
The Kirkland City Council met on March 21, 2023, in a hybrid meeting. Here’s a brief overview of some of the items from the meeting:
King County’s Health Through Housing Project in Kirkland Update - the Council approved a final agreement regarding King County’s designated permanent supportive housing facility in Kirkland. The approved agreement reflects amendments presented at the March 21, 2023 Council meeting.
2023-2024 Budget Adjustments - City Council amended the 2023-2024 budget.
Special Event Updates – City Council approved a new fee structure and related program updates for special events.
Prior to the above business agenda, the Council held a Study Session, where they discussed:
Parks Funding Exploratory Committee Recommendations - Council received and discussed the Parks Funding Exploratory Committee report and top recommendations for a potential parks ballot measure(s). Council will receive further recommendations from the committee at a future Council meeting and will make a decision on the potential 2023 Parks Ballot Measure(s) this summer.
Aquatics and Recreation Facility Feasibility Study – Council received the draft Aquatics and Recreation Facility Feasibility Study that was part of the potential 2023 Parks Ballot Measure(s) exploratory process.
How to watch: Kirkland City Council meetings are streamed live and can be watched after the fact on the City of Kirkland Facebook page and the City YouTube channel, in addition to the livestream on the City website. Meetings are also televised on Comcast Cable Channel 21 and Ziply Cable Channel 31.
To watch the Council discussions on the specific agenda items outlined above, visit the City’s website. The full agenda packet with information on each item is located on the City’s website.
The next City Council meeting is on April 4, 2023.
Join a Kirkland 2044 Transportation or Land Use Focus Group As part of the Kirkland 2044 Comprehensive Plan update, throughout March and April, City staff will be focusing on Transportation and Land Use topics. How can the City’s transportation system reduce reliance on single-occupancy vehicles and increase safety, health and transportation choices? Are there areas of the City where housing and/or job growth should be focused?
Get involved by participating in a focus group! To learn more or sign-up email Katie Hogan at Khogan@Kirklandwa.gov. Stipends will be offered to compensate for your time and participation.
Don’t have time to join a focus group? Submit comments to 2044ComprehensivePlan@Kirklandwa.gov
Share your perspective on the future of the Houghton Village (former PCC) property. The City purchased the Houghton Village Shopping Center to support a variety of potential public purposes, such as affordable housing, school space, non-profit program space, arts and cultural space, and City recreational program space. The City Council is seeking community input on how the City can best achieve these public benefits and also create a thriving, walkable, sustainable retail development. Find out more and register for a small group meeting by visiting the Future of Houghton Village webpage.
Apply for the Cultural Arts Commission Youth Seat Do you know a 16–18-year-old who has a passion for art? Have them apply to join the Cultural Arts Commission! These commissioners support public art efforts in the City and engage with their local government. For more information, and to apply, visit the Boards and Commissions webpage.
How Does Your Neighborhood Prepare for an Emergency? The City of Kirkland Office of Emergency Management needs your input about where and how you engage in emergency preparedness activities in your neighborhood. The Washington State Emergency Management Division has discontinued support for the Map Your Neighborhood program. The City is seeking to understand how neighbors connect to help us develop and implement meaningful preparedness opportunities for you. Share your input in this short survey by March 31. Thank you!
Provide Feedback on Sound Transit Bus Rapid Lines. Share your input on Bus Rapid Lines in Kirkland. Sound Transit now has 60% draft design plans for Stride S1 and S2 and is seeking community input about construction through April 8. The online open house is available in English, Spanish, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, and Vietnamese. If you have questions about the latest designs for Stride S1, S2, S3, or Bus Base North, please email brt@soundtransit.org.
The newly formed Regional Crisis Response (RCR) Agency announces Brook Buettner as its first Executive Director. The RCR Agency provides regional mobile crisis response services for the five north King County cities of Bothell, Kenmore, Kirkland, Lake Forest Park, and Shoreline.

Staff presented the Parks Funding Exploratory Committee (PFEC) Report to City Council at a Study Session on Tuesday, March 21. The Council established PFEC in the fall of 2022 to explore and provide recommendations for potential parks and recreation ballot measures to enhance the health and wellbeing of the Kirkland community.
PFEC recommended that Council consider a base ballot measure package consisting of:
at least one aquatics and recreation facility
additional year-round restrooms in parks
development of key segments of Kirkland’s Green Loop Trail
new sport courts in parks
teen programs and Kirkland Teen Union Building (KTUB) operations
increased beach lifeguard hours and water safety programs
Following additional community input, City Council will make a final decision on potential parks and recreation ballot measure(s) this summer. Learn more about the potential parks and recreation ballot measure(s) and PFEC at http://kirklandwa.gov/parks2023ballot.
Virtual Question and Answer Session
Do you want to learn more about what you can do to be disaster ready? Take a class with Kirkland’s Office of Emergency Management to learn more about emergency preparedness for you, your loved ones, and the community! Bring your preparedness questions for staff to answer.
Register for this FREE session here.
Date: Thursday, April 6 Time: 6 – 7 p.m. Location: Zoom (Virtual)
Refresh Your CERT Skills
Come refresh the skills you learned in your initial CERT training! In this class, you will apply your knowledge of identifying and immediately treating life-threatening conditions. You will also refresh your disaster first aid skills.
Date: Wednesday, April 5 Time: 6 – 7:30 p.m. Location: City Hall – Peter Kirk Room, 123 5th Ave
Learn about our new Rental Risk Assistance grant fund.
Are you a tenant seeking a new lease in Kirkland and struggling with barriers to housing?
The Kirkland Rental Risk Assistance Fund Program helps tenants facing barriers to stable housing by providing cash grants to landlords of up to $1,200 to help offset their risk of tenant default. Learn about eligibility requirements and apply at www.kirklandwa.gov/rentriskfund
Choosing to reuse is a great way to prevent waste in our community. Join the Bring Your Own Cup (BYOC) campaign by getting a BYOC passport! A BYOC passport is a small card you bring with you to participating coffee shops. Every time you Bring Your Own Cup and purchase a drink in it, you can either get a stamp or write-in the name of the location where you BYOC. After you do it 5 times email a photo of it to our team at eastsidereusables@cascadiaconsulting.com to enter a prize drawing for a reusables kit!
You can pick up your BYOC passport at Kirkland City Hall, or at one of our partner coffee shops in Kirkland. Partner locations include Zoka Coffee Roasting Co. (Central Way/Lake St), Caffe Ladro (Kirkland Urban and at Central Way), Top Pot Doughnuts (Juanita), Evergreen Blendz Coffee (Totem Lake), and 5 Stones Coffee Company (Central Way).
The tree planting rebate program is available again this year. This city program provides rebates up to $500 per property for planting qualifying trees on your property. Pre-paid certificates are also available for use at participating nurseries.
Rebates and certificates can also cover the necessary amounts of compost and mulch during planting, as well as watering bags to help your new trees thrive in the summer.
Why is planting trees important? Trees help prevent flooding in our neighborhoods, provide shade for our homes, and help filter pollutants to provide clean water for Lake Washington. Planting trees is an easy, affordable way to help the environment on your own property.
The 2023 season of the Juanita Friday Market (JFM) is about to begin. This year’s market will be Fridays, 3 – 7 p.m., at Juanita Beach Park from June 2 through September 29. Now is the time to become a volunteer on the 2023 JFM team. We have openings for set-up, tear-down, Information Booth, and Kid’s Booth. For more information, visit our website or email us at juanitafridaymarket@kirklandwa.gov.
Enjoy and be part of the Juanita Friday Market this summer!
Northeast 132nd Street/Juanita High School – Juanita
Drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists will encounter road construction on Northeast 132nd Street at Juanita High School and on the access road to the school. The project builds a new right turn lane into the High School to increase traffic flow during peak times.
Northeast 132nd Street at I-405 – Juanita/Kingsgate
Drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists will encounter continued construction as WSDOT’s contractor builds a new interchange for Interstate 405.
The eastbound lanes on Northeast 132nd Street will be closed from 111th Avenue Northeast to 116th Way Northeast for daytime construction work from March 23 through April 7. The eastbound lane will open for traffic on the weekends. A detour is in place for vehicles. Pedestrian access will remain open along Northeast 132nd Street.
116th Avenue Northeast remains closed, north of Northeast 132nd Street until May. A detour is in place for vehicles. Pedestrian access will remain open on 116th Avenue Northeast throughout construction.
For questions about this traffic control, or other questions about this project, call WSDOT’s project hotline at 425-224-2433.
Northeast 124th Street/116th Avenue Northeast – Juanita
Construction activities are expected to resume for this project on April 10. The contract has been in suspension awaiting franchise utility operators to relocate their facilities to accommodate the new sidewalk and turn lane.
PSE is planning franchise utility work at this location Friday, March 24 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. and/or Saturday, March 25 after 8 p.m. Drivers can expect lane closures on NE 124th Street and 116th Avenue NE while the utility conducts the relocation work.
The project builds a new southbound to westbound right-turn lane from 116th Avenue NE, while also improving pedestrian facilities along the westside of 116th Avenue Northeast.
126th Avenue Northeast Water Main Upgrade – South Rose Hill
Work continues on a water main upgrade along 126th Avenue Northeast, between Northeast 70th and 80th streets.
Future Women in EMS/Fire Workshop
Date: Saturday April 22 – Sunday April 23, 2023 Apply by March 31, 2023
Time: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Women in King County: Join King County EMS, Eastside Fire and Rescue, Kirkland Fire Department and 10 other King County agencies for a FREE opportunity to explore a career in Fire or Emergency Medical Services! It’s a weekend of hands-on Fire and EMS activities including live demos, discussion panels and networking with Emergency Medical Technicians, Firefighters, and Paramedics in our region. Must be 18+ to apply, King County residency preferred. Questions? Email futurewomenems@kingcounty.gov

Parks and Community Services Job Fair
Date: April 1, 2023 Time: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Location: North Kirkland Community Center, 12421 103rd Ave NE
Parks and Community Services Department is hosting a job fair on Saturday, April 1, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the North Kirkland Community Center. Learn about seasonal and year-round positions, chat with hiring managers, apply on-site, and enjoy refreshments and swag. We can't wait to see you there!
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For more information, please contact:
David Wolbrecht - Communications Program Manager City Manager's Office 425-587-3021 | dwolbrecht@kirklandwa.gov