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The next meeting of the Kirkland City Council is on Tuesday, October 17, 2023. This will be a hybrid meeting, and community members are welcome to attend the meeting in person or via Zoom.
Here’s a brief overview of some of the items on the Business Agenda for the October 17 meeting, which starts at 7:30 p.m.:
Council will provide feedback on a potential interim code amendment to extend the duration of authorized homeless encampments beyond the current 92-day limitation.
Council will review a Draft 2024 State Legislative Agenda and provide feedback to staff on priorities for a final agenda that will guide the City’s legislative priorities and activities on behalf of the full Council.
Council will consider adopting code amendments to the City’s Purchasing Code to respond to changes in state statutes, increasing costs, and other requirements and factors that affect securing goods and services efficiently.
Prior to the above business agenda, the Council will also hold a Study Session starting at 5:30 p.m., where they will:
Discuss the universal low-income rate discount program and implementation in the 2023-2024 budget
Receive an update on the City’s capital improvement program.
How to watch: Kirkland City Council meetings are streamed live and can be watched after the fact on the City of Kirkland Facebook page and the City YouTube channel, in addition to the livestream on the City website. Meetings are also televised on Comcast Cable Channel 21 and Ziply Cable Channel 31.
How to participate: Members of the public wishing to address the Council may do so in-person or via Zoom during the “Items from the Audience” part of the agenda. That part of the agenda occurs at the beginning of the Council’s business meeting, which starts at 7:30 p.m. Information on the comment sign up process to provide comment to the City Council, and on attending the meeting virtually, is available on the City Council webpage.
Written comments can also be submitted to CityCouncil@kirklandwa.gov. For additional questions, please call the City Clerk’s Office at (425) 587-3190.

Learn More About the Parks Ballot at an Upcoming Open House
All Kirkland community members are invited to attend one or more informational open houses with City Manager Kurt Triplett and Parks and Community Services Director Lynn Zwaagstra to learn about Kirkland Proposition 1: Levy Lid Lift for Expanded Aquatics, Recreation, and Parks Facilities, Operations, and Programs on the November 7, 2023 ballot.
• Monday, October 16 from 6 – 7 p.m. at City Hall, 123 5th Ave, Kirkland 98033
• Wednesday, October 25 from 12 – 1 p.m. online via Zoom, register for the link
Accommodations and Alternate Formats: The City of Kirkland is committed to accommodating citizens with disabilities and special needs. Persons with disabilities may request materials in alternative formats. Persons with hearing impairments may access the Washington State Telecommunications Relay Service at 711. If you need assistance participating this event, please call us at 425-587-3300 or TTY/TTD 425-587-3111.

How can I contact the City with questions, requests, or suggestions?
You can always contact City staff through the Our Kirkland service portal, available on the web and mobile app. Submitting your comments through Our Kirkland ensures the right staff receives the information and can follow up with you.

Several community members have been wondering what happened to the trees that were removed along NE 124th St.
The trees that were removed on NE 124th Street by QFC was due to Puget Sound Energy’s (PSE) transmission line, which has a very constrained route in this area along existing rights-of-way (ROW). Unfortunately, there were not a lot of re-routing options, as either side of 124th would have resulted in the removal of trees.
PSE is required to replace all removed trees bigger than 6 inches diameter at chest height in the right-of-way on a 1:1 basis, with a more robust ratio if the trees are considered landmark trees. It is worth noting that trees to be replanted onsite under the transmission lines will be appropriate species that grow to a height that won’t interfere with the lines.
This project went through extensive public outreach, including onsite signage, a hearing, mailings across the entire corridor, and an open house, with the intent of providing residents with advance notice of the tree removals and replanting requirement.
October is nationally recognized as Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), which is intended to spread awareness and honor the lives that have been lost to domestic violence.
Throughout the month of October, Kirkland Police patrol vehicles will be outfitted with a Purple Ribbon that displays the contact number for the National Domestic Violence Hotline (800-799-7233) — a service that provides round-the-clock support to survivors of domestic violence.
For survivors, physical violence is often accompanied by emotionally abusive and controlling behavior as part of a much larger, systematic pattern of dominance and control.
The purple ribbon itself is a unifying symbol of courage, survival, honor and dedication to ending domestic violence.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline is available 24/7 at 800-799-7233.

We’re wrapping up this year’s Fire Prevention Week! This year’s theme: “Cooking safety starts with YOU. Pay attention to fire prevention!”
Cooking is the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries in the U.S. The Kirkland Fire Department offers these safety tips to help reduce the risk of cooking fires:
Always keep a close eye on what you are cooking. Set a timer to remind yourself that you are cooking.
Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove. Always keep a lid nearby when cooking. If a small grease fire starts, slide the lid over the pan and turn off the burner.
Have a “kid- and pet-free zone” of at least 3 feet around the stove or grill and anywhere else hot food or drink is prepared or carried.
Do you or a Kirkland resident you know have a beautiful, sustainable landscape? Does it use natural yard care practices? Nominations are open to be a Natural Yard Care Ambassador!
Kirkland's new program highlights beautiful, sustainable landscapes that protect water quality and create healthy habitat in Kirkland. Each Natural Yard Care Ambassador’s garden will be featured on social media, and winners will receive yard signs highlighting their contributions to a healthy Kirkland environment, and promoting those practices in their neighborhoods.
We are accepting applications until October 15. Use our application form to learn more and submit a nomination for yourself or for a natural yard care all star in your neighborhood!

October 21 through October 29 is Green Kirkland Week – an opportunity to celebrate the start of planting season, our native forest ecosystems, and all the wonderful volunteers that care for our natural area parkland.
Visit our event calendar to find a volunteer stewardship event near you and join us for Green Kirkland Week!
Green Kirkland Week Events

Deputy Mayor Jay Arnold and City Councilmembers Kelli Curtis and Toby Nixon joined the Rotary Club of Kirkland for a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new pavilion at the site of the former Northern Pacific Railroad Station along the Cross Kirkland Corridor. The pavilion features illustrated signs describing the railroad’s 100+ year history in Kirkland, with photographs of trains and the two structures that once stood there.
The Rotary Club developed the projects installed at the site. The pandemic delayed the ribbon-cutting for a while, but with the ribbon cut, the project is now complete!
 The Halloween Costume Swap was a huge success! Thanks to our awesome volunteers and all the donations of fun costumes. We had a fantastic turn out with over 280 community members attending and over 200 costumes finding new homes. Thank you for helping us to prevent waste. Did you find an awesome new-to-you costume at the Costume Swap? Check out our post on Facebook and show it off in the comments. We look forward to more fun swap events in the future.
Lake Washington Half Marathon
Date: Saturday, October 21
Location: Juanita Beach Park, 9703 NE Juanita Drive
The Lake Washington Half marathon is a beautiful loop course that starts and finishes at Juanita Beach Park. You’ll run along the shores of Lake Washington and through the charming neighborhoods of Kirkland. Enjoy this great end-of-season USA Track & Field-certified race to cap off your year of running.
Kirkland Forest Day
Location: 132nd Square Park, 13159 132nd Ave NE
Kirkland Forest Day is just around the corner, and we're excited to invite you to join us in honoring the remarkable role that trees play in our lives and our environment. Mark your calendars for Sunday, October 22 as we come together to celebrate the beauty of nature.
For the line up of activities planned, and more information, visit the event page.
Pee Wee Monster Bash Carnival
Date: Friday, October 27, 2023
Location: North Kirkland Community Center, 12421 103rd Ave NE
Preschoolers aged 5 and under in Halloween costumes can have fun with safe, spirited activities such as swamp fishing, crafts, a cookie walk, a movement maze, story-time, and more. Prizes will be awarded for everyone. The carnival won’t be spooky - just kooky!
Registration is encouraged as this event does sell out. Cost is $16 per child. To register: www.kirklandparks.net, call 425-587-3350, or visit the North Kirkland Community Center.

Dia de los Muertos
Date: Saturday, October 28, 2023
Location: Peter Kirk Community Center, 352 Kirkland Ave
Acompáñenos a celebrar el Día de los Muertos para recordar a nuestros familiares antepasados, y disfrutar actividades tradicionales, comida, música, y más. Para más información, visite event page.
Join us to celebrate Día de los Muertos as we remember our loved ones, enjoy traditional activities, food, music, and more. Free event for all ages. Located at the Peter Kirk Community Center. For more information, call 425-587-3336.
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Thank you for joining our beautifully sunny City Hall for All event last month - we hope all feel welcome at City Hall all year round!