The Kirkland City Council met on June 20, 2023, in a hybrid meeting. Here’s a brief overview of some of the items from the meeting:
Council amended the 2023-2024 biennial budget. These adjustments largely deal with capital projects, new grants, and internal transfers related to capital project close-outs.
Council approved a Master Plan Amendment for Kirkland Middle School and a Master Plan for Finn Hill Middle School. Each application is for construction of an addition to the existing school.
Council approved an ordinance to replace current zoning code regulations regarding wireless service facilities to comply with new Federal Communications Commission regulations.
Council authorized the recruitment process for Pro and Con Committees to prepare voter pamphlet statements in favor of and in opposition to a potential Parks ballot measure should the City Council place a measure before the voters at the November 7, 2023 General Election. The Council will decide whether to proceed with a ballot measure at a future meeting.
Also at the meeting, the Mayor proclaimed June 20, 2023 World Refugee Day and June as Ride Transit Month in Kirkland. To read more, visit the City’s website.
Prior to the above business agenda, the Council held a Study Session, where they held a joint meeting with the Senior Council to discuss the Senior Council’s priorities and interests. Discussion items included affordable senior housing, aging in place, and universal design.
The Council also continued its discussion of a potential package of priority parks and recreation elements for funding through a potential ballot measure - such as an aquatics and recreation center, more year-round restrooms, among other additions - reviewed funding options, and discussed potential parks and recreation ballot measure language and timing.
How to watch: Kirkland City Council meetings are streamed live and can be watched after the fact on the City of Kirkland Facebook page and the City YouTube channel, in addition to the livestream on the City website. Meetings are also televised on Comcast Cable Channel 21 and Ziply Cable Channel 31.
To watch the Council discussions on the specific agenda items outlined above, visit the City’s website. The full agenda packet with information on each item is located on the City’s website.
With the holiday on July 4, the next City Council meeting is on Wednesday, July 5, 2023.

The Juanita Beach swimming area is closed for at least one week due to elevated bacteria levels. People and pets should not swim, drink lake water, or engage in other water activities at Juanita Beach.
Water quality staff from the King County Water and Land Resources Division tested the water recently and found that the levels of bacteria at the beach exceeded the thresholds for bacteria based on the average of the last three tests. The swimming area at Juanita Beach Park will reopen when bacteria levels return to a safe range.
Signs have been positioned to indicate that the swimming areas of the beach are closed. The rest of the beach is open. City lifeguards will be onsite during the closure to communicate with beachgoers and provide information.
Updates about Juanita Beach Park will be posted on the City webpage.
Why is The Swimming Area Closed? Swim Beaches throughout King County are tested weekly by the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks. If beach water tests high for bacteria, the swimming area will be closed, and there will be no lifeguards on duty. For testing information or to see which beaches are open/closed please visit the King County Lake Swimming Beach Bacteria page.

Kirkland City Councilmembers Kelli Curtis and Amy Falcone have each earned an Advanced Certificate of Municipal Leadership from the Association of Washington Cities (AWC). Councilmembers Curtis and Falcone each completed more than 60 hours of training and demonstrated local community service to earn this advanced distinction.
AWC’s Certificate of Municipal Leadership program recognizes elected officials for accomplishing training in five core areas: responsibilities and legal requirements, public sector resource management, community planning and development, local leadership, and diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Although very convenient, lithium-ion batteries can catch fire or explode when not used correctly or damaged. Not only is this a hazard to residents and businesses, but these batteries can be particularly challenging for firefighters due to the nature of the fires.
During Firefighter Safety Stand Down Week, June 18-24, fire departments are encouraged to focus on training and education. The focus this year? You guessed it: “Lithium-Ion Batteries.”
The Kirkland Fire Department trained on lithium-ion battery response and safety this week, including recognizing hazards and keeping firefighters safe.
For our community, it’s a good reminder about the potential threats lithium-ion batteries can pose when not used properly, or when they become damaged but continue to be used.
These batteries power a wide range of devices, from laptops and smartphones to mobility devices, electric vehicles, e-bikes, and e-cigarettes.
Here are some helpful safety tips:
Sometimes batteries are not used the right way; batteries not designed for a specific use can be dangerous.
- Like any product, a small number of these batteries are defective. They can overheat, catch fire, or explode.
- Purchase and use devices that are listed by a qualified testing laboratory.
- Only use the battery that is designed for the device.
- Do not charge a device under your pillow, on your bed, or on a couch.
- Do not keep charging the device or device battery after it is fully charged.
Stop using the battery if you notice these problems: odor, change in color, too much heat, change in shape, leaking, or odd noises.
Finally, for Lithium-ion Battery Disposal — Do not put them in the regular garbage. Recycling is always the best option. Take them to a battery recycling location or contact your community for disposal instructions.

Looking to do a little landscaping but want to do right by the environment? What if you could do both AND get rebates up to $3,000?
Check out the City’s Yard Smart Rain Rewards program. We provide free technical assistance and rebates up to $3,000 for qualified property owners who install projects like rain gardens, rain-capture cisterns, and native landscaping to help slow down and clean polluted rainwater runoff.
Learn how to be Yard Smart and find out if your property is eligible for Rain Rewards rebates at kirklandwa.gov/yardsmart
Kirkland’s amazing urban forest doesn’t just happen – it’s closely maintained and carefully tended.
June 16 was Arborist Appreciation Day. Thank you to our City Arborists and Grounds Crew for overseeing Kirkland’s 30,000 trees along our streets and sidewalks – that’s a lot of trees!
How does the City manage tree maintenance, requests, and permits?
Public Works’ Grounds Division maintains trees in the right-of-way and in public open spaces that are not within the parks system, while our Parks crews maintain trees in the public parks.
Public tree removal and pruning requests start with the Planning and Building Department at (425) 587-3600
Public tree emergencies can be reported to (425) 587-3900, 24 hours a day
Puget Sound Energy handles tree issues within 12 feet of overhead lines, (888) 225-5773.
Public trees fallen on private property are the private property owner’s responsibility to remove
Want some rental income or need some additional space for a family member?
It’s now easier than ever to add a Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (DADU) to your property with the City’s Pre-Approved DADU program.
The program offers a faster and more affordable way to add housing by offering lower cost design fees and an expediated permit review.
 Ah, summer! There’s just nothing like the Celebrate Kirkland 4th of July Parade. Thinking about participating? We’re still accepting applications for volunteers and parade entries until June 23. Volunteers help make sure people stay safe on the parade route or they might even carry a banner in the parade! Parade entries can be an actual float, but it’s also a great opportunity to promote your organization, performing group, or business! To view the guidelines or to apply as a volunteer or parade entry, please visit Celebrate Kirkland webpage. If you want to participate in the Veterans portion of the parade, please contact jquitero@kirklandwa.gov.
Wish you could take a bus to your favorite hike? A local Girl Scouts group did the next best thing – they used a 12-passenger van for their outing. The catch? No catch - the City has a fleet of two minivans and one 12-passenger van that are available for people to borrow. It’s an innovative form of public transportation called the Community Van program, in partnership with King County Metro.
For Community Van trips, the driver rides free and passengers pay the same as a bus fare. People age 18 and under ride FREE, as with all transit in Washington. The vans are available for use 24/7/365, and trip destinations can be up to a two-hour drive from Kirkland. For more information, visit kirklandwa.gov/communityvan.

Totem Lake Connector Bridge Opening Celebration
Location: South end of the TLC Bridge
132nd Square Park Grand Re-Opening
Date: Saturday, July 15
Explore the playground, the zip line, the reflexology path, new labyrinth and more. Take a guided tour of the park, learn about the stormwater vault, and more!
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Get the latest from Kirkland City Manager, Kurt Triplett, who presented the 2023 City Manager Update to the Kirkland Chamber of Commerce on June 8.
Get the latest from Kirkland City Manager, Kurt Triplett, who presented the 2023 City Manager Update to the Kirkland Chamber of Commerce on June 8.