In observance of New Year’s Day holiday, City administrative offices will be closed:
At 12 p.m. noon on Friday, December 30
All day Monday, January 2
Fire, police, and other critical services will remain fully operational. City services normally accessible through email, the Our Kirkland service portal, and over the phone will resume at 8 a.m., Tuesday, January 3.
Please visit our website for more information about City services.
The next meeting of the Kirkland City Council is on Tuesday, January 3, 2023. This will be a hybrid meeting, and community members are welcome to attend the meeting in person or via Zoom. Limited socially distant seating will be available in the Council Chamber, as well as some limited overflow seating.
Here’s a brief overview of some of the items on the Business Agenda for the January 3 meeting, which starts at 7:30 p.m.:
Capital Improvement Projects Acceptance Process – Council will consider changing the procedure by which capital improvement projects are accepted as complete.
Draft Ordinance on Personal Delivery Devices - Council will review and consider for approval a draft ordinance concerning regulation of personal delivery devices on the City’s rights-of-way.
Draft 2023 Legislative Support Items Agenda - Council will review and consider for approval the City’s 2023 State Legislative Support Items Agenda. The 2023 legislative session is a long, 105-day session that will begin on Monday, January 9 and finish at the end of April. The Legislative Support Items agenda consists of selected priority issues/items which align with the City’s goals, values, and policy initiatives and are championed by ally organizations, coalitions, and groups.
Prior to the above items of business, the Council will also hold a Study Session starting at 5:30 p.m., where they will discuss:
Draft 2023-2024 City Work Program - Council will review the draft Work Program for 2023-2024 which documents key policy and service priorities for Kirkland and guides the allocation of resources.
How to watch: Kirkland City Council meetings are streamed live and can be watched after the fact on the City of Kirkland Facebook page and the City YouTube channel, in addition to the livestream on the City website. Meetings are also televised on Comcast Cable Channel 21 and Ziply Cable Channel 31.
How to participate: Members of the public wishing to address the Council may do so in-person or via Zoom during the “Items from the Audience” part of the agenda. That part of the agenda occurs at the beginning of the Council’s business meeting at 7:30 p.m. Information on the comment sign up process to provide comment to the City Council, and on attending the meeting virtually, is available on the City Council webpage.
Written comments can also be submitted to For additional questions, please call the City Clerk’s Office at (425) 587-3190.
Attend the Kirkland 2044 Visioning Event on Jan 11
We need your help shaping the future of Kirkland! Every eight years, our community comes together to create a vision and policies to guide future growth of the city. Doing so helps ensure the needs and desires of people who currently - or would like to - live, work, learn and play in Kirkland are reflected. We know growth is coming, including more neighbors, more jobs, and more housing and transportation options. The Kirkland 2044 Comprehensive Plan process will help us guide that growth over the next 20 years. Register to attend the event on January 11. Learn more by visiting and sign up for email alerts.
Provide Input on King County’s Northeast Recycling and Transfer Station
The postponed public meeting on the Northeast Recycling and Transfer Station project is rescheduled for Wednesday, Jan 11, 2023, from 6 - 8 p.m. at Lake Washington High School in Kirkland.
If you can't attend, the online open house will be available until the scoping period ends on Jan 17, 2023. Visit to review information and submit written comments.
Share Feedback to Shape the Future of the Internet in Washington
Washington state is seeking input from all residents about access to the internet. You can help verify the accuracy of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) National Broadband Map by January 13, 2023, to confirm if services are accurately represented. This information will be used to help determine federal funding for expanding broadband internet access in Washington state. Learn more at the FCC’s website.
How can I contact the City with questions, requests, or suggestions?
You can always contact City staff through the Our Kirkland service portal, available on the web and mobile app. Submitting your comments through Our Kirkland ensures the right staff receives the information and is able to follow up with you.
The implementation of the new school zone safety cameras in the Moss Bay and Finn Hill neighborhoods has been postponed due to delays in PSE crews being able to activate the equipment. The City will not begin to issue speeding warnings on January 3 as originally planned and communicated. We will share the new activation dates when available.
KPD is emphasizing safe driving these holiday weekends. We can all do our part to prevent someone from driving impaired.
Don’t drive, take transit! King County Metro along with other regional transit agencies will provide free rides this New Year’s Eve. Riders can travel without paying fares on King County Metro, Sound Transit, Community Transit, Everett Transit, and the Seattle Streetcar.
Washington law enforcement will be doing their part with extra patrols across the state, now through January 1. You can help too:
Be sober behind the wheel and prevent someone you care about from getting a DUI or hurting others while driving impaired
Arrange for or provide a ride
Arrange for the person to stay where they are
Offer your couch for the night
Engage someone else to help, including calling 911
Calling 911 to prevent a crash is better than calling to report one. Taking action to prevent a DUI-related crash is an emergency. When talking to 911 dispatchers, they will want to know:
Make and model of the car
License plate number
Route and direction being travelled
Description of the driver
You’d reach out to stop a friend from falling or getting hurt from an unseen danger. We do the same when we stop people we love from driving while drunk or high. Let’s get everyone home safely for the holidays.
Are you one of the 26,000 qualified seniors in King County who have yet to register for the current senior property tax exemption? King County Tax Assessor John Wilson will explain the new eligibility requirements for Senior/Disabled Property Tax Relief that will go into effect in January 2023.
Join this free public forum on Wednesday, January 25 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the Peter Kirk Community Center 352 Kirkland Ave.
Join the Green Kirkland Partnership for a day of habitat stewardship on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Monday January 16, 2023, at one of three volunteer events in Kirkland Parks.
Volunteers are needed to help restore critical habitat by removing invasive plants such as blackberry or ivy, planting native plants, and pitching-in with mulching and weeding. With your help, your parks will have healthy and thriving natural areas for years to come!
MLK Jr. Day of Service Stewardship Events in 2023
• Windsor Vista Park – 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
• Juanita Open Space #1 – 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
• Watershed Park – 12 to 2 p.m.
Pre-registration is requested for all participants and each event has a different start/end time and meeting location. All experience levels and ages are welcome following the youth guidelines listed on the registration pages.
Stewardship events are in partnership with United Way of King County, and each event features a reflection to encourage us all to consider Dr. King's legacy and how we can have an impact beyond this single day of service.
Contact Green Kirkland via email with questions or visit
Kirkland Parks and Community Services invites you to save the date and celebrate the Lunar New Year on January 28, 2023, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Peter Kirk Community Center at 352 Kirkland Ave in Kirkland. Activities include entertainment, food, sharing experiences, crafts, and storytelling.
Event elements include an emphasis on education and how the celebration is influenced by various cultures such as Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Singaporean, Laotian, Filipino, Malaysian, Thai, and Indonesian. If you are interested in contributing your talents to this event, the planning team is seeking volunteers. Ways to help include:
Sing, dance, or play traditional music
Share in a small group setting how your family celebrates Lunar New Year
Help children write Lunar New Year sentiments in different languages
Lead children’s crafts area
Interpret stories in our storytelling circle
Wear traditional clothing
Planning and event coordination is currently underway. If you’d like to participate, please contact planning team members Maryke Burgess, Recreation Supervisor, at or Xiaoning Jiang, Resilience and Technology Officer, at or call 425-587-3386.
柯克兰市政府 Parks and Community Services 邀请您于 2023 年 1 月 28 日下午 2 点至 4 点在柯克兰市的Peter Kirk 社区中心(Kirkland Ave 352 号), 参加庆祝农历新年活动。活动包括娱乐、美食、分享经验、手工艺和讲故事。
When wind advisories are in the forecast, so could be a loss of power. Do you know what to do and who to contact?
Puget Sound Energy, Comcast, and Ziply are responsible for utility poles and lines. For down power lines, contact Puget Sound Energy at 1-888-225-5773. Never touch downed power lines - they might be energized. Stay at least 35 feet away from any downed line, and call PSE or 911 to report problems.
The City does not respond to tree issues on private property. If a right-of-way tree has fallen onto private property, it is the private property owner’s responsibility. If you would like more information about filing a claim, please call the Human Resources Department at 425-587-3210 or visit the Claims for Damages page.
To report a Public Works emergency or urgent concern, such as a public tree in the right of way, call (425) 587-3900. For non-emergency issues, report via the Our Kirkland portal. Resources and information can be found on the City website Streets and Grounds webpage.
If you are without power:
Check the outage map and report an outage at or call 1-888-225-5773.
Do not use charcoal or a gas grill to cook indoors. Never use a natural gas range for heating, or charcoal as an indoor heating or cooking source.
Do not run a generator indoors or in enclosed areas such as garages.
If you’re using portable heaters, keep them away from furniture, draperies and other flammable materials.
Always use flashlights instead of candles.
Kirkland Ca$h is back! Sign up your business today to accept this voucher program funded by the City. Kirkland Ca$h is just like cash and is distributed by Kirkland hotels to guests to spend at participating businesses. Kirkland Ca$h supports Kirkland businesses by driving customers through the door, and marketing and promoting your business. Participation is free, fast, and easy. Visit today for more information and to sign up!
Northeast 132nd Street/Juanita High School – Juanita
Drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists will encounter road construction on Northeast 132nd Street at Juanita High School and on the access road to the school. The project builds a new right turn lane into the High School to increase traffic flow during peak times.
NPM Construction is expected to start work on Tuesday, January 3. The project should be complete this spring.
NEW - 126th Avenue Northeast – South Rose Hill/Bridle Trails
Drivers and residents along 126th Avenue Northeast will experience road closures and detours as the project to replace an aging water main pipe begins. Project engineers expect the project, between Northeast 70th and 80th streets to be complete in early spring.
RW Scott Construction is likely to start work on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.
Northeast 132nd Street at I-405 – Juanita/Kingsgate
Drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists will encounter continued construction as WSDOT’s contractor builds a new interchange for Interstate 405.
For questions about this traffic control, or other questions about this project, call WSDOT’s project hotline at 425-224-2433.
Northeast 124th Street – Juanita
Drivers continue to encounter construction at 116th Avenue Northeast and Northeast 124th Street, where a Kirkland contractor is constructing a new right-turn only lane to improve traffic flow.
Interwest Construction is shifting between day work and night work to get the sidewalks and signal pole foundations formed and poured. The project also builds a wide sidewalk with street trees and street lighting along the northwest side of 116th Avenue Northeast. This project is expected to be complete in winter, with final paving occurring in spring.
Looking for a relatively easy New Year's resolution? How about giving blood? Giving blood at least once a year is a small, attainable, and measurable objective that means a lifetime of difference for a patient in need—and comes with cookies! It only takes an hour to make a difference. Start by crossing one goal off your list and donate at the North Kirkland Community Center on January 3 or 4, or join us at City Hall January 23 or 24. You need to be at least 16 years old to donate blood, and all donors need to arrive with photo ID, and wearing a face mask.
Book a City of Kirkland Blood Drive Appointment.
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