The next meeting of the Kirkland City Council is on Tuesday, February 7, 2023.
This will be a hybrid meeting, and community members are welcome to attend the meeting in person or via Zoom. Limited socially distant seating will be available in the Council Chamber, as well as some limited overflow seating.
Here’s a brief overview of some of the items on the Business Agenda for the February 7 meeting, which starts at 7:30 p.m.:
Special Event Program Updates - the Council will provide feedback on proposed changes to the Special Event program, including a new fee structure and related updates to Kirkland Municipal Code (KMC) 19.24 related to Special Events.
2023 Council Committee Assignments - the Council will review and discuss the 2023 Council Committee Assignments to various regional boards and committees.
Houghton Village Near-Term Strategies - the Council will discuss potential options and provide direction to staff about options for upgrading the former PCC space at Houghton Village in order to prepare the space for a future occupant(s).
Prior to the above business agenda, the Council will also hold a Study Session starting at 5:30 p.m., where they will discuss:
Lake Washington Boulevard Promenade and Concept Development Study – Council will receive a briefing on the Lake Street South/Lake Washington Boulevard NE Promenade Analysis and Concept Development Study and will provide direction to staff on a preferred design alternative and next steps to advance the concept of a potential Lake Washington Boulevard Promenade.
Neighborhood Traffic Control Program Policy Revisions - Council will receive a briefing about proposals to streamline the community engagement process for the Neighborhood Traffic Control Program and also refine engineering criteria in the Roadway Policy R-20.
How to watch: Kirkland City Council meetings are streamed live and can be watched after the fact on the City of Kirkland Facebook page and the City YouTube channel, in addition to the livestream on the City website. Meetings are also televised on Comcast Cable Channel 21 and Ziply Cable Channel 31.
How to participate: Members of the public wishing to address the Council may do so in-person or via Zoom during the “Items from the Audience” part of the agenda. That part of the agenda occurs at the beginning of the Council’s business meeting at 7:30 p.m. Information on the comment sign up process to provide comment to the City Council, and on attending the meeting virtually, is available on the City Council webpage.
Written comments can also be submitted to CityCouncil@kirklandwa.gov. For additional questions, please call the City Clerk’s Office at (425) 587-3190.
Join a Board or Commission
The City of Kirkland strongly encourages those who seek to have a voice in City decisions and make a positive difference in the community to apply to a City advisory board by February 16, 2023. City advisory boards and commissions are responsible for formulating new ideas, gathering information, receiving public comments, analyzing complex issues, and making recommendations for specific projects and policies to the City Council.
KPD Explorer Program Seeks Youth Volunteers
Do you know a young person who is interested in learning what it's like to have a career in law enforcement? Consider the Kirkland Police Explorer Program! Designed for young people ages 14 through 21, the Explorers learn through service by volunteering at the Kirkland Police Department. Explorer duties can include helping with security detail or crowd control at community events. Volunteer hours can be applied toward a senior project or included on a resume, but more importantly, these experiences are aimed at producing responsible and caring community leaders. If you’re interested or know a young person who might be interested in the KPD Explorer Program, let us know! Contact one of our Lead Explorer Advisors:
School Resource Officer Dan Luebke (425) 587-3480 Ext. 8636 Neighborhood Resource Officer Tiffany Trombley (425) 587-3427
Natural Hazard Survey from University of Washington
University of Washington researchers would like to know about your perspective on natural hazards and community preparedness in a short survey. What natural hazards do you think we should prepare for and how?
By responding to this survey, you will help guide future research and policy recommendations for disaster preparedness and recovery. This survey is being conducted by the University of Washington’s Institute for Hazard Mitigation Planning and Research. All responses to this survey are confidential and will remain anonymous. Please feel free to contact Molly Daly, the Survey Coordinator (ExpectationsGap@uw.edu) for any questions/comments, or clarifications.

How can I contact the City with questions, requests, or suggestions?
You can always contact City staff through the Our Kirkland service portal, available on the web and mobile app. Submitting your comments through Our Kirkland ensures the right staff receives the information and can follow up with you.

The City of Kirkland has posted its annual draft Stormwater Management Program Plan and invites community members to review and submit comments or suggestions by February 24, 2023. The draft plan describes potential actions the City could take to reduce stormwater pollution and protect our lakes and streams.
In November 2022, Kirkland’s Juanita Beach Park Bathhouse was recognized as a 2022 Honor Award Honorable Mention from the American Institute of Architects Seattle Chapter. The Honor Awards for Washington Architecture celebrate excellence in design in Washington. The Juanita Beach Park Bathhouse was chosen by the jury as one of the 15 award winners that “delight, inspire and enrich their communities all while having a positive impact on the environment.”
February 1 marks the beginning of Black History Month, an annual celebration and recognition of Black Americans and their role in the history of our country.
During Black History Month, the City will celebrate the extraordinary achievements and contributions made by Black people to the social, artistic, cultural, political, economic, spiritual, and national advancement in the United States and beyond. Each year, by proclaiming the month of February as Black History Month in Kirkland, all community members are invited to join us on social media, as the City will post various stories featuring local Black leaders to commemorate the countless contributions to our region, our nation, and the world. The City will also be hosting staff training to build internal personal and interpersonal capacity to engage in conversations about racism by cultivating racial healing practices. This training supports the City’s DEIB Roadmap Objectives to ensure that the organizational culture continues to be one that is rooted in welcoming and belonging.
The City Council has worked to demonstrate a deliberate and intentional effort centering the experiences and perspectives of Black people through the adoption of the following resolutions:
• Resolution R-5434 Ensuring the safety and respect of Black people
• Resolution R-5548 Approval of the Diversity Equity Inclusion and Belonging Roadmap
Resolution R-5240 Declaring Kirkland a Safe, Inclusive, and Welcoming City supports this same intentional effort at ensuring the general well-being, inclusion and belonging of Black people and all people in Kirkland.
Just in time for tax season! There is a new tax credit available to qualifying Washington state families. It is called Working Families Tax Credit or WFTC. Families meeting the eligibility requirements may receive up to $1,200. You can apply now through December 31, 2023.
Un nuevo reembolso para los trabajadores de Washington.
Las personas y familias podrán recibir una devolución de hasta $1200 si cumplen ciertos requisitos de elegibilidad. Aplique desde hoy hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2023.
Lea mas en Washington Department of Revenue.

The Capital Improvement Program works to make life in Kirkland safer, more comfortable, and more fun. The City invested more than $60 million in 2022 to attain this goal.
Kirkland Parks & Community Services is looking for the right person for the position of Homeless Outreach Coordinator. This person understands the complexities of homelessness, behavioral health and substance use. They have experience supporting homeless individuals and families, building relationships, assessing risk levels, maintaining confidentiality and has excellent communication skills. See more information about this position, or apply: Homeless Outreach Coordinator.
Even in the middle of winter, people are out running, walking their pets, biking, or a variety of other outdoor activities. And since it gets dark before many of us are off work or out of classes, it’s a good time to remind people to travel safely – whether you’re a pedestrian, scooter-rider, bicyclist, or driver.
When walking, biking, or riding a scooter:
Wear light or reflective clothing to make it easier for drivers to see you
Cross at crosswalks
Use sidewalks, walkways or paths whenever they’re available
Make eye contact with drivers before stepping into the street
Check each lane for oncoming or turning traffic before entering it
Drive without distractions
Look twice for people walking and biking before turning
Slow down when coming to intersections
Drive more slowly in the dark, and in bad weather
Traveling safely on our roadways is all of our responsibility!
The Parks Funding Exploratory Committee (PFEC) held their ninth meeting last Thursday, January 26 at Parks Maintenance Center. Following a welcome by Councilmember Kelli Curtis, the committee received the results of the recreation facility feasibility study from Opsis Architecture and consultants. The group continued its discussion of potential parks ballot measure elements. PFEC will continue to meet and deliberate through February and make a recommendation to City Council in March 2023.
Cross Kirkland Corridor – Totem Lake
A three-week detour around a Totem Lake-section of the Cross Kirkland Corridor continues until Feb. 3. Kirkland’s Totem Lake Connector contractor is closing the corridor, between Northeast 124th Street and 120th Avenue Northeast to restore the original trail and upgrade stormwater facilities along it.
126th Avenue Northeast water main upgrade – South Rose Hill
Work continues on a water main upgrade along 126th Avenue Northeast, between Northeast 70th and 80th streets.
Northeast 132nd Street/Juanita High School – Juanita
Drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists will encounter road construction on Northeast 132nd Street at Juanita High School and on the access road to the school. The project builds a new right turn lane into the High School to increase traffic flow during peak times.
Northeast 132nd Street at I-405 – Juanita/Kingsgate
Drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists will encounter continued construction as WSDOT’s contractor builds a new interchange for Interstate 405.
For questions about this traffic control, or other questions about this project, call WSDOT’s project hotline at 425-224-2433.

Law Enforcement Diversity Workshop
Date: Saturday, February 4, 2023
Location: Redmond Public Safety Building (Main Lobby), 8701 160 AVE NE, Redmond, WA 98052
Join Kirkland, Redmond, and Bellevue Police Departments for a FREE Career Diversity in Law Enforcement workshop on February 4 from 9 a.m. to noon.
We’re committed to recruiting participants who reflect the diversity of our community. This workshop aims to address barriers of those seeking a career in law enforcement and provide strategies to navigate the hiring process successfully.
Registration preferred but not required. Attendees must be 18+. Light refreshments will be provided.
Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Location: Public Works Maintenance Center, 915 8th St, 98033
Kirkland’s Public Works Department invites you to learn more about working at the dynamic department that keeps our city moving.
See demonstrations of the City's fleet and utilities equipment for the City's water, wastewater, surface water, streets and grounds, and engineering services. Meet hiring managers and staff and fill out applications for current job openings right at the career fair.
We’re currently looking for: Project Engineers, Fleet Mechanics, Utility Workers, and Office Specialists.
Join an upcoming free, virtual Cascade Gardener class! Registration is required.
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