Table of Contents:

The next regular meeting of the Kirkland City Council is on May 17, 2022. This will be a hybrid meeting, and community members are welcome to attend the meeting in person or via Zoom. Limited socially distant seating will be available in the Council Chamber, as well as some limited overflow seating.
Here’s a brief overview of some of the items on the agenda for the May 17 Council meeting:
Study Session – Draft Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) 5-Year Roadmap: The Council will review an updated draft of the DEIB 5-Year Roadmap, which incorporates feedback from the community, City staff, and the Council. The draft DEIB 5-Year Roadmap defines a robust work program with goals and objectives related to the City as an organization and relationships in the community. Based on Council direction at the May 17 Study Session, staff will return with a final updated Roadmap for consideration and adoption by Council at a future meeting.
Study Session – City Council Policies and Procedures – Social Media: The Council will hold an initial discussion about its policies and procedures related to Councilmember engagement on social media.
Code Amendments Associated with the Sunsetting of Houghton Community Council: Staff will present a draft framework for undertaking amendments to the Kirkland Municipal Code and Kirkland Zoning Code related to the sunsetting of the Houghton Community Council. On March 11, 2022, Governor Inslee signed into law House Bill 1769, which sunsets community municipal corporations in Washington state. There are only two existent community municipal corporations in Washington – the Houghton Community Council in Kirkland and the East Bellevue Community Council in Bellevue. Staff will return to a future Council meeting with next steps based on Council direction.
Police Body Worn Cameras Update: The Council will review and consider adopting the updated Officer Body Worn Camera program draft policies to comply with grant requirements from the U.S. Department of Justice. Staff will provide an update to Council on the lower cost of implementing the program than originally budgeted. Council may also discuss an implementation ordinance for the Body Worn Camera program.
Cross Kirkland Corridor/Eastrail Crossing at 132nd Avenue NE Study: Staff will present to the Council the results of a crossing study at the CKC/Eastrail Crossing at 132nd Avenue NE. The City’s goal with this crossing is to promote safety and functionality for the trail users while minimizing impacts to vehicular traffic. Staff are seeking direction from Council on either the recommended alternative for the crossing or different direction.
Holmes Point Study – Recommended Street Standards: Staff will provide an overview to the Council about the “Holmes Point Overlay Zone Street Design Standards & Corridor Study Recommendations Report” and seek direction from the Council on next steps. The Holmes Point neighborhood is a distinct part of the Finn Hill area. The recommendations report being presented to Council is intended to help guide future development that is sensitive to the area’s environmental constraints, community character, tree canopy cover and wildlife habitat, and related factors. Final action is not anticipated by the Council during this meeting.
Meeting details: The regular business meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. and is preceded by a 5:30 p.m. study session. The agenda for the May 17 meeting will be available on the City website prior to the meeting on the Kirkland City Council agendas webpage. You can also receive meeting agendas in your inbox by subscribing to “City Council Agendas” on the Kirkland email lists subscription page.
How to watch: Kirkland City Council meetings are streamed live and can be watched after the fact on the City of Kirkland Facebook page and the City YouTube channel, in addition to the livestream on the City website. Meetings are also televised on Comcast Cable Channel 21 and Ziply Cable Channel 31.
How to participate: Members of the public wishing to address the Council may do so in-person or via Zoom during the “Items from the Audience” part of the agenda. That part of the agenda occurs at the beginning of the Council’s business meeting at 7:30 p.m. Information on the updated comment sign up process to provide comment to the City Council, and on attending the meeting virtually, is available on the City Council webpage.
Written comments can be submitted to For additional questions, please call the City Clerk’s Office at (425) 587-3190.
Virtual Open House for 85th St Station Area Plan May 18, 2022 – 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. A new Bus Rapid Transit station is coming to Kirkland at NE 85th St and I-405 in 2026. The City is finalizing a Station Area Plan to help leverage this once-in-a-generation investment from WSDOT and Sound Transit. After two years of engagement and study, the Station Area Plan will soon be considered by the Planning Commission and City Council. Come to a virtual open house to learn more about the draft Plan documents, including code and zoning amendments, that the Planning Commission and City Council will consider adopting in June. The open house will also help prepare you to participate in the adoption process by giving you tips on how to best provide comments to the Planning Commission at a public hearing on June 9. For more information, visit the NE 85th St Station Area Plan project page.
Be sure to Sign up for Station Area Plan email updates to receive a Zoom meeting link before the Open House.
Small Group Meetings on Permanent Supportive Housing in Kirkland The City of Kirkland will host a series of small group meetings on the topic of permanent supportive housing at the former La Quinta Inn in Kirkland. These small group meetings will focus on the terms and conditions necessary to maintain City support of La Quinta Inn as a Health Through Housing site. These will be an opportunity to ask questions, offer ideas, and talk more about the project. The feedback from the community will inform upcoming implementation decisions, including a safety plan, referral process for tenants, and ongoing community communication. For more information, visit the Health Through Housing in Kirkland webpage.
How can I contact the City with questions, requests, or suggestions? You can always contact City staff through the Our Kirkland service portal, available on the web and mobile app. Submitting your comments through Our Kirkland ensures the right staff receives the information and is able to follow up with you.
For more opportunities to provide feedback to the City, please visit our Community Conversations page.
The City of Kirkland has begun streambank restoration along Juanita Creek in Windsor Vista Park to help improve water quality in Juanita Creek, Kirkland’s largest salmon bearing stream.
“Protecting wildlife in our streams and water systems is of utmost importance to our region,” said Councilmember Kelli Curtis. “Kirkland is proud to steward our streams, creeks, and wetlands to contribute to a healthier watershed that benefits both our human and nonhuman residents. We’re grateful to King County for their grant supporting this effort.”
Funding for this work is provided by the King County Wastewater Treatment Division’s WaterWorks grant program. Kirkland received a total of $71,500 from this program in 2019 and 2021 to implement riverbank restoration in several of Kirkland’s parks along Juanita Creek (from upstream to downstream): Windsor Vista, Edith Moulton, Brookhaven, and Juanita Beach.
Restoration involves removal of invasive plants such as English ivy, Himalayan blackberry, and English holly; installation of erosion control materials such as jute fabric; and replanting with native trees, shrubs, and groundcovers including sword fern, vine maple, and Western red cedar.
For more information about Kirkland’s efforts to restore natural areas in parks, or to register to volunteer, visit For more information about Kirkland’s surface waters and salmonid populations and how you can help protect them visit
Volunteer at Clean Sweep Saturday, May 14, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Help beautify our vibrant downtown waterfront community by sweeping, shoveling, scrubbing, and cleaning various areas of need. We will help pick up litter, pull weeds, and polish our town. Come prepared with gloves and tools! This is a Kirkland Downtown Association event. To volunteer, email: or register online.
Another Way to Help – In Your Neighborhood
Gather with your friends, neighbors, community organizations or student groups and spend the day making your neighborhood clean and thriving. If you can't do May 14, find some friends or a group to help clean your community together. Don't just make it an occasion, make it a habit!
WSDOT is building a new on-ramp to northbound I-405 and a new exit from southbound I-405 at NE 132nd Street. To prepare for that major construction, contractors for the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) will be shifting traffic lanes on NE 132nd Street, 116th Ave NE, and Totem Lake Boulevard NE to make room for construction work zones.
Beginning as early as May 21:
- Eastbound and westbound travel on NE 132nd Street will be maintained.
- Left turns will be restricted from NE 132nd Street onto northbound 116th Avenue NE and southbound 116th Way NE.
Travelers should expect to see traffic signs, orange traffic barrels, and construction crews and equipment in the area of I-405 and NE 132nd Street.
Construction activities will generally include installing signs, placement of erosion control (orange fencing, straw), vegetation and tree removal, and signal adjustments.
Construction will primarily occur weekdays during daytime hours but may include nighttime and weekend work when necessary. Nighttime and weekend full closures could occur during construction with detours and potential delays.
During construction, traffic conditions are expected to remain similar to existing conditions during the most congested times of the day, although some short-term delays may occur. Residents and commuters may experience noise, vibration, dust, debris, crosswalk and sidewalk closures, lane and shoulder closures, restricted turn movements, and detours for pedestrians and bicyclists. Nearby driveways and other access points to neighborhoods and businesses will remain open throughout construction.
For more information, see the I-405/NE 132nd project page on WSDOT’s website.
For questions, call WSDOT's hotline at 425-224-2433.

The Kirkland Senior Council celebrated their 12th Annual Art Show Opening evening on Thursday, May 5, with a brave, water-soaked crowd. Despite the weather, these intrepid art fans came to view art produced by seniors at Merrill Gardens in downtown Kirkland. The opening night party was well attended as locals viewed art, including paintings, photography, and quilts while enjoying appetizers, beverages, and wonderful music. There were 146 entrees by 69 local artists, all over 50 years of age.
If you missed the opening, you can still view the art through May 25 for free in the lobby of Merrill Gardens at 14 Main Street South in Kirkland.
Book your stay at a Kirkland hotel today, and $50 in Kirkland Ca$h is yours to play tourist in your own City! Simply book a stay through KirklandCa$ and you will earn $50 in Kirkland Ca$h for each night booked.
Got out of town guests coming? Book their stay at KirklandCa$
In need of a Staycation or a great gift idea? Book through KirklandCa$
There is a diverse collection of 100+ local businesses that are accepting Kirkland Ca$h as form of payment. Stay the night and enjoy a meal, a boat cruise, a pedicure, a brewpub night out and many other options—it’s on us! Stays must be completed by June 30th and Kirkland Ca$h certificates (from this program) expire August 31st, 2022.
Visit KirklandCa$ to see how you can spend your K-Ca$h, to learn more and to book!
The weather is (supposed to be) getting warmer and that means more of us may be riding on two-wheels instead of four around town. Unfortunately, it also means bike thieves may be on the lookout for crimes of opportunity - when trusting souls hop off their bikes to run into a store or meet friends for a bite.
Kirkland Police have some tips for bike riders and owners to make sure their wheels don’t roll off without them:
Before you hit the bike lane:
- When buying a bike, save the receipt and take a picture of your bike. Keep those together in a safe place. Bike selfie, optional.
- Write down the make, model, and serial number of your bike. Where’s the serial number? Usually on the back wheel or under the bottom bracket where the pedals attach. Keep that info with your receipt and bike pic.
Out and about:
- When you’re not riding it, lock up your bike, no matter how short a stop you’re making. KPD suggests using a solid “U” lock or a hardened steel chain and padlock, so you can make sure your bike is securely attached to a bike-rack or other fixed object.
- Remember to also lock parts attached with quick-release mechanisms.
- Lock your bike in a well-lit area that’s seen by people walking or driving by.
- If bike accessories like lights and bags are detachable, they should be taken with you.
Just a Second
- Don’t leave your bike unattended in your yard or driveway – even for a second. Thieves only need a second to ride off.
- Finally, don’t hide your bike – in bushes or other places near your stop – because thieves know where to look!
See more Crime Prevention Tips from Kirkland Police Department.
The Mayor proclaimed May as Bike Everywhere Month and May 20 is Bike Everywhere Day! The City of Kirkland and Cascade Bicycle Club invite people to roll on over to our ‘celebration stations’ on Friday morning, May 20, for free snacks and giveaways. Chat with other community members and learn about the City’s ongoing efforts to improve bike infrastructure.
Celebration stations from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., Friday, May 20
- Marina Park, under the large pavilion
- Evergreen Point Park & Ride & 520 Trail
Cascade Bicycle Club has a map of the two Kirkland locations as well as other celebration stations around the region.
Bikers, Did You Know? The Cross Kirkland Corridor has been open for daytime use only, but the City Council recently made a change allowing the corridor’s official hours to be 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. - better to accommodate early morning or nighttime bike riders and trail users!
For more information about biking in Kirkland, check out our Biking page.
We need your help to protect Kirkland’s creeks and Lake Washington. Rainwater that runs off of our yards and streets flows into storm drains and directly into the nearest body of water without treatment.
Through simple actions in our daily lives, we can help keep pollutants out of stormwater and keep our local waterways clean and healthy.
Prevent pollution and protect our local creeks and lakes with a few small actions:
- Fix vehicle leaks
- Wash your car at a commercial car wash
- Dispose of paint and chemicals safely
- Minimize pesticide and fertilizer use
- Use cold water and no soaps or chemicals when pressure washing
Join your neighbors in taking the Kirkland Clean Water Pledge.
The City Council adopted a new Tree Code that takes effect on May 13, 2022. The new Tree Code includes City-wide updates to regulations for both homeowners wanting to remove trees and also tree retention standards for development. These amendments aim to achieve the main objectives identified by City Council, which include reaching the City’s 40-percent canopy cover goal, providing more flexibility to homeowners, and creating a code that is more predictable for developers while at the same time slowing canopy loss.
For an overview of key code amendments, please refer to the following guides:
To review a complete version of the new Tree Code, please see O-4786.
How to Learn More Additional information on the new Tree Code will be uploaded to the City Website soon. Visit on May 13 for more information. Contact Katie Hogan at if you have any questions.
Spring is when people start spending more time outside – gardening, spring cleaning, working on home projects and sometimes, burning things.
Some people may not be aware that in Kirkland and in other urban areas of King County, all outdoor burning – of yard waste, garbage, construction and other materials - is prohibited by the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PSCAA) and not allowed at any time. PCSAA also determines the status of burn bans in King County. During No Ban and Stage 1, recreational fires are allowed in designated fire pits.
Recreational fires must:
- Be limited in size - no larger than 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height
- Kept 25 feet away from structures or combustible material, like a wood fence, trees or brush
- Contained within an outdoor fire ring, a portable outdoor fireplace, or a commercially designed chimney
- Continually tended to by a responsible person until the fire is completely extinguished
- Have an immediate means of extinguishment, such as a 2-A rated fire extinguisher, dirt, sand, water barrel, or water hose
- Burn dry, seasoned wood to limit smoke production.
Finally, always check with PSCAA to make sure there is no burn ban in effect due to air quality before you start any kind of recreational fire. Even without a burn ban, if smoke from your recreational fire irritates your neighbors, you may have to put the fire out.
You can check the burn ban status on the PSCAA website or call the PSCAA burn ban information line at 1-800-595-4341.
Find out more about the mission of the Kirkland Fire Prevention Bureau.

The City of Kirkland is looking for great people!
Facility Program Attendant – City Hall & Heritage Hall This is a fantastic entry-level position at the City in our Parks and Community Services Department. Parks manages the use of charming Heritage Hall, which is available to rent for parties, weddings, business meetings, etc. This position is responsible for Heritage Hall rentals and light janitorial duties, as well as providing clerical help at City Hall. Most shifts will be weekends and weeknights, however, weekday shifts assisting with customer service and administrative staff are also an opportunity. Apply for Facility Program Attendant – City Hall & Heritage Hall.
Fun Summer Jobs The Parks Department is also looking for fun, motivated staff to supervise kids in a variety of camp activities this summer. See more information and apply for Day Camp Leaders, Directors or Pool Cashiers.
Experienced Firefighters Kirkland Fire Department (KFD) is seeking 4-6 career Firefighters to join our dynamic all-hazards response team, for general firefighting and emergency medical care at fire and disaster scenes. Required: 3 years experience as a career firefighter or 5 years volunteer firefighting. Must meet medical, psychological, and physical standards. See all required qualifications or apply for Lateral Firefighter with KFD.
Parking Enforcement Officer Enforces parking laws in the City including: overtime parking in timed zones, parking laws in loading zones, crosswalks and permit only zones. Good public relations skills a must, as an ambassador for the City and Liaison between the Department and downtown business and community members over parking issues. Ability to deal with hostility calmly. Often asked for directions. See more info or apply for Parking Enforcement Officer.
For more open positions, please visit the City’s recruitment webpage.
Northeast 132nd Street at 132nd Square Park – Kingsgate
Drivers will encounter lane shifts on 132nd Avenue Northeast from Monday, May 16 to Wednesday, May 18 as the contractor building 132nd Square Park builds new concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk along the eastern edge of the Park. The contractor will maintain one-lane in each direction and will occasionally utilize flaggers to assist in maintaining a safe work zone. Bicyclists will merge with traffic. The existing pedestrian detour remains in place.
The 132nd Square Park project updates the 9.76-acre community park with a lighted, multi-use synthetic turf field, expanded parking, new restroom, additional picnic shelters, and new playground while also building a stormwater facility underneath the multi-use field.
Totem Lake Boulevard – Totem Lake
Kirkland’s Totem Lake Connector contractor is planning on May 12 to close Totem Lake Boulevard between Northeast 124th Street and 120th Avenue Northeast.
The closure begins at 10 p.m. and ends at 6 a.m. on May 13.
Kraemer North America’s crews will use that time to stand-up a Y pier and pour concrete for the bridge.
Kraemer North America is planning on May 19 to close Northeast 124th Street between the Interstate 405 off-ramp and 124th Avenue Northeast. That closure, too, will begin at 10 p.m. on May 19 and end at 6 a.m. on May 20.
Northeast 75th Street and 128th Avenue Northeast – North & South Rose Hill
The City of Kirkland is encouraging drivers to use caution this week while navigating through three Rose Hill intersections that have changed recently—two in South Rose Hill and the third in North Rose Hill.
The City recently converted to a four-way stop what was previously a two-way stop at 128th Avenue Northeast’s intersection with Northeast 95th Street.
At Northeast 75th Street’s intersections with 122nd and 124th avenues northeast, the City ‘flipped’ the stop signs so traffic on 122nd and 124th avenues northeast must stop at the intersection. Traffic on Northeast 75th Street, meanwhile, can continue through the intersection without stopping.
To improve sight distance at the intersection, the City eliminated approximately 130 feet of street-parking along Northeast 75th Street, near the intersection.
These planned changes are part of the City’s plan to transform the Northeast 75th Street and 128th Avenue Northeast corridors into Neighborhood Greenways, where walking and bicycling are the priority transportation modes and driving is the alternative.
Northeast 124th Street – Juanita
Drivers will experience construction overnight on 116th Avenue Northeast at Northeast 124th Street, where a Kirkland contractor is working on a project to improve traffic flow at the intersection.
Interwest Construction is working from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., Sunday through Thursday to create a new southbound right-turn lane from 116th Avenue Northeast onto Northeast 124th Street.
The contractor is also building a wide sidewalk with street trees and street lighting along the northwest side of 116th Avenue Northeast.
Northeast 132nd Street at I-405 – Juanita/Kingsgate
Drivers will encounter additional lane-closures between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. continuing around Northeast 132nd Street at Interstate 405 as the Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT) contractor begins work to install temporary signals for the first phase of construction.
As early as May 21, travel lanes on NE 132nd Street will shift south, and left turns will be restricted except onto Totem Lake Boulevard for drivers traveling westbound.
WSDOT is building a new on-ramp for northbound Interstate 405 traffic and a new off-ramp for the interstate’s southbound traffic. The project will enhance sidewalks and bicycle lanes and will create roundabouts at the ramps’ Northeast 132nd Street intersections.
For questions about these closures, call WSDOT’s project hotline at 425-224-2433.
Northeast 132nd Street at 132nd Square Park – Kingsgate
Drivers will encounter lane shifts on Northeast 132nd Street continuing into next week as the contractor building 132nd Square Park builds the new water line that serves the Park and repairs the street. The contractor will maintain one-lane in each direction between 132nd Avenue Northeast and 132th Place Northeast, and flaggers will assist in maintaining a safe work zone. Bicyclists will merge with traffic, and pedestrians will detour to the north side of the street.
The 132nd Square Park project updates the 9.76-acre community park with a lighted, multi-use synthetic turf field, expanded parking, new restroom, additional picnic shelters, and new playground while also building a stormwater facility underneath the multi-use field.
Market Street – Moss Bay
All aspects of the Market Street and Central Way intersection remain open to pedestrian and vehicular traffic while a Kirkland contractor resumes its effort to improve the crosswalk.
Cross Kirkland Corridor – Totem Lake
Kirkland’s Totem Lake Connector contractor will maintain the detour around the Cross Kirkland Corridor between 120th Place Northeast and 128th Lane Northeast while construction on the pedestrian and bicycle bridge remains in suspension.
Maintaining the detour helps the City of Kirkland avoid the costs it would incur if it ordered Kraemer North America to restore the Cross Kirkland Corridor’s permanent route during the work-stoppage and then to re-establish the detour when work resumes.
Sixth Street – Moss Bay
Drivers can expect intermittent delays on Sixth Street, east of Kirkland Urban, while private developers prepare Sixth Street’s intersection with Fourth Street for improvements that include traffic signal upgrades and a new right turn-lane. The concrete drivers’ strike is likely to delay completion of the work.
Cross Kirkland Corridor – Everest/Moss Bay
Cross Kirkland Corridor travelers will continue to encounter a short detour around the trail between Seventh Avenue South and Sixth Street South as construction of the Feriton Spur Park expansion continues.
The short detour is directing travelers to a protected pathway along Fifth Place South. The park’s developer, SRM Development, expects the detour to continue until the park is completed. The concrete drivers’ strike is delaying completion of the park. During that time, SRM Development will continue to restrict parallel, on-street parking along the north portion of Fifth Place South.
SRM Development expects to open Feriton Spur Park to open to the public in 2022. The new park will extend the developed section of the Cross Kirkland Corridor to Sixth Street South with 14 improvements, including a pickleball court, urban farm and the corridor’s first bathroom.

Taste of the World Event Date: Saturday, May 21 Time: 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Location: Juanita Beach Park 9703 NE Juanita Beach Drive, Kirkland 98034
Join the City of Kirkland at our newest community event, Kirkland’s Taste of the World. A multi-cultural experience celebrating our diverse heritage with multiple food trucks featuring world flavors, an international bazaar with artisan craft and food vendors, live cultural music and dance, photo stations, and a “small world” for children with global crafts and games.
Thank you for our event sponsors: Koelsch Communities - Jefferson House & Madison House, Hallmark Realty, and Google.
Stewardship Events with Green Kirkland Partnership
Join Green Kirkland Partnership and help our parks and natural areas thrive. Volunteers will help restore critical habitat by removing invasive plants such as blackberry or ivy, planting native plants, and pitching-in with stewardship tasks like mulching and weeding.
All experience levels and ages are welcome following the safety and event. Tools and training are provided. Events are 100% outdoors and occur rain or shine!
Check out the Green Kirkland Partnership Event Calendar to find a date that works for you!
Recycling Collection Event Date: Saturday, May 14 Time: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. (sharp) Location: Lake Washington Institute of Technology (south parking lot), 11605 132nd Ave NE
Recycle tricky items at our Spring Recycling Collection Event! Some items are free while others have a pass-through charge to recycle. Items accepted for a fee include white block Styrofoam, mattresses, fridges and air conditioners. Free-to-recycle items include scrap wood and logs, appliances, electronic peripherals and more! See event details including fees and accepted items.