Last night, Tuesday, December 8, was the final City Council meeting of the year. Thanks to all who attended and gave comment during the meeting, which took place via the Zoom videoconferencing platform in alignment with current public health recommendations and guidelines.
The public is always welcome at Council meetings, which are a great way to have your voice heard while gaining a better understanding of how your City government operates. The public comment period, identified as "Items from the Audience" on the Council agenda, is your chance to address the Council directly, with both compliments and concerns.
For more information about Council meetings, including the Zoom link and instructions for providing public comment, please visit the City website. To view this council meeting or any past council meeting, go to Watch Council Meetings on the City’s website.
Here are a few highlights from the last Council meeting of 2020:
2021 - 2022 City Budget and 2021 - 2026 Capital Improvement Program
Council adopted both the 2021 - 2022 Budget and the 2021 - 2026 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The 2021 - 2022 Budget, “Investing in a More Equitable, Safe and Resilient Kirkland,” was initially presented to the Kirkland City Council on October 27, 2020 and is available on the City’s website. Kirkland’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) funds the City's capital needs related to transportation, parks, technology, water, sewer and surface water over a six-year period. More information about the 2021 - 2022 Budget will be available this week on the City website.
Sustainability Master Plan
The City Council adopted the City’s first Sustainability Master Plan. The plan has been in development since January 2019 and is intended to identify best practices that allow Kirkland’s many sustainability strategies to be implemented and measured, along with other actions needed to achieve a livable and sustainable community. In preparation of its passage, Council held discussion about an amendment proposed by Councilmember Amy Falcone which calls for a specific environmental and social justice component plan to be developed and integrated into the SMP. This new action, identified as HC-10.2, directs staff to complete a more detailed environmental justice plan to be incorporated into the SMP by 2022.
The amendment was passed by the Council and the SMP was subsequently adopted through the approval of Resolution R-5457. More information on the SMP will be available this week on the City website.
The next City Council meeting takes place Tuesday, January 5, 2021.
This weekend Kirkland firefighters joined volunteers from Coldwell Banker Bain of Kirkland and the U.S. Marine Corps to collect toys and donations for Toys for Tots King County. Thanks to your support, these volunteers collected 58 boxes filled with toys and raised over $15,000 and counting. We want to express our gratitude to every single person who dropped some cash into the boot and/or donated a toy this year! And thanks to the Lee Johnson Auto Family for its ongoing support of this annual event.
Governor Jay Inslee on Tuesday, December 8 announced additional economic supports for workers and businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Inslee also announced a three-week extension of the state’s current restrictions which will now be in place until January 4, 2021.
The three-week extension of statewide restrictions come as the state’s healthcare system nears dangerous occupancy levels. With the effects of Thanksgiving on infection and hospital numbers still unknown, the extension will grant the state’s medical system much needed time to increase Intensive Care Unit (ICU) capacity before it’s overwhelmed.
“What we do between now — when COVID activity is still at crisis levels — and the time when vaccines are widely available, is literally a matter of life and death,” Inslee said at a press conference Tuesday morning.
Inslee was joined by Department of Commerce Director Lisa Brown who announced an additional $50 million, doubling the number of Washington small businesses that will receive aid. Industries recently shut down, such as restaurants and fitness centers, as well as businesses that have been devastatingly impacted throughout the pandemic, like music and event venues, have been prioritized.
Read the rest of the story on the governor's Medium page.
Find more information on Working Washington Small Business grants at the Startup Washington webpage.
The Ismaili Community Engaged in Responsible Volunteering (I-CERV) is partnering with the City of Kirkland, the Lake Washington School District and O'Brien Auto Group to host a winter toy drive to support families in need.
This event takes place 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, December 19, at the Ismaili Jamatkhana in Kirkland (12505 115th Ave NE, WA 98034). This event will be contactless with all COVID-19 health and safety protocols in place. Volunteers from I-CERV, the LWSD, City of Kirkland, and O'Brien will wear PPE during the event with adherence to social distancing recommendations. This is a safe and uplifting way to donate to those in need! Guests can drive-through the gift collection area and let the volunteers do the unloading and hauling.
The Ismaili Jamatkhana is in Totem Lake behind the Kirkland Justice Center and near Jasper's Off-Leash Dog Park. Event organizers ask that donors please wear facial coverings while on site.
Donations accepted include brand new, unwrapped toys for kids age five through 12. Some themes for your consideration include arts and crafts, board games, athletic equipment and science and engineering. Let's work together to ensure that families from the Lake Washington School District have a safe and happy holiday season!
Take the Shop Local Pledge with your beloved pet, and make the commitment to purchase at least one gift, product or service for your fur or feather-covered family members on It’s easy! Visit the SLK website, click "All Locals" and filter with search category "Pet and Animal Services."
The Station Area Plan will create a new future for the area around Sound Transit’s planned Bus Rapid Transit Station at the I-405/NE 85th Street Interchange.
The City is working toward a regional gateway that supports transit, creates opportunity for all, and reflects Kirkland’s unique identity. In order to plan for the area around this new Sound Transit station, a draft study of various options, called an “environmental impact statement” will be published on the City’s website on Friday, December 18. This is your opportunity to help prioritize options and pick the best plan for this area.
There will be a virtual community workshop on Thursday, January 7, 2021 and the public comment period is open from Friday, December 18, 2020 through Monday, January 25, 2021. For more information, please visit
More than $50 million in grant funds are now available through the Washington State Department of Commerce for businesses heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated public health measures. Details on criteria and grant award amount can be found on the State’s website. Need help applying? Our business response team is here to support you. Contact them today for free, one-on-one assistance. Translation services available. Visit the (re)Startup425 website for more information.
Drivers should expect delays on Kirkland Way for the next two weeks while a City of Kirkland contractor installs 14 signs that will give drivers more notice they are heading toward a potential collision with Kirkland Way’s low-clearance bridge.
From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., NPM Construction is alternating traffic through one of Kirkland Way’s open lanes between Railroad and Ohde avenues.
The lane-closure will continue until December 18.
For more, visit and enter Kirkland Way Bridge into the search bar.
 Totem Lake
Interwest Construction is closing the northbound lane of Willows Road Northeast, north of its intersection with Northeast 124th Street.
The four-week lane-closure begins Dec. 14 and continues until Jan. 11, when the City of Kirkland contractor plans to close Willows Road Northeast completely until Jan. 22.
Interwest will rely on 141st Avenue Northeast and Northeast 124th Street to detour traffic around the closure.
Commuters along 108th Avenue Northeast and Northeast 68th Street should continue to expect delays this week while Kirkland’s contractor connects the new water main to service lines in the intersection and paves sections of both streets near their intersection.
To make progress, Marshbank Construction’s flaggers are continuing to alternate traffic from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. this week along 108th Avenue Northeast’s one open lane between Northeast 60th and 68th streets.
The permanent patches that crews are applying to the road are much smoother and more durable than the temporary patches.
Marshbank is planning to suspend work in mid-December and return in spring to repave 108th Avenue Northeast, from Northeast 53rd Street to Northeast 68th Street.
A City of Kirkland contractor will be closing Northeast 116th Street’s center turn-lane starting December 14 while its crews upgrade a series of crosswalks near McAuliffe Park and A.G. Bell Elementary School.
The center lane will be closed from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each work day.
For more, visit and enter N.E. 116th Street Crosswalk Improvements into the search bar.
Kirkland Performance Center Presents: A Live Virtual Concert by the Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio
8 p.m., Thursday, December 10
Online, virtual event
Tune-in on Thursday, December 10 at 8 p.m. as soul-jazz group Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio joins KPC at Home: LiveStream for a virtual concert.
About DLO3
Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio—or as it is sometimes referred to, DLO3—specialize in the lost art of “feel good music.” The ingredients of this intoxicating cocktail include a big helping of the 1960s organ jazz stylings of Jimmy Smith and Baby Face Willette; a pinch of the snappy soul strut of Booker T. & The M.G.’s and The Meters; and sprinkles Motown, Stax Records, blues, and cosmic Jimi Hendrix-style guitar. It’s a soul-jazz concoction that goes straight to your heart and head makes your body break out in a sweat. Live, the band’s fiery and intuitive chemistry is unstoppable, brimming with improvisation, instant composition, imaginative takes on classic tunes, and a booty-shaking back catalog of soulful gems.
Kirkland Downtown Association presents the Kirkland Winter Market
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, December 12
Marina Park
Face masks are required to enter the market.
Join the Kirkland Downtown Association on the second Saturday of December for a holiday-themed market! Shop for winter produce, dried flowers, artisan foods, locally roasted coffee, fresh baked goods, wine, and homemade crafts. Get a head start on your holiday shopping while supporting local businesses, vendors, and craft-makers!
Studio East Training for the Performing Arts Presents: 'Twas the Night
Streaming online Sunday, December 13 - Sunday December 27, with an opening night virtual gala 6 p.m. Saturday, December 12
Online, virtual event
Studio East presents ‘Twas the Night… Reimagined! This Eastside holiday tradition tells the famous poem through the eyes of, not only the humans involved, but the run-away mice, hungry cats, "hoofing" reindeer and the Big Guy himself. This year’s holiday musical will be a reimagined version touting a smaller cast of both kid and adult performers, new characters, and it will all be happening virtually.
On December 12, Studio East is hosting a virtual opening night gala for ‘Twas via Zoom. This evening will include ‘Twas trivia, hearing from ‘Twas alumni, and enjoying the show before its public debut on December 13. Attendees can level up with a VIP Gala In a Box, which includes a link to join the Gala, special sweet treats and drinks to enjoy, one-of-a-kind ‘Twas mementos, and more, delivered to your home before the Gala. 100% of the VIP Gala funds will support Studio East’s student scholarship fund.
Starting December 13, ‘Twas will be available for the public to stream on the Studio East website. It will be pay what you can and available through December 27.
‘Twas the Night… Reimagined is recommended for ages 4+ and has a running time of 2 hours. Enjoy the virtual gala with a donation of $30 or more; level up to VIP status and receive a Gala in a Box for a donation of $150. Pay what you can and stream the show December 13-27 at:
Holiday Lights Contest
Register by Noon on December 18
Judging Takes Place December 19-20
Are you itching for an excuse to get outside and put up your holiday lights? Have you been waiting for the opportunity to unleash your inner Clark Griswold? Well, that opportunity has arrived, with the Kirkland Parks and Community Services' first EVER Holiday Lights contest!
We look forward to your cheer-infused displays of lights, music, inflatables, and holiday decorations of all kinds. Participation is easy! Decorate your home or business between now and Friday, December 18. Judging takes place on Saturday, December 19 and Sunday, December 20. To ensure optimal lighting conditions, our judging committee will drive by each location from 5 to 8 p.m. on those two days to see your display and take a photo.
Register by noon on December 18 at