Over the past several months, the City of Kirkland has distributed over $2.6 million in CARES Act funds, including $1.22 million to human service organizations, $1.1 million to small businesses, and $300,000 to arts and culture programs. The Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was passed by Congress in March. The funding is intended to provide financial assistance for sectors of the community that are facing economic hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Find the full news release at www.kirklandwa.gov/newsroom.
Partnership keeps Studio East in Kirkland while City determines best use of KTUB for teens
While the City of Kirkland seeks a more permanent solution for the vacated space, the Kirkland Teen Union Building (KTUB) will temporarily host Studio East Training for the Performing Arts, a 501(c)3 nonprofit that has provided theater arts education and opportunities for children in Kirkland for over twenty years. A formal public process to identify organizations that can best fulfill KTUB’s mission as a recreation, resource and arts center for teens is expected to start in Summer/Fall 2021. The relocation makes it possible for Studio East to continue providing valuable programs for youth during a time when many arts organizations have been devastated by the impacts of the pandemic.
“This is a win for KTUB, and for arts and culture in our community,” said Kirkland Mayor Penny Sweet. “So much of what we love about our life in Kirkland has been altered by COVID-19. This partnership helps preserve opportunities for our youth to build confidence, compassion, and responsibility through theater in a year when we need positive experiences more than ever.”
Find the full news release at www.kirklandwa.gov/newsroom
Shop Local Kirkland is a new digital marketplace where you can find and purchase the exceptional goods, gifts, food and services that Kirkland businesses offer, many with contactless pickup and delivery options. From clothing and décor to restaurants and wine to business, health and wellness services, ShopLocalKirkland.com offers a fast, easy way to make purchases and support Kirkland businesses in the process.
The City of Kirkland's Shop Local Kirkland initiative responds to the economic impacts of COVID-19 on Kirkland’s business community and is designed to help local businesses survive and thrive through WA State’s Safe Start Plan and beyond. Read the full news release here.
Have a business and want to join? Registration is free and open to all Kirkland-based businesses, including home businesses and not-for-profits. Register your business at www.shoplocalkirkland.com. Questions? Need help? Please email shoplocalkirkland@kirklandwa.gov.

The City of Kirkland is carrying out two studies in accordance with Policy FH-14.3 in the Finn Hill Neighborhood Plan, which was adopted in 2018. The two studies are:
- NE 131st Way / 90th Ave NE Multimodal Corridor Study, scheduled for Thursday, Dec 3 from 6:00 to 6:45 PM via Zoom
- Holmes Point Street Standards and Holmes Point Drive Corridor Study, scheduled for Thursday, Dec 3 from 7:00 to 8:15 PM via Zoom
See the map below for these locations.
If you are interested in following the progress of these studies and/or providing input on them, please subscribe to the Finn Hill Studies email list.
The City's public outreach lead for these two studies is Armaghan Baghoori (abaghoori@kirklandwa.gov, 425-587-3924).
The City's project manager for these two studies is Blair Daly (bdaly@kirklandwa.gov; 425-587-3877).
The City's consultant for both studies is Otak Inc. of Redmond, WA.

Approximately 8,000 pounds of food, household items, and baby items were donated last weekend during the Thanksgiving drive-thru food drive presented by I-CERV, City of Kirkland, Lake Washington School District and Nourishing Networks. Volunteers accepted donations to benefit families and children in the Lake Washington School District (LWSD), serving the cities of Kirkland, Redmond, Woodinville, and Sammamish.
Thank you to everyone who donated!

Community members can now visit the newly renovated space playground at the North Kirkland Community Center’s Park located at 12421 103rd Avenue NE.
The park was originally built in 1992 with a train themed playground. The playground equipment was scheduled for a renovation in 2020. At the beginning of this year, over 500 community members were able to vote on a new playground design. Out of five designs, the space playground theme received the most votes, and construction started taking place during the summer months. The new park is now finished and features a spaceship rocket climber, planet climbers, out-of-this-world independent spinners, a docking station climber, and a galaxy net climber and slide. Watch the video!
“We are very excited to receive the community’s input on the new playground’s design. The new space playground is truly out of this world and we believe it will provide the community a fun space to play and recreate throughout the year,” said Parks and Community Services Director Lynn Zwaagstra.
While visiting this new playground, it’s important to remember the following guidelines: - Stay home if you are feeling ill. - Maintain 6 feet between other people. - If a park or playground is full, try visiting a different park or playground. - Face coverings must be worn at all times.
Click here to see a full list of Kirkland’s parks.
The Kirkland Police Department has successfully completed a rigorous accreditation program that certifies it is operating under best practices and standards for law enforcement. The program is administered by the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) and involves a multi-phase process over several months.
“We are proud to be accredited by WASPC,” said Deputy Chief Michel St. Jean. “It means our department has achieved the highest professional standards for policing.”
Benefits of accreditation include administrative and operational effectiveness, fair recruitment and employment practices, better records management, improved use of technology, health and safety, training, codes of conduct and prisoner security, among other important law enforcement tasks.
Find the full news release at www.kirklandwa.gov/newsroom.
Kirkland Arts Center
Registration Open for December Intensives/Winter
Online, virtual classes plus live in-studio
Check out exciting offerings from new instructors and renowned returning instructors, like Michael Ottersen! Learn more about wheel throwing, charcoal portrait drawing, collage making, ceramics, painting, mixed media creation, and much more! Many classes available via Zoom, with some in-studio offerings available as well.
For more information on winter classes, visit the Kirkland Arts Center website! To dive right in and register for classes, visit the class catalog.
There are no fees for extra yard waste in November!
Help reduce the risk of localized flooding by clearing fall leaves from storm drains and streets. Use a rake to remove debris from your neighborhood storm drains and roadways. Dispose of leaves and branches in your gray yard waste cart. Extra yard waste is free throughout the month of November! Place in paper yard bags, reusable paper yard waste bag or container labeled “Yard” (65 lb limit each). Plastic bags are not accepted.
For more information about surface water management in Kirkland, please visit our webpage.
City of Kirkland FREE Sandbag Filling Stations
Ongoing this winter
Public Works Maintenance Center (915 8th Street) and at the North Kirkland Community Center (12421 103rd Ave. N.E.)
Kirkland Public Works staff have positioned two free sandbag filling stations for community members who have concerns about localized flooding or have experienced it in the past. If you've experienced flooding in your neighborhood, you're encouraged to have a supply of sandbags on hand as a preparedness measure.
Each self-service station offers sand and bags that are free to Kirkland residents and businesses. Shovels are not provided, so be sure to bring your own. City-provided bags have attached tie-strings. The stations are located at the Public Works Maintenance Center (915 8th Street) on the west side of the parking lot, and at the North Kirkland Community Center (12421 103rd Ave. N.E.) in the southernmost part of the parking lot.
These two stations are accessible 24 hours a day.
Holiday Lights Contest
Register by Noon on December 18
Judging Takes Place December 19-20
Are you itching for an excuse to get outside and put up your holiday lights? Have you been waiting for the opportunity to unleash your inner Clark Griswold? Well, that opportunity has arrived, with the Kirkland Parks and Community Services' first EVER Holiday Lights contest!
We look forward to your cheer-infused displays of lights, music, inflatables, and holiday decorations of all kinds. Participation is easy! Decorate your home or business between now and Friday, December 18. Judging takes place on Saturday, December 19 and Sunday, December 20. To ensure optimal lighting conditions, our judging committee will drive by each location from 5 to 8 p.m. on those two days to see your display and take a photo.
Register by noon on December 18 at https://bit.ly/3nAeohR.
Kirkland Downtown Association presents the Kirkland Winter Market
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, December 12
Marina Park
Face masks are required to enter the market.
Join the Kirkland Downtown Association on the second Saturday of December for a holiday-themed market! Shop for winter produce, dried flowers, artisan foods, locally roasted coffee, fresh baked goods, wine, and homemade crafts. Get a head start on your holiday shopping while supporting local businesses, vendors, and craft-makers!
City of Kirkland administrative offices will be closed to both the staff and public on Thursday, November 26 and Friday, November 27 for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
All City facilities are currently closed to the public in alignment with Governor Inslee’s Safe Start Washington plan for reopening. Read more about city operations here.
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!