The Kirkland City Council met on October 18, 2022, in a hybrid meeting. Here’s a brief overview of some of the items from the meeting:
Business License Fees – The City Council updated the Business License Code to increase the annual gross receipts threshold exemption from $12,000 to $20,000 and change the fee from $105 to $130, effective January 1, 2023.
Proposed 2023-2024 Utility Rates – The City Council adopted 2023 and 2024 rates for the Solid Waste, Water, Sewer, and Surface Water utilities.
Proposed Draft 2023 State Legislative Priorities – The City Council reviewed Proposed Draft 2023 State Legislative Priorities and provided comments to staff. Staff will bring back final State Legislative Priorities for potential adoption at the November 1, 2022, Council meeting.
Prior to the above business agenda, the Council also held a Study Session starting at 5:30 p.m., where they discussed:
Parks Special Event Program Updates - The City Council provided feedback on proposed changes to the Parks Special Event program, including changes to the fee structure and related updates to the Kirkland Municipal Code.
How to watch: Kirkland City Council meetings are streamed live and can be watched after the fact on the City of Kirkland Facebook page and the City YouTube channel, in addition to the livestream on the City website. Meetings are also televised on Comcast Cable Channel 21 and Ziply Cable Channel 31.
To watch the Council discussions on the specific agenda items outlined above, visit the City’s website. The full agenda packet with information on each item is located on the City’s website.
The next regular City Council meeting is on November 1, 2022.
2023-2024 Budget Public Hearings
The first of three scheduled public hearings on the 2023-2024 budget was on October 4. The second and third public hearings are scheduled to be held on November 1 and 15. These public hearings and other feedback from the community over the coming months will help inform the City Council’s adoption of its 2023-2024 budget at the December 13, 2022, Council meeting. For more information on the City’s budget process and ways to provide feedback, please visit https://www.kirklandwa.gov/budget
Open House, Presentation, and Q&A on the Station Area Plan Form-based Code on Oct 24
The City is currently developing draft code amendments for Phase 2 of the Station Area Plan. There will be multiple ways for the community to learn more about the draft Form-based Code for Phase 2, provide input, and prepare to participate in a public hearing with the Planning Commission. Two upcoming opportunities include:
October 24, 2022 - Open House @ City Hall (123 5th Ave) - 1 to 5 p.m.: Drop in anytime during the Open House to view information about the adopted Station Area Plan and draft Form-based Code. Staff will be available to answer questions.
October 24, 2022 - Phase 2 Form-based Code Presentation and Question & Answer Session - 6 to 8 p.m.: Join us in-person at City Hall (123 5th Ave), or virtually, to take part in a hybrid meeting and learn more about the draft Form-based Code. The project team will be making a short presentation, followed by an opportunity for all attendees to ask questions. The session will be recorded and available if you can't join us live. October 24 Virtual Meeting Link.
How can I contact the City with questions, requests, or suggestions?
You can always contact City staff through the Our Kirkland service portal, available on the web and mobile app. Submitting your comments through Our Kirkland ensures the right staff receives the information and is able to follow up with you.
The City of Kirkland Police Department (KPD) is the first in the state to implement a Street Racing Noise Pilot Program authorized by the Washington Traffic Safety Commission (WTSC). This feasibility study will test new automated vehicle noise identification cameras in areas designated as test zones in the city.
Read more.
The City has published the City Manager's 2023-2024 Preliminary Budget, "Sustaining Services and Building a Community Where Everyone Belongs."
The Council will be deliberating the budget for the next several meetings, starting with a special study session on October 25, 2022.
The Council will be holding two public hearings on the budget on November 1 and 15. The Council is anticipated to adopt the 2023-2024 budget at its December 13, 2022, meeting.
For more information on the budget process and to provide feedback about the budget, please visit the City’s webpage.
The Kirkland City Council is seeking input from the community on the next two-year budget.
In our final two installments of our video series, Councilmember Jon Pascal talks about how the budget supports making smart improvements to the way we get around, and Councilmember Toby Nixon explains that, of the many services the City of Kirkland provides to the community, public safety is among the most critical.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Eastside recently recognized Beth Goldberg, City of Kirkland Deputy City Manager of Operations, as a Mental Health Hero for Goldberg’s role in supporting the creation of a local crisis response facility in northeast King County with Kirkland’s partner cities Bothell, Kenmore, Lake Forest Park, and Shoreline.
“Beth Goldberg has been invaluable in supporting an alliance of northeast cities in pursuing the creation of a local crisis response facility for northeast King County,” said Kirkland City Councilmember Kelli Curtis. “It is not easy to stand up a new program, and Beth has shown determination and grace through the entire process. In addition to her support for a crisis response facility, Beth has guided Kirkland’s new Community Responder program and the hiring of four Community Responders. We are so proud of the progress we are making in responding to the community’s behavioral health needs.”
Goldberg’s recognition was part of NAMI Eastside’s annual gala. The theme of this year’s gala was Hope, Healing, and Heroes and recognized individuals in East King County communities making a difference in the mental health field. According to NAMI Eastside, individuals recognized as Mental Health Heroes have made significant contributions to addressing the mental health and substance use needs of their community.
“I’m sincerely honored and humbled to receive this award,” said Beth Goldberg. “While I appreciate the acknowledgement, the progress made has been an incredible group effort. I’m grateful for the work of our admirable coalition of cities, and team of staff members, community partners, and industry professionals responding to the mental health needs of our community.”
NAMI Eastside is a non-profit organization set to improve the quality of life for those impacted by a mental health condition through advocacy, education, and support.
For more information on NAMI Eastside, please visit https://nami-eastside.org/.
Today, Oct 20, is International ShakeOut Day. Join people worldwide and participate in earthquake drills at work, school, and home. Build a Kit, Make a Plan, and Practice Your Plan!
The Parks Funding Exploratory Committee (PFEC) met for the third time on October 13, 2022. PFEC received an overview of the 2022 Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan, learned what it takes to maintain parks in Kirkland, and explored park maintenance and operations recommendations of the PROS Plan.
Watch a video about playground maintenance shared at the meeting.
Due to an abnormally dry summer and fall, and with rain finally in the forecast, we've extended our tree rebate deadline to November 30, 2022 🌲🌳.
Perfect planting season is almost upon us, so be sure to claim your rebate soon!

Ben Franklin Elementary, Robert Frost Elementary and Carl Sandburg Elementary were just some of the schools that recently participated in Walk and Roll to School Month, proclaimed by the Kirkland City Council for the month of October.
Councilmember Amy Falcone joined students at Carl Sandburg Elementary. Students at Ben Franklin and Robert Frost elementaries got to meet their School Resource Officers and check out police patrol vehicles during Walk and Roll to School Week.
Encouraging students and families to Walk and Roll to School is just one element of Kirkland’s Safer Routes to School Action Plans, adopted by the City Council to identify key steps to make walking, rolling, and riding the bus to school safer and more convenient in our community.
Thank you to all who participated, and please remember to slow down for kids.
FREE extra yard waste in November
From November 1 to 30, single family households in Kirkland can put out up to 5 extra yard waste bags per collection day for free. Fill your gray cart first, then put out extra leaves in paper bags or durable containers labeled “yard waste.” Plastic bags are not accepted.
For more information about stormwater drainage and flooding, please visit kirklandwa.gov/flooding.
Keep Leaves Out of Streets
The leaves are starting to turn, and soon they’ll start to fall. Please help prevent flooding in your neighborhood by cleaning leaves off storm drains and out of streets. Fallen leaves pile up on storm drains, block rainwater from draining, and cause neighborhood flooding.
City crews work hard to keep storm drains clear of leaves, but with over 15,000 drains in Kirkland, we could use your help! If severe flooding occurs in your neighborhood, please call our 24/7 hotline at (425) 587-3900 for help from a City crew.
Fallen leaves can be a great source of nutrients for your lawn and garden. Mow over leaves on lawn areas a couple times - the small pieces will break down and return nutrients to your soil without the need for fertilizer. Fallen leaves in garden areas can act as mulch and also provide a haven for butterflies, bumblebees and other beneficial animals.

The Kirkland Police Department (KPD) is participating in the Pink Patch Project – a campaign to bring attention to the fight against breast cancer – and they invite you to join!
A pink Kirkland Corrections patch is also available!
Purchase a patch online: KPD is partnering with the Pasco Officers Association to make pink Kirkland Police or Corrections patches available here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/PascoOfcAssoc
Participation in the Pink Patch Project has allowed KPD to raise money for research for other cancers as well. This year, proceeds will benefit Footprints of Fight, a local charity supporting families and patients in Washington undergoing pediatric cancer treatment. Footprints of Fight was started by a former Kirkland resident after their child went through cancer treatment.
From now through November 4, 2022, you may see uniformed Kirkland officers wearing a special pink Kirkland Police patch. Please join us in supporting this cause.
Would you like to contribute your time and experience as a member of the City Council's advisory Boards and Commissions? The City is accepting applications for various volunteer boards and commissions through October 27, 2022. Visit the Current Recruitment Positions webpage or call the City Clerk’s Office at 425-587-3190 to learn more about each board, eligibility requirements, and to apply. Members of the advisory boards are appointed by the City Council. Interviews will be scheduled with the City Council at a time and date to be determined.
Please review the current Board and Commission vacancies below and consider these interim opportunities to get involved with your community!
Human Services Commission
This commission advises the City Council on matters relating to the City's efforts to support a socially sustainable community through health and human services and programs; develops recommendations on funding priorities and policies; and reviews requests and provides recommendations for grant funding of human services. NOTE: There is both an adult and youth-specific seat available for this Commission. The commission meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
Transportation Commission
This commission advises the City Council on the planning and development of those transportation issues referred to them by the City Council. The Commission also submits to the City Council, through the City Manager, recommendations for such other transportation issues of interest to the Commission, or associated with Council-directed items, as the Commission feels is advisable. The commission meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month.

Looking to connect to Eastside employers? Register for the free Eastside Virtual Job Fair on November 10, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to access a wide pool of employers for your next career. This event is a partnership between Eastside Cities and WorkSource – Seattle/King County.
You will have the opportunity to share your resume with employers prior to the event to help you find the best fit for your career. You can also send your resume to employers for six months after the event.
Lakeview Drive – Lakeview
Kirkland’s 2022 street paving contractor is planning next week to shift lanes on Lakeview Drive between Lake Washington Boulevard and Northeast 64th Street while its crews re-establish the maintenance hole lids they removed before grinding the street and re-paving it.
The daily lane-shifts begin at 7 a.m. and end at 3 p.m.
This work depends largely on the weather.
Kirkland’s 2022 street paving contractor is shifting lanes on Waverly Way between Fifth and 10th avenues west this week while its crews replace and repair damaged curb along the street’s west side.
The daily lane-shifts begin at 7 a.m. and end at 3 p.m.
The City of Kirkland is planning to repave this same section of street this month or, more likely, in spring 2023. The timing of that project depends largely on the weather.
Northeast 132nd Street at I-405 – Juanita/Kingsgate
Drivers will encounter the new roadway alignment along NE 132nd Street with the roadway shifted to the north, allowing crews to safely establish new work zones and move into the next phase of construction. The restriction on left turns for westbound onto southbound 116th Way NE and eastbound onto northbound 116th Avenue NE currently in place will remain in the new roadway alignment.
Pedestrian routes will also shift to the north side of NE 132nd Street. Pedestrians accessing the Kingsgate Park and Ride will be required to use the east side of 116th Way NE and utilize the existing crosswalk near the south end of the Kingsgate Park and Ride.
For questions about this traffic control, or other questions about this project, call WSDOT’s project hotline at 425-224-2433.
Northeast 124th Street – Juanita
Construction has resumed at 116th Avenue Northeast and Northeast 124th Street, where a Kirkland contractor is constructing a new right-turn only lane to improve traffic flow.
Interwest Construction is working from 6 p.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. The project also builds a wide sidewalk with street trees and street lighting along the northwest side of 116th Avenue Northeast.
Fifth Place South – Moss Bay
Drivers are advised that Fifth Place South is closed at the intersection with Sixth Street South. The closure is expected to be in place for three weeks while a private development contractor realigns the intersection.
The intersection realignment is a permitting requirement of the development to the south, and provides a better turning radius for right hand turns onto Sixth Street South.

City of Kirkland Pop Up Blood Drive
For the umpteenth time, our skilled Blood Collection Specialists are not vampires. One key difference – we don’t want blood, we need it, to help patients throughout or community recover and heal from cancer, trauma, and transplants. So make an appointment to donate blood in partnership with the City of Kirkland, at the North Kirkland Community Center. Join us Monday, October 24th. Broom parking is available. If you are age 16 or older, be a blood donor, and starve a vampire!

Watershed Family Field Trip
Date: Saturday, November 5, 2022
Location: O.O. Denny Park, 12302 Holmes Point Dr NE
Are you curious about your local watershed and ecology? Bring the whole family for a free outdoor field trip at O.O. Denny Park on Saturday, November 5th from 1-3pm.
A professional Educator from Nature Vision will teach the class session. We will dig in to local ecology, look at plants and wildlife, test water samples with our scientist, and learn ways that we can all keep our water abundant and healthy!
The class is limited to 30 participants. Families with children ages 6 and older may register. Children under 6 are welcome, but the program is meant for older children and their adults.
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