News & Information
The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) was activated on February 29 at Level 3 for the Coronavirus outbreak. On March 16 the level was elevated to full activation. The EOC is operating under a Unified Command consisting of Kitsap Public Health District, Kitsap County Emergency Management, Kitsap 911 and Kitsap Fire Chiefs Association.
The goal of the unified response to the COVID-19 is to mitigate, to the extent possible, the impact of the infectious disease on the health care system and high-risk population of:
- The elderly;
- Those with pre-existing health conditions;
- The immuno-suppressed; and
- Those experiencing homelessness.
This is a whole-community, all-hands on deck approach to this emergency response and we appreciate all that you are doing as members of this community to help. On Thursday, March 19, the EOC operations shifted to a “Virtual EOC” with all those participating communicating through computers and phones. The EOC team typically works from 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. each day.
The physical EOC at 911 Carver was vacated to reduce the risk to 911 dispatchers who provide the critical communication to our first responder agencies. We will provide an update daily with any new information or useful links.
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