Statement from the City Council
Mayor Penny Sweet opened up the June 16 Council meeting by reading a statement from the entire Council regarding what has occurred since the murder of George Floyd. "We want to assure everyone in the community that the City Council understands the significance of this moment. Kirkland intends to embrace these challenges and be part of the solution."
The City Council has asked the City Manager to provide a framework for a Citywide response to issues of bias and racism towards our Black and Brown community members at their meeting on Tuesday, July 7.
 Juneteenth Proclamation
The City Council proclaimed June 19, 2020 as Juneteenth in Kirkland.
Juneteenth recognizes and commemorates the day of June 19, 1865, when enslaved African Americans in Texas were informed by Major General Gordon Granger that they were “free,” ending 246 years of chattel slavery. Despite the over 155 years have passed since chattel slavery was officially ended in the United States, people of African descent continue to have to fight to dismantle anti-Black systems and policies of oppression in our country.
By proclaiming June 19, 2020 as Juneteenth in Kirkland, the City reaffirms our strong commitment to doing the hard and necessary work to fight injustice and transform our country into one that is more equitable for all.
The proclamation can be viewed on our website.
 Eviction Moratorium Extension
The City Council passed a Resolution ratifying the City Manager’s extension of the moratorium on small business and nonprofit organization evictions in Kirkland due to nonpayment of rent or the expiration of leases during the pendency of the COVID-19 and civil unrest proclamations of emergency. The initial emergency eviction moratorium directive expired at the end of May. The City Manager’s extension lasts until the proclamations have been rescinded or for 60 days, whichever occurs sooner.
CARES Act Funding Plan
The Council adopted a resolution approving the City Manager’s proposed Coronavirus Aid, Relieve, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding plan, authorizing the City Manager to direct the spending of Kirkland’s estimated $2.6 million in potential CARES Act funding.
CARES Act funding is provided on a reimbursement basis for documented COVID-19 related expenses only and may not be used to replace lost revenue. The funding plan directs that CARES Act funding be allocated in substantially equal parts to COVID-19 related expenses for City General Operations, Human Services Needs and Small Business Assistance.
Expenses in City General Operations could include staff support for enhanced community outreach and necessary CARES Act grant recipient monitoring and oversight, along with ongoing COVID-19 related expenses including pandemic leave and personal protective equipment for City staff and first responders.
Human Services expenses could include staff support for COVID-19 related human services strategies, reimbursement grants of human services stabilization initiative funding, and a survey aimed at communities of color to fully understand the impacts of this pandemic. Additional potential human resources expenses could include a rental assistance program, grants to help service providers absorb increased costs of implementing social distancing guidelines in day centers and emergency shelters, and additional support for families with students in the Lake Washington School District.
Small Business Relief expenses could include a City-sponsored Kirkland Small Business Relief Fund grant program, PPE for small businesses, outreach to connect small businesses to resources, and communication materials on best practices for safe business operations. The funding could also help support concepts identified by the “Outside the Walls” Task Force, which has developed a framework for supporting and sustaining Kirkland’s small business community. Framework concepts include things like designated pickup and drop-off zones for retail shops, sidewalk cafés, and “Parklets,” which convert small segments of right-of-way from parking areas to public spaces that community members can enjoy.
Council was briefed on the concept of “Streateries,” which combine “Parklets” with sidewalk cafés. The “Streateries” concept will be evaluated and possibly implemented along Park Lane, and further analyzed for feasibility on Lake Washington Boulevard. Brief discussion ensued about the idea of taking elements of last year’s Summer Sundays on Park Lane Pilot program, and changing the program to accommodate Park Lane business owners, who have expressed a preference for closing the street to automobiles in the evening only.
The resolution guides that the use of CARES Act funding be consistent with the programs, policies and initiatives outlined in the plan. The resolution was approved, as amended by Deputy Mayor Jay Arnold, unanimously. To listen to the discussion, visit our website.
Fire and Emergency Services Ballot Measure
The City Council continued their discussion of a Fire and Emergency Medical Services Ballot Measure during their June 16 meeting. This potential ballot measure would be used for fire station renovations to improve firefighter health and safety, as well as increased staffing for improved response times for our growing and changing community. The Council considered multiple options for structuring a potential ballot measure during their meeting. The final decision was to continue consideration of one permanent levy ballot measure that would provide dedicated revenue for both capital and operating costs. The City estimates that the potential ballot measure would cost approximately $164 per year for a median valued home. The Council also decided to include the senior citizen or disabled property tax exemption in the potential ballot language. The Council will make a final decision about placing the potential measure on the ballot no later than their July 21 meeting.
In anticipation of the possibility of moving forward with the ballot measure, the City is recruiting volunteers to serve on the pro and con committee. If you’re interested in learning more, visit our webpage.
Across the nation, community members are having challenging conversations about the future of policing. As we have these conversations in our own community, we wanted to create a central location where residents can find important information about KPD Use of Force policies, as well as Chief Cherie Harris’ statement denouncing the killing of George Floyd, and other resources including contracts, policy manuals, compliment/complaint forms and information on the City Ombud program. We hope that this is a helpful resource for our community. Our Kirkland Police Department remains committed to actively pursing open and honest dialogue, including listening and acting on what we learn. We hope creating this page helps to inform these conversations.
People and pets should avoid contact with the water
This afternoon (Wednesday, June 17) Public Health – Seattle & King County informed the City of Kirkland that a toxic algal bloom is occurring at Juanita Beach.
People and pets should not swim at the beach, drink lake water, or engage in other water-contact activities at Juanita Beach. Signs have been posted at the beach informing the public of the situation. Community members should call their doctor or veterinarian if people or animals have sudden or unexplained sickness or signs of poisoning.
These restrictions will be in place until there are two consecutive weeks with low algal toxins.
For more information email, call 206-477-4800 or visit the Washington State Toxic Algae Webpage.
The City of Kirkland has chosen not to execute an additional one-year contract extension with the YMCA for services at the Kirkland Teen Union Building (KTUB) to allow for this facility to be utilized for human services needs resulting from COVID-19.
In June of 2019 the YMCA was notified that the City would not be renewing their contract after the expiration of the ten-year lease in 2020 in order to evaluate all potential options for the City-owned facility. This February, just before the COVID-19 outbreak struck Kirkland, the City offered the YMCA a one-year lease extension. Since March, the pandemic has cost Kirkland an estimated $10 – 13 million dollars in lost tax revenue and the City is seeing rising cases of hunger and homelessness. The City made the difficult decision to withdraw the one-year lease extension in order to use the City-owned KTUB facility to provide feeding and shelter services throughout the summer. One of the services being considered includes allowing Friends of Youth to use the facility as a temporary Day Center for young adults experiencing homelessness. The City has also reprioritized its two community centers to support emerging human services needs.
“The Parks and Community Services Department has had a longstanding, positive relationship with the YMCA. It was a difficult decision not to offer a one-year extension to the YMCA for KTUB; KTUB has not been operational for months due to COVID-19, and would have only been able to open at a limited capacity when King County reaches Phase 3. The current COVID-19 outbreak requires the flexibility of utilizing all of our facilities to respond to the changing and growing human services needs in our community resulting from the pandemic,” said Parks and Community Services Director Lynn Zwaagstra.
The Peter Kirk Community Center and the North Kirkland Community Center have also been closed to public programming through September 1. These two City buildings will also be used to provide critical services to community members who need food, shelter, counseling or other support to cope with the impacts of the coronavirus outbreak.
With King County currently in Phase 1.5 (with its application to move into Phase 2 submitted Monday, June 15) it's important to remember that the CDC is still recommending that you wear your cloth face coverings in public settings where social distancing is difficult to maintain. So, we went out to talk to Kirkland residents to find out why they're choosing to cover up their nose and mouth, in a feature we're calling Kirkland Undercover.
Kirkland resident Kaestle Carlson has what we would argue to be one of the best jobs in all of Kirkland: she’s a professional dog walker. This returning Kirkland resident cares for Kirkland’s furry, four-legged population through her business, Eastside Pet Services, which provides dog walking and other pet care services. We caught up with her near Heritage Park and were lucky enough to meet two of her clients, Agnes and Wyatt, as they were out for a sunny afternoon stroll.
Kaestle “masks up” when she goes out in public to help protect herself and others from COVID-19.
“I don’t know if I have it or not, and I don’t know if they have it or not,” Kaestle said.
With two close relatives in the medical profession – both nurses – Kaestle and her family take COVID-19 seriously. It’s taken planning and diligence, but they’ve found ways to spend time together without putting each other at risk. They practice social distancing during visits and get-togethers, limit physical contact to those that live in the same household and have upped their sanitation protocols accordingly.
She’s happy to see a wide range of stakeholders from around the world working together to address this global health emergency.
“I hope they find something to cure it soon or at least vaccinate,” Kaestle said. “That's what I want.”
Kirkland's recycling team is excited to bring safer summer weekday and weekend recycling events to Kirkland, to meet the demand for recycling tricky materials while also protecting event staff and the community.
The events are designed to ensure social distancing guidelines can be followed with only one or two accepted materials at each event. Limiting the accepted materials minimizes the time that people will be at each event and avoids delays caused by sorting so that more people can recycle their materials. Anticipating high demand, the safer events are located at sites large enough for cars to form a queue as one person is helped at a time.
Attendees are asked to wear face coverings to protect staff working at the events and to remain in their vehicle unless directed otherwise. Residents will be asked to place their items into the containers provided. Staff can remove items from trunks for those unable to lift items. Please only bring items that a single person is able to move. Those who feel sick should not attend. Following these safety guidelines will allow us to continue offering these events over the summer.
The City's regular StyroFest events scheduled for July and August have been cancelled. The City and event contractor both agree that adequate social distancing would not be possible following the old StyroFest event format, and the City's vendor is not offering events of this type to any cities at this time. Instead, we are offering two events where only foam packing blocks and coolers will be accepted. We are also offering separate events for plastic bags and film.
Scheduled safer summer recycling events include:
- Shredding on Tuesday June 30
- Household items and electronics on Saturday July 18 (hosted by Waste Management)
- Block Styrofoam on Saturday July 25
- Plastic bags and film on Saturday August 1
- Shredding on Saturday August 8
- Electronics and batteries on Friday August 21
- Block Styrofoam on Saturday August 22
These events are open to Kirkland residents and businesses. Please follow the safety guidelines and expect a wait.
Due to the unpredictable nature of the current situation, events may be changed or cancelled with little notice. We encourage residents to confirm shortly before the event by visiting our website at
Cross Kirkland Corridor
A short section of the Cross Kirkland Corridor remains closed until June 26 while work crews from the Northshore Utility District improve the reliability of the area’s sewer system.
In addition to closing the corridor just south of its intersection with Northeast 124th Street, Razz Construction is also closing one of Northeast 124th Street’s vehicle lanes between Totem Lake Boulevard and 120th Place Northeast.
Orange detour signs will direct trail users to go around the construction site using 120th Avenue Northeast, Northeast 116th Street, and 124th Avenue Northeast
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Neighborhood Safety Program
Drivers should expect minor traffic delays at six locations this month while Kirkland’s contractor implements the 2019 Neighborhood Safety Program. NPM Construction is improving safety on Houghton’s 108th Avenue Northeast, Lakeview’s Lakeview Drive, North Rose Hill’s Slater Avenue, Norkirk’s Northeast 87th Street, Juanita’s Northeast 120th Street, and Kingsgate’s Northeast 132nd Street. Work at one other 2019 NSP location is complete to the extent that it will cause no further traffic impacts. That location is Finn Hill’s 87th Avenue Northeast. NPM Construction will be building these projects until August.
Totem Lake
Marshbank is continuing to close all but one of Totem Lake Boulevard’s five lanes between Northeast 124th Street and 120th Avenue Northeast. The contractor expects to maintain that closure until the end of June. After June 29, Marshbank plans to re-open one northbound lane and keep open the southbound lane that is already open.
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108th Avenue Northeast
Drivers should continue to expect minor traffic impacts this month on 108th Avenue Northeast while a Kirkland contractor upgrades an aging water and sewer main along the north-to-south arterial.
Marshbank Construction is replacing the two systems—both more than five decades old—to increase their capacities to serve Kirkland’s growing population and to reduce the systems’ needs for maintenance.
That need is most urgent in the sewer line, which runs from Northeast 68th Street to Northeast 53rd Street. Settling soil has created a sag in the sewer line, allowing sewage to accumulate there and requiring maintenance crews to periodically flush the line.
The contractor is also replacing the water main between Northeast 68th and 60th streets.
Marshbank expects to complete the upgrades by December.
Kirkland Wednesday Market presented by the Kirkland Downtown Association
3 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 10 through September 23
Marina Park
The Kirkland Downtown Association Wednesday Market opens Wednesday, June 10 from 3 to 7 p.m. in Marina Park. Please see the new market rules. If possible, please order from market vendors in advance. More information about the Wednesday Market is available at
Juanita Friday Market
3 to 7 p.m., Friday, June 5 through September 25, 2020
Juanita Beach Park
NEW! Beginning Friday, June 12, customers can shop the market on foot. Please allow for extra time as Public Health Seattle & King County is limiting the number of customers allowed in the market at any given time. Thank you for your patience! There are big changes this year so before you go, be sure to pre-order your purchases, check-out the drive-thru plans, and see how we'll be handling health & safety issues. And while we'd love to see everyone, if you're in a high-risk group please stay home and send a friend to do your shopping.
Kirkland Arts Center
May 21 through June 24
Reflections, a virtual exhibit
Kirkland Arts Center is excited to share its first virtual exhibition! Step into the KAC gallery from the comfort of your own home and be transported into Reflections: From 1962 to the Future, curated by Donna Lindeman Porter. Find out more at:
This exhibit is an ode to the many creatives and community members who have been part of the legacy of Kirkland Arts Center. This rich exhibition spanning more than four decades of work exemplifies the lasting difference individuals can make when we come together. This show features the work of more than sixty artists, including the renowned Patti Warashina and Tip Toland, and is a tribute to our community and the creative spark within each of us.
Greater Kirkland Chamber of Commerce
Saturday Soiree and Virtual Auction
6 p.m., Saturday, June 20
Join the Kirkland Chamber in the comfort of your own home for a fun night of bidding! The Chamber has been a champion for the Kirkland business community throughout this time of great need, including the administration of the successful Kirkland Small Business Relief Fund, which benefited 250 small businesses in Kirkland. Now the Chamber needs the community's support to continue this crucial COVID-19 recovery work. This annual auction is the Chamber's largest fundraising event of the year so please support if you can!
The silent auction runs from 9 a.m. Wednesday, June 17, through 5 p.m. on Sunday, June 21. The live auction will run Saturday, June 20 beginning at 6 p.m. Visit the Chamber website for more information!
Green Kirkland Partnership Online Plant Walk
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Friday, June 26
Join the Green Kirkland Partnership for an online plant walk and natural area tour on Friday, June 26, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
You’ll see fun plants, cool habitat features and learn about steps that volunteers are taking to restore a natural area at one of your local Kirkland parks. Visit the Green Kirkland webpage for more details and to register.
Safer Free Confidential Shredding
North Kirkland Community Center (12421 103rd Ave. N.E.)
9 a.m. to noon, Tuesday, June 30
All shredding will be completed on site the day of the event by our vendor Confidential Data Disposal, a NAID AAA certified vendor who has provided shredding at Kirkland's events for many years. To minimize the time people are on site, we are asking people to leave the event as soon as they drop off their materials; please attend a future event if you would like to watch your materials shredded personally. Questions? Email Check out our flyer for additional details.
Accepted: clean paper (staples OK, no binder clips). Limit four file-size boxes or paper grocery bags per car.
Event safety procedures: please wear a mask and stay in your vehicle unless directed otherwise.
Because continued physical distancing is critical to halting the spread of COVID-19, the following events are cancelled:
The Greater Kirkland Chamber of Commerce All in-person Chamber events are cancelled until further notice. For more information, including ways to participate virtually, visit:
Kirkland Performance Center All Kirkland Performance Center shows have been postponed until further notice. For more information, visit:
Parks and Community Services Closures
• The Peter Kirk Pool shall be closed for the summer season. • The North Kirkland Community Center and the Peter Kirk Community Center shall be closed for public use through September 1, 2020 except to provide selected senior services and support for human service needs. • All public, private and non-profit special events that use City facilities and infrastructure are cancelled through September 1, 2020. Special events may be rescheduled after September 1 if authorized by the Governor’s “Safe Start” reopening plan. • Green Kirkland Partnership restoration events are suspended until September 1, 2020. • All current parks recreational programming is cancelled through September 1, 2020 to allow City recreation staff to prepare for COVID-19 modified programming after September 1.
For more information on programs and facilities that will be opened in a future phase of the Governor's Safe Start plan visit the City website.