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Thanks to all who attended the November 22, 2021 City Council Special Joint Meeting with the Houghton Community Council, which took place via the Zoom videoconferencing platform. The meeting consisted of a discussion between the Councilmembers of both bodies about the City’s State Legislative Agenda. No action was taken at the meeting. The recording of the meeting can be found here.
Kirkland City Council meetings are streamed live on the City of Kirkland Facebook page and the City YouTube channel, in addition to the livestream on the City website. Meetings are also televised on Comcast Cable Channel 21 and Ziply Cable Channel 31. Please note: City Council meetings will remain virtual until further notice.
Mr. Choi of Bella Cleaners in the Houghton neighborhood recently received a check from City of Kirkland staff to support his commercial rent. Like many small businesses in Kirkland and across the country, Bella Cleaners has struggled throughout the pandemic, particularly as customer needs and behavior have shifted. Receiving this rental relief check will help Bella Cleaners continue to provide the high quality dry cleaning and laundry services for which they are known. This was the first check provided by the City’s commercial rent relief program funded by the federal American Rescue Plan Act.
Relief money is still available for commercial or residential tenants behind on utilities, as well as residential renters behind on their rent. For more information, visit the City’s Rental Relief Resource Center.
As we busily prepare to host friends and family for home-cooked Thanksgiving Day feasts, the Kirkland Fire Department Prevention Bureau would like to share some holiday cooking tips to help keep everybody safe. More cooking fires occur on Thanksgiving than any other day, so please use caution as you create your holiday meals.
Here are our top five tips for having a safe and fun holiday:
- Avoid turkey fryers
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is of the opinion that turkey fryers that use cooking oil, as currently designed, are not safe, even when used by the most well-informed and careful consumers. The NFPA urges people who prefer fried turkey to seek out professional cooking services, available through grocery stores and restaurants, or consider an “oil less” turkey fryer.
- Stay focused
The leading cause of kitchen fires is unattended cooking! The more alert you are, the better. While it’s tempting to imbibe in delicious holiday drinks throughout the day, consider limiting your alcohol intake until after the cooking is complete. The same goes for medications that might make you drowsy.
- Remain in the kitchen
Always remember to stay in the kitchen while you are frying, boiling, grilling or broiling, and be diligent about using timers so that nothing gets forgotten on the stove. If you are technologically inclined, a quick conversation with a virtual assistant will have your timer set without you ever having to push a button.
- Keep flammable materials away from heat
Keep anything that can catch fire, including oven mitts, towels, paper products and food packaging, away from burners, crockpots and other heat sources. Also, forgo your gorgeous flowing holiday outfits until after the meal has been prepared. Loose sleeves and dangling scarves can catch fire easily if they contact a gas flame or an electric burner.
- What to do if you have a cooking fire
Fire needs air to breathe! If you experience a small grease fire in a pan, smother the flames by placing a lid on the pan. Never pour water on a grease fire in a cooking pan. Denying it oxygen is your best bet for swiftly stifling the flames. In the case of an oven fire, turn off the heat and close the door until the fire is out, and make sure to have the unit serviced before using it again.
When in doubt, just get out! And remember to close the door behind you to help contain the fire. Once outside, call 9-1-1 from your cell phone.
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
Kirkland Green Trip is partnering with Shop Local Kirkland to encourage the use of alternative transportation (walking, biking, riding transit) while supporting small businesses in Kirkland during the pandemic. You can choose your own adventure or check out the Shop Local Kirkland website to explore your city while supporting small businesses. Participate to win a $50 gift card to a Kirkland restaurant or our end-of-year grand prize of $250 to a local business! For more information and contest rules visit

Come out and support Kirkland's local small business community on “Small Business Saturday,” November 27. Our businesses have been through many challenges brought on by the pandemic, and they could use your patronage now more than ever. Kirkland has a spectrum of unique small businesses including boutique shops, restaurants and cafes, art galleries, and more. Explore to find a new favorite small business to support during one of the busiest shopping days of the season.
Kirkland City Hall is closed Thursday, November 25 and Friday, November 26 for the Thanksgiving holiday. We will be back and ready to serve you 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, November 29. We wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday.
During the month of November, extra yard waste has been FREE in Kirkland! Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to clear out your leaves. Fill your gray cart first, then put out extra leaves in paper bags or durable containers labeled "yard waste." (Up to 5 per collection day.) Plastic bags are not accepted. We appreciate your help clearing leaves from your storm drains!
For more information on how to put out your extra yard waste, visit our webpage: Departments/Public-Works-Department/Trash-Recycling-Compost.

In this series, we are excited to share stories from our friends and neighbors who utilize Community Van!
Kirkland resident Trayton Michutka uses Community Van to help fill a gap in his family’s transportation needs. He and his wife live in a condo in Juanita and drive an older model Nissan LEAF, an electric vehicle that relies on a battery. Without a home option for charging, and with the car being an older model, they’re not able to exceed a distance of roughly 30 miles, even on a full charge. Trayton has family that live beyond that 30-mile threshold in an area not serviced by public transportation. Community Van is the perfect solution for visiting his family.
Recently, Trayton used Community Van to create a birthday adventure for his father-in-law’s birthday, filling the van with family and heading to Seattle for a day of sightseeing. They visited the Seattle Aquarium and waterfront, the Pike Place Market, and Beacon Hill.
“We had a blast, and it literally would not have been possible without the Community Van,” Trayton said.
For Trayton, becoming a volunteer driver was easy, and using the van is a convenient way to meet the needs of his family. As a volunteer, he is eligible to serve as a driver to anyone who needs a lift but is not obligated to fulfil trip requests.
Community Van is a flexible, innovative transit option run by the City of Kirkland and King County Metro. You can take advantage of Community Van’s 6- and 12-passenger vans for trips to the airport, appointments, errands, or other outings! Learn how and sign up today:
Central Way – Moss Bay
A Kirkland contractor begins construction Nov. 30 on a pair of intersection projects identified through the Neighborhood Safety Program that will improve walking safety on Central Way and Lakeshore Plaza Drive.
NPM Construction will establish overhead rapid flashing beacons near Central Way’s intersection with Main Street. And at its intersection with Lakeshore Plaza Drive, the contractor will build a pair of ‘bulbouts’ that reduce the crossing distance from one side of Lakeshore Plaza Drive to the other.
124th Avenue Northeast – North Rose Hill
Puget Sound Energy is relocating gas lines this week and next along 124th Avenue Northeast, between Northeast 116th and 124th streets.
After Puget Sound Energy relocates its gas lines, other utility operators, such as Comcast and Ziply, will begin relocating fiber optics lines through February.
The City of Kirkland is coordinating the utility relocations as part its ambitious effort to improve the 124th Avenue Northeast corridor.
Cross Kirkland Corridor – Totem Lake
A detour around the Cross Kirkland Corridor between 120th Place Northeast and 128th Lane Northeast remains in effect while Kirkland’s Totem Lake Connector contractor uses the corridor to build the pedestrian and bicycle bridge.
The Totem Lake Connector is expected to be complete in winter 2022.
Visit or
Northeast 132nd Street – Juanita
Kirkland’s Fire Station 24 contractor is planning on Monday to repave Northeast 132nd Street, between 97th Avenue Northeast and 100th Avenue Northeast. Kirtley-Cole’s crews will work from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m.
Meanwhile, the contractor is continuing construction on the new fire station and many of its amenities, such as restoring the sidewalk, building a new multi-use path and installing new traffic signals.
The Fire Station 24 is expected to be complete later this fall.
Northeast 120th Street – North Rose Hill
Drivers traveling Northeast 120th Street between Slater Avenue and the Lake Washington Institute of Technology may encounter minor traffic delays while the contractor works to complete the surface water project. Work is expected to be complete by the end of November.
Cross Kirkland Corridor – Everest/Moss Bay
Cross Kirkland Corridor travelers will continue to encounter a short detour around the trail between Seventh Avenue South and Sixth Street South as construction of the Feriton Spur Park expansion continues.
The short detour is directing travelers to a protected pathway along Fifth Place South. The park’s developer, SRM Development, expects the detour to continue until Spring. During that time, SRM Development will restrict parallel, on-street parking along the north portion of Fifth Place South.
SRM Development expects to open Feriton Spur Park to open to the public in November. The new park will extend the developed section of the Cross Kirkland Corridor to Sixth Street South with 14 improvements, including a pickleball court, urban farm and the corridor’s first bathroom.
Light Up Kirkland Holiday Lights!
Spread the love and cheer this year with lights, inflatables, music, and holiday decorations of all kinds. Decorate your home between November 1 through December 9 and register to be a part of the City’s Light Up Kirkland competition!
Each home registered must submit a photo of their holiday decorations (photo of the outside of your home) to Jessi Vandiver at by December 9 at 5:00pm. The judging committee will review submissions on December 10. Then the committee will choose the top 10 homes to drive by and review them in person on December 14 between 5-8 PM. The top 3 winners will be announced on December 16, and winners will win a victory yard sign!
Register for FREE at
KirklandTalks: 2021 Dialogue Series on Race and Racism Saturday, December 4, 2021 | 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Join us for an overview of the inclusive dialogue model and practice skills for engaging in - and hosting - conversations about racism. We focus on preparing, navigating, and reflecting. The dialogue format is structured to build relationships and understanding between participants from diverse racial backgrounds and to support anti-racist action in the community. This event is the final of four dialogue events sponsored by the City of Kirkland. This is a virtual event.
Space is limited to 40.
For more information and pre-registration visit here.
Holiday Bazaar hosted by Juanita Elementary PTA Date: Saturday, December 4, 2021 Time: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Place: Juanita Elementary (9635 NE 132nd St, Kirkland)
Come shop over 50 local Artisans and vendors for your holiday gifts. Food Trucks will be on site serving yummy treats.
The Juanita El Choir will be performing at 1 p.m. All proceeds from this event benefits the Juanita Elementary Outdoor Ed Program.
Masks are required at this event.
Kirkland Holiday Lights at the 6th Street Google campus and the Cross Kirkland Corridor will be back this year starting December 6th. There will not be an official gathering to flip the switch but the lightshow will start on December 6th. Google is also allowing limited parking on the Google campus for visitors. People can park in the surface parking lot at Google and on the 1st level of Building D.
Holiday Giving Program
The holiday season is fast approaching and it is the time of year that there is a great need in Kirkland and the surrounding communities for food and gifts. Community members that are less fortunate or have had circumstances beyond their control rely on the giving from others to help support their needs.
Starting today (11/21/21) through (12/31/21) the Kirkland Fire Department stations will be drop points for the collection of non-perishable food and new gifts. The majority of the donations will go to Kirkland Hopelink with several other organizations receiving donations as well.
Juanita Beach Park Christmas Tree Lot Presented By: Kiwanis Club of Kirkland Time: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Date: Friday, Nov. 26, 2021 - Dec. 24 (or until trees are all sold) Place: Juanita Beach Park (9703 NE Juanita Drive, Kirkland) Price: Varies -$55-$190 depending on tree size.
The 2021 Kiwanis of Kirkland Christmas Tree lot will open the day after Thanksgiving, 26 November 2021 at Juanita Beach Park. Christmas trees from three feet to 12 feet will be on sale as well as wreaths, garland, and a variety of SEE's Candy. Proceeds will go towards supporting the Club, Kirkland Kiwanis Foundation, and local children's charities.
Holiday with the Hawks Kick off your holiday season with this fun and unique event! Date: Thursday, December 16 Time: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Place: Peter Kirk Community Center Register Here
Join us and Seahawk Legends for the 12 Days of Goodness. If you are a huge 12 or a fan of the Seahawk Legends, this is an event you will not want to miss! You will have an opportunity to get photo's, autographs and hear fun stories from some of your past favorites. Special thanks to Answers for Elders for making this special opportunity possible and to Koelsch Communities for sponsoring the lunch. Advanced registration required by 12/6!
Masks are required but participants may remove them for the lunch portion of the event.