The Kirkland City Council’s next “virtual” meeting takes place Wednesday, November 4. The meeting uses video conferencing technology provided by Zoom in response to Gov. Jay Inslee’s Safe Start plan to reopen Washington. The regular business meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. and is preceded by a 5:30 p.m. study session.
The agenda for the November 4 meeting will be available on the City website prior to the meeting at: Kirkland City Council agendas. The meeting can be viewed in real time via the live stream on the City website at: and is televised on Comcast Cable Channel 21 and Ziply Cable Channel 31.
Here are a few highlights from the upcoming meeting:
Service Awards
City of Kirkland employees reaching benchmark service years of twenty and above will be recognized before the Council. Over twenty employees will receive recognition, including two employees who have served for over thirty years.
Code Amendments to Streamline Public Projects
The Council will consider adoption of ordinances amending various sections of the Kirkland Zoning Code (KZC) and Kirkland Municipal Code (KMC). The amendments relate to streamlining public projects which are the development and construction activities associated with the City’s Capital Improvements Program.
2021-2022 Budget: Study Session and Public Hearing
The 2021-2022 Preliminary Budget, “Investing in a More Equitable, Safe and Resilient Kirkland,” was presented to the Kirkland City Council on October 27, 2020 and is available on the City’s website. The preliminary budget will be further reviewed during the study session on November 4, and the community is invited to provide input on the budget at the public hearing during the regular business meeting that starts at 7:30 p.m. For more information about the budget and to view the 2021-2022 Preliminary Budget, please visit
Council will accept live spoken commentary under 'Items from the Audience' or ‘Public Hearings’ at regular meetings via Zoom audio/video on a computer or telephone connection. The connection links are provided on each individual meeting agenda. Speakers are asked to limit their remarks to three minutes apiece, and no more than three speakers may address the Council on any one subject. However, if both proponents and opponents wish to speak, then up to three proponents and up to three opponents of the matter may address the Council. Zoom audience members will be alerted to ‘raise their hand’ virtually if they wish to address the Council at the appropriate time in the meeting. Written comments can be submitted to
Please call (425) 587-3190 and leave a message before 5 p.m. on the day of the Council meeting with any questions; City Clerk's Office staff will endeavor to return your call.
For more information about the Kirkland City Council, please visit the Council webpage.
Opportunities to provide input at upcoming public hearings
The City of Kirkland invites residents and businesses to share priorities for the 2021-2022 City Budget. Kirkland prides itself on providing residents an exceptional quality of life with great schools, safe streets, a clean environment and beautiful parks. These choices, whether related to public safety, maintaining parks, keeping pedestrians safe, or protecting the natural environment, are made through the budget.
The 2021-2022 Preliminary Budget, “Investing in a More Equitable, Safe and Resilient Kirkland,” was presented to the Kirkland City Council on October 27, 2020 and is available on the City’s website. The budget proposal was profoundly shaped by the dramatic and historic events that continue to unfold in 2020. The City is still grappling with the social, financial and health impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak that erupted in Kirkland on February 29, 2020 and spread throughout the nation. Also created amid the racial justice movement reignited by the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020, the budget proposal responds to the commitment made by the City Council on August 4, 2020 through Resolution R-5434 to affirm that Black lives matter, to improve the safety and respect of Black people, and to help end structural racism.
Here are some ways to have your say on how the City spends community resources:
- Participate in an upcoming public hearing. The next scheduled public hearings on the budget are on November 4 and November 17. Opportunities to provide comments at city council meetings are available via Zoom on a computer or telephone connection. The Zoom connection links are provided on each meeting agenda.
- Provide feedback through the Our Kirkland
- Email with your feedback about the budget.
- Sign up for This Week in Kirkland for a continual flow of information about what happens during City Council meetings.
- Follow the City’s Facebook page or Twitter account for updates on the City's budget process.
For more information about the budget and to view the 2021-2022 Preliminary Budget, please visit
In this video Fire Chief Joe Sanford explains how station renovations will improve seismic resiliency and firefighter/EMT health and safety. If the levy passes, it will fund renovations at Fire Station 21 in Forbes Creek, 22 in Houghton, and 26 in Rose Hill. Station 22 in Houghton was built in the 70s, and stations 21 and 26 were built in the early 90s. These three stations need extensive renovations to be brought up to current National Fire Protection Association standards for firefighter/EMT health and safety as well as critical infrastructure standards to withstand a seismic event. Visit our webpage more information about the Fire & Emergency Medical Services 2020 Ballot Measure.
Join Kirkland’s Digital Main Street! The Shop Local Kirkland initiative is now accepting registrations from ALL Kirkland-based businesses, including home businesses and not-for-profits. Registration is FREE. Register today:
Shop Local Kirkland (SLK) is an initiative by the City of Kirkland to help businesses get found, expand their reach, sell online and access new customers. Shop Local Kirkland responds to the impacts on businesses from the Covid-19 global pandemic. The SLK website is a ‘Digital Main Street’ designed to keep dollars in the community and be an online, safety-net economy for our city.
Questions? Need help? Please email
There is nothing quite as lovely as Kirkland in the fall, but those gorgeous fall leaves can have negative impacts on the City’s stormwater drainage system.
Fallen leaves can pile up on storm drains on our streets, blocking rainwater from draining, which can lead to localized flooding. City crews work hard to keep our storm drains clear of leaves, but with over 12,000 drains in Kirkland, the City needs residents and businesses to help.
The great news is that during the month of November, the collection of extra yard waste is FREE for single family residences in Kirkland. Residents who would like to avoid a charge for yard waste extras in October are encouraged to save excess leaves that won’t fit in their carts until November. Fill your gray cart first, then put out extra leaves in paper bags, reusable yard waste bags or durable containers labeled “yard waste.” There is a 65-pound limit. Plastic bags are not accepted.
For more information what you can do to help prevent localized flooding, please visit our stormwater drainage and flooding webpage.
Kirkland Public Works staff have positioned two free sandbag filling stations for community members who have concerns about localized flooding or have experienced it in the past. If you've experienced flooding in your neighborhood, you're encouraged to have a supply of sandbags on hand as a preparedness measure.
Each self-service station offers sand and bags that are free to Kirkland residents and businesses. Shovels are not provided, so be sure to bring your own. City provided bags have attached tie-strings. The stations are located at the Public Works Maintenance Center (915 8th Street) on the west side of the parking lot, and at the North Kirkland Community Center (12421 103rd Ave. N.E.) in the southernmost part of the parking lot.
These two stations are accessible 24 hours a day.
For more information on the best way to fill sandbags plus tips on proper sandbag placement, use this helpful resource from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: For more information on ways to help prevent localized flooding, visit our Surface Water Management webpage.
Holidays are going to be different this year, no question about it. But we all need to have some festivity, especially in the midst of the all we’ve had to deal with this year. Halloween has some good celebration options since many activities can be outside and mask wearing is part of the holiday, but there are still some risks with COVID circulating. Public Health has tips to prevent illness, help our community stay on track for reopening, and still retain some of the spooky and sweet flavor of Halloween.
There is less than a week to provide feedback to the North and South Rose Hill Greenways Art Committee. This is your chance to help inform the committee as it moves forward with planning artistic enhancements to the City’s first two neighborhood greenways.
Community members are invited to provide feedback through this nine-question survey, which closes on Monday, November 2. The greenways art committee – made up of City staff, members of the Kirkland Cultural Arts Commission and artist Kristi M. Park of BioDesign Studio – produced the video below to provide the public with some additional context.
Greenways are transportation corridors where walking and bicycling are the primary modes of travel, and driving is the alternative form. The City plans to begin construction spring 2021 on what will be its first two neighborhood greenways in a city-wide network of them. These first two walking and bicycling meccas are slated for South Rose Hill's Northeast 75th Street corridor and North Rose Hill's 128th Avenue Northeast corridor.
The committee looks forward to insight, opinions, feedback, and stories to help inform the development of public art to be included in the North and South Rose Hill Greenways project. To take the survey, click here.
King County Elections has challenged voters to achieve a 90 percent ballot return rate in next Tuesday's election and we are excited to share that Kirkland voters have accepted this mission with energy and enthusiasm.
As of 6 p.m., last night (Tuesday, October 27), a total of 34,580 of Kirkland’s 58,576 registered voters had returned their ballots. This exceeds a whopping 59 percent voter turnout and we’ve still got six days to go! We know that many more ballots will hit the boxes this weekend. Well done Kirkland!
If you haven’t already turned in your ballot, there’s no time like the present! Avoid the Election Day rush by voting early, and remember, if you plan on voting by mail, make sure you mail your ballot by Friday, October 30, just to be safe. We know it's been an overwhelming year, so if you've misplaced your ballot, do not worry, you can still vote! Voters who cannot find their ballots can visit: King County Vote, which allows voters to mark, review and print their ballots for return to King County Elections. And keep this website bookmarked, as this is also where you can track your ballot after you turn it in.
For more about what to do if you lost your ballot, here is a great informational video made by King County Elections.
If you would like to turn your ballots in at an in-person Vote Center, voter registration is available at Kenmore City Hall on Saturday, October 31, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday, November 2, 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m., and on Election Day, November 3, 8:30 a.m. – 8 p.m. Kenmore City Hall and Bellevue College are the closest Vote Centers to Kirkland. For more about King County Vote Centers, visit the King County Elections website.
October's chilly fall temperatures remind us that there's no time like the present to prepare for winter driving conditions. If you've been putting off your winter vehicle maintenance, getting it done now will give you peace of mind as we approach our winter season.
In addition to annual maintenance, here are some great tips for making sure your vehicle is ready to safely get you where you need to be during our frosty winter months:
- Test vehicle’s battery; its power drops as the temperature drops.
- Make sure the cooling system is in good working order.
- Check the freeze protection level of your antifreeze liquid and make sure it’s effective for the coldest temperature expected in your area.
- Add wiper fluid rated for -30 degrees.
- Keep your gas tank at least 50% full to avoid gas line freeze.
- Have winter tires with a deeper, more flexible tread put on your vehicle.
- If using all-weather tires, check the tread on them and replace if less than 2/32 of an inch.
- Check the tire pressure; it drops as the temperature drops.
- Check your wiper blades and replace if needed.
Also, remember to keep your vehicle emergency kit fully stocked.
When in doubt, don’t go out. While you can prepare for driving in ice and snow, you can’t entirely safeguard yourself. Watch the weather forecasts, and if local authorities urge you to not drive, stay home if you can. For more information about preparing for winter driving, visit the National Safety Council webpage.
Commuters should expect minor delays on Market Street this week while Kirkland’s street paving contractor replaces maintenance hole lids in the street and re-stripes the roadway. Later in the week, Puget Sound Energy will be completing its power upgrade along Market Street.
Totem Lake
Drivers should expect minor traffic delays until May on Willows Road Northeast. Kirkland’s contractor, Interwest Construction, is building a 1,900-foot-long and 11-foot-wide bicycle and pedestrian path along the road’s northbound lane. Interwest is planning in mid-December to close for two weeks Willows Road Northeast, just south of its intersection with 141st Avenue Northeast.
Two of 108th Avenue Northeast’s three lanes remain open to people who are driving between Northeast 68th and Northeast 53rd streets.
Marshbank Construction has reduced some short sections to one lane of alternating traffic.
Marshbank Construction is replacing water and sewer systems—both more than five decades old—to increase their capacities to serve Kirkland’s growing population and to reduce the systems’ needs for maintenance.
Marshbank expects to complete the upgrades by the end of 2020 and to repave 108th Avenue Northeast in spring 2021.
Kirkland Wednesday Market presents Pumpkins in the Park by the Kirkland Downtown Association
3 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, October 28
Marina Park
Face masks are required to enter the market.
This fantastic, Halloween-themed event will offer tons of treats AND the opportunity for your young ones to get dressed up. Costumed are encouraged! Kids will get a spooky punch card to fill up with stickers. Once the cards are filled, turn them in at the exit to get a special goody bag!
Facemasks are required so make it fun and incorporate them into your costume.
King County Elections
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Vote at a ballot box near you!
There is ballot drop box Kirkland City Hall (123 5th Ave.) and at the Kingsgate Library (12315 N.E. 143rd St.). You can also drop your ballot into any United States Postal Service mailbox. Postage is not required on ballots.
If you have questions, email King County Elections at or call 206-296-VOTE (8683).
Please visit the King County Elections website for questions!
Kirkland Performance Center Presents: A Live Virtual Concert with Jesse Butterworth
8 p.m., Thursday, November 5
Online, virtual event
Jesse Butterworth is an award-winning singer, producer, worship leader and songwriter. He is the co-founder of the band, Daily Planet, and also maintains a successful solo career. He loves superheroes, The Beatles, and his beat up guitar.
This show is brought to you by Kirkland Performance Center's KPC at Home series. For more information about this show visit the KPC website.
Safer StyroFest
North Kirkland Community Center (12421 103rd Ave NE)
9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday November 7
Please note the new location and shorter hours!
Accepted materials: block Styrofoam, Styrofoam meat trays, EPE foam, plastic bags, overwrap, and plastic film. Materials must be sorted by type and color. All tape and labels must be removed before the event. Materials must be clean and dry. Get more details.
Event safety procedures: please wear a mask and stay in your vehicle until it is your turn. Please pack materials so they will be quick to unload.
This event will be popular, please be prepared for a wait!
King County Library System Presents: Wonderful Worms
2 to 3 p.m., Tuesday, November 10
Online, virtual event
Presented by Lisa Taylor, our favorite garden educator! For information about Lisa see Garden With Lisa
Join in a fun exploration of an underground powerhouse. Discover how the mighty red worm turns our food scraps into rich soil. Learn what worms eat and how they live. Explore worm anatomy and how to keep a worm bin.
You’ll make your own mini-worm bin with live worms to keep at home, sing songs and have fun. Register here.
Batteries and Shredding
Kirkland City Hall (123 5th Ave.)
9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday November 14
Free shredding: clean paper only (staples ok, no binder clips). Limit 4 file-size boxes or grocery bags per vehicle. No pre-shredded paper.
Batteries accepted: Household (alkaline) batteries (AAAA, AAA, AA, C, D, 9v), button batteries, and rechargeable batteries. For more information on our Safer Fall 2020 Recycling Events, please visit our webpage.
Event safety procedures: please wear a mask and gloves and stay in your vehicle until it is your turn. Please pack materials so they will be quick to unload.
Questions? Contact Kirkland's Recycling Hotline at
King County Library System Presents: Online Community Event: Ducks in a Row Estate Planning
4 to 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 17
Online, virtual event
For adults.
Many people think estate planning is only for the wealthy. Regardless of what we own, we all need an estate plan to determine who will pay bills, what will be done with personal belongings and who will be the heirs of property at the end of life. Attorney and estate planning specialist Elizabeth Jennings will cover probate and estate planning documents such as Durable Power of Attorney, Will and Revocable Living Trust.
Brought to you by the Kingsgate Library and People's Memorial Association.
Please register directly with People's Memorial Association.