Table of Contents:
Thanks to all who attended the September 7, 2021 City Council meeting, which took place via the Zoom videoconferencing platform. We are grateful to have such an engaged community. Thank you!
Kirkland City Council meetings are streamed live on the City of Kirkland Facebook page and the City YouTube channel, in addition to the livestream on the City website. Meetings are also televised on Comcast Cable Channel 21 and Ziply Cable Channel 31. Please note: City Council meetings will remain virtual until October 2021 or until further notice.
Here are a few highlights from the meeting:
Study Session: Solid Waste Contract Procurement Update
The City Council received a presentation about the status of the solid waste contract procurement process and provided direction regarding the proposal submitted by Waste Management, Inc. Council discussion and direction about options related to the resulting rate increase will follow at future Council meetings.
Business Items:
Community Responders Program: The City Council authorized the approval of the conversion of 4.0 Limited Term Employee (LTE) Community Responder positions to Full Time Employee (FTE) status, the conversion of two ongoing contract Mental Health Professional positions into 1.0 FTE Community Responder positions, and the addition of 4.0 on-going FTE EMT positions for 24/7 coverage in the Mobile Integrated Health Unit. This action creates a total of 10.0 on-going FTEs to aid in recruiting these critical new positions. City Council also received a program execution plan update.
Affordable Housing Targets: The City’s Housing Strategy Plan, adopted in 2018, identifies a number of monitoring activities to follow up on policies identified in the plan including tracking general housing supply and costs; monitoring City regulations and policies that support affordable housing; and identifying new affordable housing best practices and trends in other communities. The Council considered approaches, particularly specific to the needs of Kirkland, to establishing interim affordable housing targets for the City and provided staff with direction on adopting a target. Staff will return to a future meeting with a resolution for adoption from this interim approach.
Purchase of Village Plaza: The Council approved a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a purchase and sale agreement in the amount of $2,250,000 to acquire property located at 11825 100th Ave, NE., also known as the Village Plaza. The intent is to then sell the complex to the King County Housing Authority, with the City utilizing the Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) budgeted for housing to subsidize the price. Once both transactions are complete, the complex will remain dedicated affordable housing owned and operated by the KCHA.
Transportation Impact Fees: Council received a briefing on the draft results of the Transportation Impact Fee study at their April 6, 2021 meeting and had a discussion of policy issues on July 20, 2021. At this meeting, Council finalized the policy discussion and provided staff with direction to allow an ordinance to be drafted for Council consideration at the September 21, 2021 meeting.
To view the Council discussions on these agenda items, visit: The full agenda packet and recording of the meeting are located on the City of Kirkland website at: The next City Council meeting is on Tuesday, September 21, 2021.
The community is invited to attend a September 11 remembrance ceremony at 8 a.m., Saturday, September 11 at Kirkland City Hall.
Meant to remember and honor the lives of those killed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the ceremony includes a welcome by Mayor Penny Sweet, an invocation and benediction by Pastor Vince Armfield, a bagpipes performance by Redmond Firefighter Steve Gengo, and Taps will be performed by Kirkland Firefighter Kent Moffitt. Our featured speakers include Washington State Representative and former Kirkland Mayor Larry Springer, Mayor Sweet, Fire Chief Joe Sanford and Police Chief Cherie Harris. The Kirkland Police and Fire Honor Guard will lower the flag and lay a ceremonial wreath to commemorate the fallen.
The City extends a huge thank you to the hardworking team of volunteers who will rise before dawn on Saturday to place 3,000 flags throughout Kirkland, as a tribute to those who lost their lives 20 years ago.
The City of Kirkland is following COVID-19 protocols as guided by Public Health – Seattle & King County. Masks and social distancing are strongly encouraged, and we appreciate our community’s cooperation and understanding. Kirkland City Hall is located at 123 5th Ave.
Did you know that Kirkland has a vast network of pipes, structures, and channels to help manage rainwater runoff in the city? The Storm and Surface Water Division of Kirkland Public Works is responsible for protecting and maintaining the stormwater drainage system. Staff work to ensure that the system is clean and clear to provide maximum capacity to manage runoff. Take a look at this short video to learn more about these efforts – and what you can do to help.
The Storm and Surface Water Division is updating the City’s Surface Water Master Plan and would love to hear from you. Learn more at
Kirkland Firefighters Captain Ivan Huld, Robby Holmes, Shawn McDougall and Brett Christiansen continue to work to protect structures at the Caldor Fire near Lake Tahoe. The crew’s efforts are focused on strengthening firelines (breaks in the fire’s fuel), containing hot spots, triaging structures, and establishing hoselays for fire suppression. Our firefighters have joined Washington State Task Force 3, which has teamed up with handcrew members from Mosqueda Reforestation, a wildland firefighting team and training center based in Salem, Oregon.
As of September 3, the Caldor Fire has consumed nearly 213,000 acres and is 29 percent contained. Approximately 50,000 Tahoe area residents have been evacuated, leaving a significant shortfall in shelter space due to the ongoing COVID-19 capacity restrictions.
Thank you Captain Huld, and Firefighters Holmes, McDougall and Christiansen! Stay safe and we’ll see you when you get home.

Thank you to everyone who supported our partnership with Bloodworks Northwest and came to our popup blood drive this week on August 30 and 31! A total of 92 units of life saving blood were collected from 103 donors, 23 of whom were first time donors. Special thanks to D.R. Horton, IMAN Center of Kirkland, Kymeta Corporation, Holy Family Parish Kirkland, and Kestra Medical Technologies for their tremendous support of this blood drive!
Didn’t get a chance to donate at our drive? Kirkland Urban is teaming up with Bloodworks Northwest to host a popup blood drive 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, September 28 and Wednesday, September 29. The drive takes place at Kirkland Urban, on the second floor between Chainline Brewing & Dough Zone at 500 Uptown Court # B220.
Donating blood is an essential and encouraged activity critical to sustaining community healthcare. Your one-hour donation appointment takes place in a safe environment. All donors must book appointments, wear face masks, and check in with photo ID. If you have questions, please call 800-398-7888.
Book your appointment today: Bloodworks Northwest.

North Rose Hill
124th Avenue Northeast Minor delays are likely along 124th Avenue Northeast, between Northeast 108th and 115th lanes, where Kirkland’s street paving contractor is preparing the street for its new surface.
Northeast 120th Street Drivers traveling Northeast 120th Street between Slater Avenue and the Lake Washington Institute of Technology between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. will encounter lane shifts through the end of September.
A Kirkland contractor is upgrading catch basins to treat stormwater before it reaches Totem Lake. Visit
Totem Lake Boulevard – Totem Lake
Totem Lake Boulevard’s slip lane remains closed while Kirkland’s Totem Lake Connector contractor continues the process of building the pedestrian and bicycle bridge that will connect the two ends of the Cross Kirkland Corridor that are separated by its intersection with Northeast 124th Street and Totem Lake Boulevard.
The City is detouring commercial trucks around the intersection.
Cross Kirkland Corridor – Totem Lake
A detour around the Cross Kirkland Corridor between 120th Place Northeast and 128th Lane Northeast remains in effect while Kirkland’s Totem Lake Connector contractor uses the corridor to build the pedestrian and bicycle bridge.
The Totem Lake Connector is expected to be complete in fall 2022.
Visit or
Cross Kirkland Corridor – Everest/Moss Bay
Cross Kirkland Corridor travelers will continue to encounter a short detour around the trail between Seventh Avenue South and Sixth Street South as construction of the Feriton Spur Park expansion continues.
The short detour is directing travelers to a protected pathway along Fifth Place South. The park’s developer, SRM Development, expects the detour to continue for five months. During that time, SRM Development will restrict parallel, on-street parking along the north portion of Fifth Place South.
SRM Development expects to open Feriton Spur Park to open to the public in September. The new park will extend the developed section of the Cross Kirkland Corridor to Sixth Street South with 14 improvements, including a pickleball court, urban farm and the corridor’s first bathroom.
Northeast 132nd Street - Juanita
Construction continues on Kirkland Fire Station 24, which is scheduled to be completed this fall. Remaining items of work include sidewalk restoration, a new multiuse path, roadway paving and restriping, and a new signal. This work is located along Northeast 132nd Street between 97th Avenue Northeast and 100th Avenue Northeast. Drivers should expect to see flaggers and changes to traffic due to construction activity. Please be sure to allow plenty of time when dropping off or picking up students, and thank you for exercising caution and patience in this area.
City Hall for All September 18 - Register Today! Saturday, September 18, 2021 Virtual presentations will start at 10 a.m. Register
Be part of creating a more equitable Kirkland where everyone has a sense of belonging. City Hall for All 2021 features important and collaborative discussions about how communities are shaped through planning and how to lift up all voices and get involved in these processes. Our virtual event features a keynote address by Mr. Delbert Richardson starting at 10 a.m. Mr. Richardson is a self-taught Community Scholar, Second Generation Storyteller, of the National Award Winning The "Unspoken" Truths American History Traveling Museum. City Hall for All will also include an Equity & Planning Forum which will be a facilitated discussion over Zoom starting at noon. Following each of the 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. presentations, attendees will be invited to ask questions or just listen to the discussion. More information:
RainWise and Salmon See-son Webinar Wednesday, October 13, 6-7:30 p.m.
Learn about human influence on local and regional salmon runs, and what role a RainWise installation at your home may have in supporting local fish and the marine mammals that count on them as a food source. Time and interest permitting, discuss salmon ecology, how to identify between salmon species, and our recommendations for Covid-responsible salmon viewing locations to visit, and recent findings linking Coho Salmon die-off to a little known product in car tires.
With every storm, rain carries pollutants off our roofs, driveways and other hard surfaces to local creeks, Lake Washington and Puget Sound. Rain gardens and cisterns can help control this storm water, but we need your help!
In selected areas of Seattle, the City of Seattle and King County will pay up to 100% of the cost of installing rain gardens and cisterns on homeowners’ properties through the RainWise program.
Sponsored by the KCLS Social and Wellness Programming Team and King County Wastewater Treatment Division.
Please register at
To learn about the City of Kirkland's program, Yard Smart Rain Rewards, go to
Have you registered for See Spot Splash?
Kirkland Parks and Community Services is hosting See Spot Splash at the Peter Kirk Pool and Park (352 Kirkland Avenue) 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, September 11. Bring your dog to splash and play as we celebrate the end of the season at the pool. There are five sessions to choose from, including sessions for large, small, and mixed-sized dogs.
Register today at:
The cost is $10 per dog, with up to two humans per dog on the pool deck. The pool consists of a large pool and a wading pool, with the wading pool recommended for small dogs. Enjoy some fantastic BBQ from HP Smokehouse BBQ, then visit vendor booths representing dog rescue groups and dog businesses. After every session, participate in the cake walk and best trick contest for fun prizes.
Accelerate Your Business Growth with Our October Innovation Lab
Startup425 has partnered with Bellevue College’s Tombolo Institute to offer the Startup425 Innovation Lab, an intensive, four week program held in October designed to help business owners acquire the support and knowledge necessary to take their businesses to the next level. Sound interesting? Click here to view an informational video about the program.
Innovation Lab classes are held weekly on Saturdays and Thursdays in October:
- 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, October 9
- 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday, October 14
- 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, October 23
- 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday, October 28
For more information, including testimonials from Innovation Lab graduates, visit the Startup425 website.