News & Information
COVID-19 Testing Results Update for Kitsap County as of 2 p.m. on April 21
Positive tests to date: 139
- Negative tests to date: 2,785
- Deaths to date: 2
Kitsap Public Health has confirmed a second COVID-19 related death for Kitsap County. The community member who died was an older adult with underlying health conditions. We urge all Kitsap residents to continue to stay home as much as possible to slow the spread of this illness and protect our loved ones who are most at risk.
- View Kitsap Public Health's interactive COVID-19 data dashboard - available in Spanish and English.
 Live Address: Washington's Recovery Plan
Governor Inslee has scheduled a live address for 5:00 p.m. today, Tuesday, April 21. Watch on your favorite television station or online at TVW - Washington States' Public Affairs Network.
COVID-19 and the stages of grief
This strange new world we live in, with the kids at home, job furloughs and losses, and makeshift work areas in busy corners of our homes, is going to be with us for a while. Polls show that 66% of Americans are concerned that the states will remove restrictions too quickly. Intellectually, we know the risks of COVID-19, and we understand why we need to stay in our homes. But that doesn’t stop us from having very real emotional reactions to the large and small losses we are experiencing. We are grieving.
Be cautious with household cleaning products
The Washington Poison Center (WAPC) urges people to be cautious with cleaning products during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to WAPC data, the number of exposures to household cleaning products (bleach, soaps, detergents, and antiseptics) increased by 23% from the number of exposures reported at this time in 2019. Many household cleaning product exposures are related to COVID-19 transmission concerns and precautions. Read the press release.
Workplace safety
The Washington State Department of Health offers recommendations and guidance to protect critical infrastructure workers, including how to screen workers' health.
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