink