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The Kirkland City Council’s next meeting takes place Tuesday, October 5, 2021 via Zoom. The regular business meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. and is preceded by a 5:30 p.m. study session. The agenda for the October 5 meeting will be available on the City website prior to the meeting at: Kirkland City Council agendas. You can also receive meeting agendas in your inbox by subscribing to City Council Agendas on the Kirkland email lists subscription page. Please note: City Council meetings will remain virtual until October 2021 or until further notice.
More ways to watch! Kirkland City Council meetings are streamed live on the City of Kirkland Facebook page and the City YouTube channel, in addition to the livestream on the City website. Meetings are also televised on Comcast Cable Channel 21 and Ziply Cable Channel 31.
Here are a few highlights from the meeting:
Study Session:
King County Clean Water Plan Update: The City Council will receive a presentation about King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) rate drivers, asset management, capital improvement, Clean Water Plan, West Point power upgrades, and the Puget Sound Nutrient General Permit that will cause WTD and its regional partners to consider future utility rate increases.
Preliminary Findings From Athletic Field Study: The City Council will hear a presentation by Tom Diehl, Principal-in-Charge, GreenPlay LLC on the preliminary findings of the Athletic Field Use and Demand Analysis Study which will be integrated into the 2021 Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan.
Business Items:
Adopt Interim Affordable Housing Targets for Kirkland: The Council will consider adopting Resolution 5493, which would establish interim affordable housing targets for Kirkland based on the city-wide need model presented at the September 7, 2021 City Council meeting. Adopting an affordable housing target would also assist the City’s efforts surrounding Resolution 5434, concerning Black Lives Matter, and making Kirkland a more safe, inclusive, and welcoming community, as the lack of affordable housing disproportionately affects households of color.
Eastrail Fiber Optic Project Memorandum of Understanding: The Council will consider adopting a resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign on behalf of the City a Memorandum of Understanding between King County, Sound Transit, Puget Sound Energy, and the cities of Woodinville, Redmond, and Kirkland to work collaboratively to fund, install, and own underground communications infrastructure along the Eastrail Corridor for both public and private use.
Kirkland Avenue/Lake Street Intersection Improvements—Urban Design Update: The City Council will receive additional information about possible urban design features for the Kirkland Avenue/Lake Street Intersection Improvement project and provide direction to staff. There is a history of pedestrian/vehicular collisions at this intersection attributable in part to permissive turning movements for vehicles while pedestrians are crossing the street. Presently, pedestrians experience long delays waiting to cross the intersection, and curb ramps are not ADA compliant.
The full agenda and details will be available on the Kirkland City Council agendas page. Council will accept live spoken commentary under 'Items from the Audience' or ‘Public Hearings’ at regular meetings via Zoom audio/video on a computer or telephone connection. The connection links are provided on each individual meeting agenda. Please see for more information on how to provide spoken comments. Written comments can be submitted to For additional questions, please call the City Clerk’s Office at (425) 587-3190.
The City of Kirkland invites the public to participate in a virtual public meeting on Wednesday, September 29, 2021 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. regarding off-leash dog areas in Kirkland. Input gathered from this meeting will help inform the Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan. Register for this meeting.
Throughout 2021, the City hosted temporary “pop-up” off-leash dog parks at three locations across Kirkland including Juanita Beach Park, Heritage Park and Snyder’s Corner. Due to overwhelming requests, the temporary pop-up park will remain at Juanita Beach Park until the City is able to complete the long-term vision in the PROS Plan. Ongoing off-leash dog areas are located at Jasper's Dog Park (11225 NE 120th Street) and Edith Moulton Park (108th Ave NE and NE 137th St). Find more information about Off-Leash Dog Areas on the City’s website.
“We received tremendous response to the pop-up dog parks this summer,” said Parks and Community Services Director Lynn Zwaagstra. “Community members told us how the pop-up parks encouraged them to get outside, get active, and meet their neighbors through their use of the pop-up parks. Please join us at the virtual public meeting to let us know what you want to see in the future.”
The City of Kirkland is in the process of updating the Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan, which is Kirkland’s six-year strategic plan for managing and enhancing park and recreation services. Throughout 2021, the City is hosting focus groups, interviews, community workshops and survey opportunities so that, as a community, we can imagine the future of Kirkland’s parks, recreation and open spaces. A community survey was mailed the first week of September to 5,000 randomly selected Kirkland households to gather feedback. If you received this survey, thank you for taking the time to fill it out and return it. These responses will provide statistically valid results to help guide this planning process. An online version of the survey will open to the greater Kirkland community in October. The Parks and Community Services Department invites additional feedback and comments via email at and via the community input line at 425-587-3315.
For more information about the PROS Plan, opportunities to provide input, and to sign up for updates, visit
Bring your family and friends and join us at the Kirkland Harvest Festival from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, October 16, at Juanita Beach Park (9703 Juanita Drive N.E.) as we bid farewell to summer and say hello to fall. This free event is hosted by Kirkland Parks and Community Services and sponsored by MorningStar Senior Living of Kirkland.
How does Kirkland celebrate the season? With food trucks, live music, artisan food and craft vendors, apple cider pressing, tractor-pulled wagon rides, contests like pie eating and corn shucking for adults and children, photo booths, live music, and an outdoor game area for adults. The event also features a Kid’s Korral sponsored by Neal Smiles Orthodontics with faux cow milking and bull roping, ring toss, horseshoes, pumpkin bowling, cookie walk, crafts, and a 4-H area. Parking is limited at the site but there is ample parking across the street.
The City is seeking musical groups to perform at the festival. Are you in a musical duo, trio or small band? Are you looking for the exposure of playing outside to 1,000 plus festival goers? If so, the Kirkland Harvest Festival is a great fit. All musical genres encouraged! Please contact by Wednesday, October 6, if you are interested in performing. Questions? Call 425-587-3352.
The City is also seeking craft and artisan food vendors. The cost to vend is $25 and provides booth space of 10 feet by 10 feet. Applications are due by Friday, October 1. Use this link to access the application.
As Kirkland continues to carefully reopen park amenities, we remain committed to the safety of our community. We ask you practice physical distancing, wear a face covering or mask, adhere to the phase requirements, and stay home if you are sick. At the Harvest Festival, face coverings are to be worn at all times by all guests regardless of vaccination status. Find out more about our COVID-19 Safety Plan on our website at: COVID-19 Play it Safe Updates.
The City of Kirkland hosted its first ever Firefighter Bootcamp for those interested in a career with Kirkland Fire on September 18, 2021 at the Public Safety Testing facility in Kent. The Firefighter Bootcamp helps future recruits successfully pass the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT), which is the standard test for measuring an individual's ability to handle firefighting’s physical demands. Eighteen recruits attended. Invitees were chosen based upon their scores on the written exam and their interest to work for Kirkland Fire.
“The City of Kirkland’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is one of the primary reasons we’ve created this training opportunity,” said Kirkland Mayor Penny Sweet. “We want to do everything we can to help ensure that our Fire Department remains diverse while working proactively to increase representation of all people, especially women and minorities. A career in the fire service is attainable by anyone, regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation, and we are excited to welcome all into this fulfilling profession.”
At the event, public safety testing instructors provided one-on-one training on the equipment used for the CPAT. The event also featured tips and strategies for passing the CPAT, as well as advice on the conditioning needed to increase strength and endurance for the test. Participants met with Kirkland’s Deputy Fire Chief Dave Van Valkenburg and were able to network with other recruits who are interested in a career with Kirkland Fire.
The Kirkland Fire Department will begin the hiring process for entry level Firefighter in February 2022. The department is planning to hire 20-25 new firefighters over the next three years. Candidates must have completed a Public Safety Testing written test and have a valid CPAT from any verifiable CPAT testing center by February 11, 2022, which is when the Kirkland Fire Department will request a list of eligible candidates from Public Safety Testing. Interviews will start the week of March 7, 2022. Learn more on the Join the Fire Department webpage.
This bootcamp is part of Kirkland’s diversity recruiting efforts to achieve the vision of City legislation Resolution R-5434. Passed in August of 2020, R-5434 is the City of Kirkland’s commitment to examine and dismantle institutional and structural racism in Kirkland.
Wednesday, October 13 | 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Online Event - Register in Advance
Take a special behind-the-scenes tour to see where your recycling goes once it leaves the curb. Virtually tour Waste Management’s recycling facility in Woodinville. Recommended for ages 10 and up. Sign up online!

Tree rebate deadline extended! We’re excited to share there are still funds available in the City’s tree planting rebate program! But act fast, rebates expire October 31, 2021.
City of Kirkland provides rebates up to $500 per property for planting qualifying trees on your property. Rebates also cover the cost of necessary compost soil amendments, mulch to protect the soil, and watering bags to help your new trees thrive.
Learn how to receive rebates at
Trees help prevent flooding in our neighborhoods, provide shade for our homes, and help filter pollutants to provide clean water for Lake Washington. Planting trees is an easy, affordable way to help the environment on your own property.
While funding through a grant from the WA Department of Ecology expires soon, the program will return next year, thanks to City Forestry Account funding through 2022.

Confirmed! A rare sighting of a Chinook salmon pretty far up in Juanita Creek - almost near Edith Moulton Park! This video was taken by a local resident. Its been many years since the Kirkland Surface Water team have documented a sighting of a Chinook in these parts. "The last time she saw a Chinook Salmon in Juanita Creek was way back in 2000!" said Kirkland Surface Water Strategic Advisor Jenny Gaus.

112th Avenue Northeast Minor delays are likely next week along 112th Avenue Northeast, between Northeast 87th and 97th streets, where Kirkland’s street paving contractor is grinding and repaving the street.
North Rose Hill
124th Avenue Northeast Minor delays are likely this week along 124th Avenue Northeast, between Northeast 108th and 115th lanes, where Kirkland’s street paving contractor is re-establishing maintenance hole lids.
Northeast 120th Street Drivers traveling Northeast 120th Street between Slater Avenue and the Lake Washington Institute of Technology between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. will encounter lane shifts through the end of September.
A Kirkland contractor is upgrading catch basins to treat stormwater before it reaches Totem Lake.
Totem Lake Boulevard – Totem Lake
Totem Lake Boulevard’s slip lane remains closed while Kirkland’s Totem Lake Connector contractor continues the process of building the pedestrian and bicycle bridge that will connect the two ends of the Cross Kirkland Corridor that are separated by its intersection with Northeast 124th Street and Totem Lake Boulevard.
The City is detouring commercial trucks around the intersection.
Cross Kirkland Corridor – Totem Lake
A detour around the Cross Kirkland Corridor between 120th Place Northeast and 128th Lane Northeast remains in effect while Kirkland’s Totem Lake Connector contractor uses the corridor to build the pedestrian and bicycle bridge.
The Totem Lake Connector is expected to be complete in fall 2022.
Visit or
Cross Kirkland Corridor – Everest/Moss Bay
Cross Kirkland Corridor travelers will continue to encounter a short detour around the trail between Seventh Avenue South and Sixth Street South as construction of the Feriton Spur Park expansion continues.
The short detour is directing travelers to a protected pathway along Fifth Place South. The park’s developer, SRM Development, expects the detour to continue for five months. During that time, SRM Development will restrict parallel, on-street parking along the north portion of Fifth Place South.
SRM Development expects to open Feriton Spur Park to open to the public in September. The new park will extend the developed section of the Cross Kirkland Corridor to Sixth Street South with 14 improvements, including a pickleball court, urban farm and the corridor’s first bathroom.
Northeast 132nd Street - Juanita
Construction continues on Kirkland Fire Station 24, which is scheduled to be completed this fall. Remaining items of work include sidewalk restoration, a new multiuse path, roadway paving and restriping, and a new signal. This work is located along Northeast 132nd Street between 97th Avenue Northeast and 100th Avenue Northeast. Drivers should expect to see flaggers and changes to traffic due to construction activity. Please be sure to allow plenty of time when dropping off or picking up students, and thank you for exercising caution and patience in this area.
FIESTAS PATRIAS Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with Kirkland Urban Saturday, Oct. 2 from 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. | Kirkland Urban Lobby
In partnership with the Sea Mar Museum of Chicano/a/Latino/a Culture, attendees will have exclusive access to a unique curated exhibition of artifacts and educational resources.
Dr. Jerry Garcia, VP of Education Services of the Sea Mar Community Health Center, will be onsite to chat with attendees and answer questions during the event on October 2nd. Dr. Garcia oversees the Sea Mar Chicana/o and Latina/o Cultural and History Museum and also promotes and advocates educational opportunities for our Chicanx and Latinx community, through such programs as the Latina/o Educational Achievement Project (LEAP), the Youth Re-Engagement Program at Everett Community College, and the Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative.
DJ Carlos Valencia from Energia Events will be playing family-friendly Latin tunes, and Bailadores de Bronce will perform different styles of dance from various regions of Mexico. Julie with Clown Buggie will also be joining the celebration sharing balloons and tattoos for the kids.
Music, kids crafts, performers, balloon twists, glitter tattoos, photo opportunities will add to the celebration and fun!
KirklandTalks: 2021 Dialogue Series on Race and Racism
Saturday, October 2, 2021 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Join us for an overview of the inclusive dialogue model and practice skills for engaging in – and hosting – conversations about racism. The dialogue format is structured to build relationships and understanding between participants from diverse racial backgrounds and to support anti-racist action in the community. This event is the third of four dialogue events sponsored by the City of Kirkland. This is a virtual event.
Register here
Community members high school age and up may attend. NOTE: If more than one person from your household would like to participate, each person must register separately.
Recycle Paint, Electronics, Batteries, and Fridges Saturday Oct. 2, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. | LWTech South parking lot 11605 132nd Ave NE
Recycle electronic equipment and peripherals, household batteries and lead acid batteries, and latex and oil-based paint at a recycling event on October 2. Refrigerators and air conditioners will be accepted for a pass-through charge. See all event guidelines and details about accepted materials.
RainWise and Salmon See-son Webinar Wednesday, October 13, 6-7:30 p.m.
Learn about human influence on local and regional salmon runs, and what role a RainWise installation at your home may have in supporting local fish and the marine mammals that count on them as a food source. Time and interest permitting, discuss salmon ecology, how to identify between salmon species, and our recommendations for Covid-responsible salmon viewing locations to visit, and recent findings linking Coho Salmon die-off to a little known product in car tires.
With every storm, rain carries pollutants off our roofs, driveways and other hard surfaces to local creeks, Lake Washington and Puget Sound. Rain gardens and cisterns can help control this storm water, but we need your help!
In selected areas of Seattle, the City of Seattle and King County will pay up to 100% of the cost of installing rain gardens and cisterns on homeowners’ properties through the RainWise program.
Sponsored by the KCLS Social and Wellness Programming Team and King County Wastewater Treatment Division.
Please register at
To learn about the City of Kirkland's program, Yard Smart Rain Rewards, go to
Accelerate Your Business Growth with Our October Innovation Lab
Startup425 has partnered with Bellevue College’s Tombolo Institute to offer the Startup425 Innovation Lab, an intensive, four week program held in October designed to help business owners acquire the support and knowledge necessary to take their businesses to the next level. Sound interesting? Click here to view an informational video about the program.
Innovation Lab classes are held weekly on Saturdays and Thursdays in October:
- 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, October 9
- 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday, October 14
- 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, October 23
- 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday, October 28
For more information, including testimonials from Innovation Lab graduates, visit the Startup425 website.