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 The next meeting of the Kirkland City Council is on Wednesday, November 8, 2023. More information about the meeting will be included in next week’s edition of ‘This Week in Kirkland.’
Community members are invited to the City’s annual Día de los Muertos celebration on Saturday, October 28, 2023, from 2 to 4 p.m. at Peter Kirk Community Center, located at 352 Kirkland Avenue. Día de los Muertos, also known as Day of the Dead, is a Hispanic/Latino/a/x/e cultural celebration that honors loved ones who have passed on. This is a free event for all ages.

A big ‘thank you!’ to the community for helping us celebrate the opening of Kirkland Fire Department’s newly renovated Fire Station 22 in Houghton! Mayor Penny Sweet and City Councilmembers kicked off the event with a ribbon cutting. Then community families and kids took self-guided tours of the station including firefighers’ work area, equipment shop, sleeping rooms, workout room, kitchen and - of course - the apparatus bay where the firetrucks and aid cars are kept.

Kirkland Fire Department recently held an annual refresher training for firefighters for rescues involving heavy or commercial vehicles. The training included lifting a bus with heavy equipment, removing a vehicle from underneath, and extricating a dummy from the vehicle with ‘jaws of life’ equipment.
About 50 firefighters from Kirkland, Bellevue and Redmond attended the 3-day training in September.
This is KFD’s second year holding the training for firefighters in Zone 1, which covers Bellevue and Kirkland to Snohomish County and east to Kittitas County.

Whether you’re new to law enforcement or experienced, you can grow in a profession that makes a real difference in our community by joining the Kirkland Police. KPD is small enough to feel like family and big enough to have top notch training, gear and specialty units such as Pro-Act and Investigations.
All commissioned police officers are eligible for an electric take-home commuting vehicle or a $500 monthly proximity housing premium. Laterals are eligible for a $25K hiring bonus and keep longevity rates.
The Kirkland Emergency Communications Team (KECT) had the chance to run a training drill with local scout Troop 572. Troop 572 assisted with radio box inventory and an equipment check. KECT shared information about HAM radios, when radio communication is especially important, and ways that scouts can take the next steps in learning more about HAM radio operations. Our KECT team hopes to hear some new folks checking in on the nets once they pass their license exam.
 Steve met NORCOM dispatchers Hailey and Laura, and server Payten
On July 31 at Café Veloce in Totem Lake, a quick-thinking server saved a customer’s life after he collapsed by administering CPR in those first critical minutes before first responders arrived.
Café Veloce Server Payten immediately took action and started CPR on Steve, a Redmond resident, who collapsed while at the restaurant with his family. Payten was assisted by a NORCOM 911 dispatcher named Hailey and her training supervisor Laura, who talked Payten through the life-saving steps until firefighter/EMT’s and medics arrived.
Steve, Hailey, Laura and Payten met this month at Fire Station 27 to meet all the firefighter/EMT’s, medics, crew, and staff from Café Veloce, who were part of the remarkable response team that gave Steve’s story a happy ending.
Payten received a Community Hero Award medal from Kirkland Fire Department and a CPR Life Saving Award from King County Medic One for her actions that day.
What a day it was at Kirkland Forest Day! 132nd Square Park was buzzing with nature enthusiasts as 200+ people joined various Kirkland Forest Day activities. Folks dove into the nature scavenger hunt, decorated pumpkins, and tried their turn at tree trivia questions. The City of Kirkland and King Conservation District teamed up to give away over 400 trees that will help enhance Kirkland’s canopy.
The event also included a Ceremonial Tree Planting led by the Kirkland City Council. And special shout-out to Jessi Bloom and NW Bloom for leading an inspiring Regenerative Landscapes Workshop. With 30 eager leaners, we explored the world of sustainable, water-wise landscapes.
Over 29 volunteers participated in Kirkland Forest Day stewardship events at South Norway Hill Park and Kingsgate Park with the Green Kirkland Partnership. Volunteers helped to restore the health of the forest by removing invasive ivy and blackberry and by planting 63 native trees, shrubs, and groundcovers.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for this incredible day of nature and learning!
Do you have an interest in the arts and the role of public art in Kirkland? Apply to join the Cultural Arts Commission. Applications due November 3 by 4 p.m.
The commission advises City Council on public art acquisitions and loans, review and recommend projects under the City's "one percent for the arts" program. They also promote strategic planning and development for arts, culture, and heritage in the community after consultation with the City Manager.
Applicants must reside, own a business, or work in Kirkland. The commission meets the third Wednesday of every month.
If you are a Kirkland community member 50 years of age or older and have an interest in advising the City on keeping Kirkland a safe and vibrant community for residents age 50+, then please consider applying to join the Senior Council!
The Kirkland Senior Council (KSC) was established in 2002 to act as an advisory group to the Kirkland City Council. The Kirkland Senior Council (KSC) meets monthly for two hours, and the monthly commitment is approximately 6-12 hours.
The KSC is currently recruiting new members that live, work, or serve seniors in the City of Kirkland. Applications are open now through October 31, 2023.
King County Elections is mailing out ballots now.
When you are ready to drop off your ballot, Kirkland has 2 election drop boxes:
1. Kingsgate Library, 12315 NE 143rd St, 98034
2. Kirkland City Hall (South side of building) 123 5th Ave, 98033
Drop boxes are open until 8 p.m. Tuesday, November 7. For all your voting needs and questions, King County Elections has resources for you.
100th Avenue Northeast Corridor Improvements
Pee Wee Monster Bash Carnival
Date: Friday, October 27, 2023
Location: North Kirkland Community Center, 12421 103rd Ave NE
Preschoolers aged 5 and under in Halloween costumes can have fun with safe, spirited activities such as swamp fishing, crafts, a cookie walk, a movement maze, story-time, and more. Prizes will be awarded for everyone. The carnival won’t be spooky - just kooky!
There are still spots available! Registration is encouraged. Cost is $16 per child. To register: www.kirklandparks.net, call 425-587-3350, or visit the North Kirkland Community Center.
Pumpkins in the Park
Date: Saturday, October 28, 2023
Join the Kirkland Downtown Association in Kirkland's Marina Park for a specially designed event for children in costume! The fall harvest festival is filled with food booths, giveaways, games, and treats. Appearances by special guests, costume contest, and trick or treating at downtown businesses. More info.
Aging in Place
Tom Minty, a successful real estate broker, will be on-site to share his insights on the best way to age in place and to discuss Universal Design. Tom has been a real estate broker for almost 20 years, served two-terms on the Seattle King County Advisory Council for Aging and Disability Services, and is a charter member or the Northwest Universal Design Council.
Wheels and Reels
Date: Saturday, November 4
Time: 7 p.m. (parking lot opens at 6 p.m.)
Location: Juanita Beach Park
Join us at our drive-in movie on Saturday, November 4, at Juanita Beach Park to watch Akeelah and the Bee on our giant LED screen.
$20 per vehicle, registration is required! The parking lot opens at 6pm and the movie starts at 7pm. For more information and registration, visit https://bit.ly/3RB5fHV or call 425-587-3336
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