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The next meeting of the Kirkland City Council is on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. This will be a hybrid meeting, and community members are welcome to attend the meeting in person or via Zoom.
Here’s a brief overview of some of the items on the Business Agenda for the April 16 meeting, which starts at 7:30 p.m.:
Council will consider authorizing the addition of a full-time Firefighter/EMT to the Mobile Integrated Health Unit of the Kirkland Fire Department.
Council will consider adopting an official statement of the City regarding international conflicts.
Council will review the Sustainability Strategic Plan’s Year Three (2023) report card, and will provide feedback to continue to prioritize implementation efforts.
Council will receive an update on the upcoming biennial community survey.
Prior to the above business agenda, the Council will also hold a Study Session starting at 5:30 p.m., where they will discuss:
A Regional Coalition for Housing Strategic Plan
The Coordinated Response to Homelessness Initiative and provide feedback and direction on the draft Resolution R-5631 declaring the City’s commitment to addressing homelessness
How to watch: Kirkland City Council meetings are streamed live and can be watched after the fact on the City of Kirkland Facebook page and the City YouTube channel, in addition to the livestream on the City website. Meetings are also televised on Comcast Cable Channel 21 and Ziply Cable Channel 31.
How to participate: Members of the public wishing to address the Council may do so in-person or via Zoom during the “Items from the Audience” part of the agenda. That part of the agenda occurs at the beginning of the Council’s business meeting, which starts at 7:30 p.m. Information on the comment sign up process to provide comment to the City Council, and on attending the meeting virtually, is available on the City Council webpage.
Written comments can also be submitted to CityCouncil@kirklandwa.gov. For additional questions, please call the City Clerk’s Office at (425) 587-3190.
After the first week of a full closure, Kirkland’s Lake Street pedestrian scramble contractor is on schedule to re-open Lake Street’s intersection with Kirkland Avenue on June 1.
New X, Inc., completed the slew of essential tasks it planned to complete this week and began the demolition process. Demolition will continue next week.
Latest updates and more information can be found on the project webpage.
Reminder that the road may be closed to vehicles, but not to pedestrians. The businesses at the intersection are open and accessible, and appreciate you stopping in for your favorites or to try something new!
Heading downtown this weekend? Take your bike!
You can visit downtown Kirkland via bike and have our amazing valets check in your bike while you stroll, shop, and dine in downtown.
The City just launched our Bike Stewards Program, and we have some phenomenal volunteers (and bike enthusiasts).
The bikes will be located at the start of Park Lane right there next to the Starbucks – at the bike rack.
Play a role in choosing our next July 4th Parade Grand Marshal. Recognize someone who exemplifies their dedication to the Kirkland community and nominate them for Grand Marshal of the Celebrate Kirkland’s July 4th Parade. Nominations are due by May 10 and will assist parade organizers in the final selection.
More: kirklandwa.gov/CelebrateKirkland
The City of Kirkland has reviewed the draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Northeast Recycling and Transfer Station (NERTS) Project. You can read the final letter submitted to King County including a summary detailing the City's main areas of focus, general concerns, and Kirkland staff's comprehensive comments at kirklandwa.gov/recycle.
The comment period has now closed for the DEIS - to learn more about the NERTS project please visit kingcounty.gov/Northeast
 Spring is here - don't forget to renew your boat launch card! Now through October 31, 2024, the boat launch at Marina Park will require payment or a seasonal card. Seasonal cards can be purchased online at www.kirklandparks.net or by phone at 425-587-3330 (Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.). Cards can be mailed or picked up in person at City Hall. Don’t throw away your old cards! Call us at 425-587-3330 to renew it. Learn more about the boat launch and moorage on our website: www.kirklandwa.gov/marinaboatlaunch
Thank you to the over 1,200 participants who used the Transportation Strategic Plan mapping tool to share your priorities and interests with the City!
There were hundreds of comments posted in the tool, and transportation staff have been busy reviewing them!
Feedback from the public engagement web-map has been categorized into themes to understand what is important to the community. This summary was shared with City Council.
Staff will also use the feedback to help identify new potential capital projects and ultimately create a list of prioritized projects that fit within the funding anticipated to be available over the next 20 years. This list is part of the Transportation Strategic Plan Update which will become the Transportation Element of the K2044 Comprehensive Plan.
In addition to new projects, we heard a lot about day-to-day operations of our transportation system including speeding concerns, sight distance, and street maintenance. These additional comments will be added to the queue of service requests that are managed by transportation staff.
For more information about the Transportation Strategic Plan, and further details on the public engagement feedback, visit the City’s website.

Are you a Kirkland resident interested in receiving assistance with:
Pet licenses
Business licenses
Annual vehicle registration fees
Through the Kirkland Cares Low-Income Support Program, eligible Kirkland residents can receive discounts on utility rates and other City services and charges.

Earth Day is Monday, April 22, and the Green Kirkland Partnership is celebrating all month long!
Make this April the start or continuation of getting involved with supporting healthy natural areas and forests.
Join Green Kirkland at a volunteer stewardship event this April. Register soon as spots are filling quickly.
Volunteer stewardship events in Kirkland Parks are a terrific way to give the earth a little love with your friends and neighbors. Volunteers are needed to save trees from invasive ivy and blackberry, help mulch new native plantings, and other fun habitat stewardship activities. Tools, training, and cookies (thank you Girl Scout Troup 46719!) are provided.
Register to volunteer and learn more at www.greenkirkland.org
April Green Kirkland Events:
Juanita Bay Park – Friday, April 12, 2024 | 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Highlands Open Space #1 – Saturday, April 20, 2024 | 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Crestwoods Park – Saturday, April 20, 2024 | 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Juanita Open Space #1 – Saturday, April 20, 2024 | 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Kingsgate Park – Sunday, April 21, 2024 | 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Image courtesy of WSDOT
April is National Work Zone Awareness Week. It’s an important time to remember the responsibilities each driver holds and, most importantly, to keep our road workers safe. Earlier this month, WSDOT held a memorial to highlight the dangers of working on our roadways, and to remember those who have lost their lives doing their jobs. Here are a few tips to keep everyone safe:
Stay calm and plan for delays, no meeting or appointment is worth risking someone’s life.
Slow down and drive at the posted speed limit, they are there for your safety.
Put down the phone and pay attention to workers and your surroundings.
Don’t drink and drive.
Almost 95 percent of the people injured or killed in work zone collisions are drivers and their passengers.

The entrepreneurial spirit was electric at the Business Pitch Competition on April 3 as businesses put their heart and soul in pitching their ideas to the community!
There were over 300 community members in attendance cheering on innovation. It was truly an inspirational evening.
We would like to applaud these businesses for their ideas and hard work.
And, without further ado, we would like to congratulate the winners:
Start Up: Judy Nguyen and Dylan Meade with Homebodiy, Inc
Expansion: Dina Elabd with Arabic Book a Month
People’s Choice: Jazmine Colmenares with jazmincolshop

By following these few simple tips, you can drastically increase your personal safety and decrease your chances of being assaulted:
Be vigilant. Attackers look for people who appear insecure, distracted, or unsuspecting. If you are aware of your surroundings, you are less likely to be targeted. Walk confidently and strongly so potential attackers think you are prepared to fight back. Avoid distractions like cell phones, headphones, and music players.
Be cautious. When walking, use well-lit and well-populated areas. When approaching your vehicle, make sure no one is hiding in or around it. Park your vehicle in well-lit areas.
Walk with a buddy, if possible, especially at night. The buddy system is one of the best strategies for avoiding an assault.
Be prepared. Consider taking a personal self-defense class. Be prepared to scream and cause a scene if you are attacked but remember there is no single “correct” action to take if you are assaulted. Your best defense is to be prepared and know your options and capabilities.
Do whatever it takes to survive. Remember, you are the victim. You have nothing to feel guilty or ashamed about.

Even in an increasingly urban environment like Kirkland, wildlife is all around us. Allowing wildlife easy access to food leads to problems for the wildlife, residents, and our pets. Following some simple guidelines to cut off food sources can help reduce or avoid confrontations.
Don't feed wildlife, intentionally or unintentionally.
Keep pet food indoors and away from pet doors.
Keep garbage cans secure and barbecue areas clean.
Keep dogs on a leash.
Keep pets indoors, especially at night.
Don’t feed feral cats (on which coyotes prey).
In order to limit the local concentration of rodents (on which coyotes also prey), protect compost piles and don’t feed the birds.
The Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife manages wildlife issues and can be contacted at (425) 775-1311. This include animals such as deer, raccoons, coyotes, cougars, and bears.

With spring comes the rain, and with the rain comes the possibility of flooding. Besides rain, there are other events that could lead to overwhelming the city’s storm drainage system. Here are some tips that to help residents stay safe before, during, and after a flooding event.
Clear debris and leaves from roof gutters and downspouts.
If you have a sump pump, test it before a storm to make sure it is in good working order.
Consider storing sandbags if you have had past flooding.
Never drive through floodwaters, on flooded roads, or around barricades.
Never play in, touch, or drink flood water nor allow children or animals to.
If flooding is severe and you are unable to clear a storm drain, call the 24/7 Public Works hotline at 425-587-3900.
Return home when it is safe to do so, and floodwater has receded.
Be aware of the risk of electrocution! Do not touch electrical equipment if it is wet or if you are standing in water. Stay away from downed power lines and report them by calling 9-1-1.

National Pet Day is today, April 11, and there is no wrong way to celebrate! Whether you post a picture of your fur baby or pay it forward with a donation to your local shelter. While donating food, blankets, and toys are generous, they aren't the only ways to give back. Shelters welcome volunteers to walk pets, and even resharing a social media posts go a long way! If you want to go above and beyond, adopt or foster a pet in need. You may find even more happiness in return.
Today is a good time to ensure your fur babies’ wellbeing. Tips include:
Go through old toys and throw out any that are no longer safe.
Check collars to ensure tags are secured and updated.
Make sure you home is safe for them. Secure chemicals and toxins and put cords like phone chargers away.
- License your pet. Not only does it help them stay safe, it’s also the law.
License your pet today.

I-405 and NE 132nd St Interchange Project
Watch for two upcoming weekend closures at I-405 and NE 132nd St as crews near the finish line on this new interchange project.
Crews will close NE 132nd Street between 116th Way NE and Totem Lake Blvd NE on the weekends of April 12-15 and April 26-29 to complete paving and final striping work.
During the closures, expect travel delays and plan for increased travel times, especially during the most congested times of the day.
Kirkland Avenue and Lake Street
Lake Street’s intersection with Kirkland Avenue will remain closed until June 1. Kirkland’s Lake Street pedestrian scramble contractor closed it April 1 for two months while its crews rebuild the intersection into the city’s first pedestrian scramble.
Kirkland’s Juanita Drive corridor improvements contractor is keeping closed 79th Way Northeast’s intersection with Juanita Drive this week, while its crews upgrade a water main beneath 79th Way Northeast. Drivers should also expect intermittent lane-closures for the next year along Juanita Drive, between 79th Way Northeast and Northeast 133rd Place.
Fifth Avenue South and Eighth Street West
Kirkland's Fifth Avenue South and Eighth Street West water main contractor is alternating traffic until mid-May on Eighth Street South and a short section of Railroad Avenue.
Strickland and Sons crews are working from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
Kirkland's 100th Avenue Northeast corridor improvements contractor is planning on April 15 to close for three weeks the arterial’s intersection with Northeast 139th Street while its crews upgrade stormwater utilities beneath the street.
OMA Construction is alternating traffic at various locations between Northeast 137th and 145th streets. The legal speed limit through the construction zone is 25 miles per hour.

Wheels and Reels: The Little Mermaid (2023, PG)
Location: Juanita Beach Park, 9703 NE Juanita Beach Dr
Last drive-in movie of the season
Enjoy a night out under the stars at Juanita Beach Park with our Winter and Spring Drive-in Movie Series.
The parking lot opens at 6:00 PM and the movie starts at 7:00 PM. $20 per vehicle, pre-registration is required.
To register, visit KirklandParks.net or call 425-587-3336. All ages welcome. Snack vendors will be on site. Event is held rain or shine - no refunds. No RV's, limos, busses, tailgating or alcohol.

Firearms Safety Presentation
Date: Wednesday, April 24
Location: Kirkland Justice Center, 11750 Northeast 118th Street
Want to learn how to responsibly and safely own a firearm? Join us at the Kirkland Justice Center for a complimentary and informative presentation to discuss personal firearm safety. Learn more on proper storage techniques and firearm safety. Participants will receive a complimentary small personal safe and gun lock!
Spring 2024 CERT Class
Dates: April 25, 27, 30, May 2 from 6 - 9 p.m. and May 4 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Location: Upon registration
Cost: $25 for City of Kirkland residents.
CERT (Community Emergency Response Training) is a hands-on training that teaches people how to prepare their homes and neighborhoods to respond to a disaster.
Learn skills like fire suppression, disaster first aid, search and rescue techniques, assisting professional responders, responding to suspected terrorist incidents, reducing survivor stress, and preparing individuals and communities for emergencies.
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Get inspired for how you might get involved in this year’s July 4th celebration with our 2023 video.