A $641,438 grant from the federal CARES Act will provide up to three months of rental assistance for Kitsap County residents who make 80 percent or less of the area’s median income. The assistance is available to people affected by COVID-19 who are not receiving any other federal, state, or local housing subsidy.

The Washington State Department of Commerce also has rental and energy assistance available for households that qualify for the federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program.

To find out if you qualify for rental or energy assistance funds, contact the Kitsap Housing Solutions Center, 360-473-2035, HSC@kcr.org or visit kcr.org.

For households residing in Housing Kitsap units, contact Housing Kitsap at 360-535-6100, HousingKitsap@HousingKitsap.org or visit HousingKitsap.org.