Make sure to mark your calendars for this year’s City Hall for All presents: Sustainability Summit, a fun and multifaceted civic engagement event that welcomes everyone!
The 2019 Sustainability Summit, which takes place 2 to 5 p.m. on Saturday, October 12 at Kirkland City Hall, looks at sustainability in a variety of contexts, including home, school and together. Join us to learn more about our Safer Routes to School action plans, ways to be sustainable at home, and find out about the City’s Sustainability Master Plan and what it means to be a sustainable community.
This year marks the third annual City Hall for All event, which was founded in 2017 to further inclusivity, expand civic engagement and increase access to City services.
The 2019 City Hall for All event also presents Truck-a-palooza, a brand-new touch-a-truck event immediately preceding the Sustainability Summit. Truck-a-palooza is meant to showcase police, fire and City utility vehicles, in a manner that will be fun for kids of all ages. This engaging event offers your loved ones the exciting opportunity to meet first responders from the Kirkland police and fire departments and our hard-working road maintenance and utilities staff, plus the opportunity to experience what it’s like to sit in the driver’s seat of a police car, fire truck or snow plow – or all three!
Here is the schedule:
City Hall for All presents…
Truck-a-palooza from 12 to 2 p.m.
The 2019 Sustainability Summit from 2 to 5 p.m.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Look for additional details in upcoming issues of This Week in Kirkland and follow us on Facebook to capture the latest information about this event.
Our Kirkland Police Department new hires are going to the Police Academy! These men and women must attend five months/720 hours of training at the academy before returning to the Kirkland Police Department to become sworn-in as officers. At the academy they'll learn a variety of different skills including conducting investigations, patrol procedures, crisis response, de-escalation training, and traffic enforcement.
In the coming weeks we'll be providing additional information about how the City is implementing the safety measures that were included in the 𝑬𝒏𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒅 𝑷𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝑺𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒊𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝑺𝒂𝒇𝒆𝒕𝒚 𝑩𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑴𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆.
Each week we will provide an ongoing list of City capital projects that will impact traffic. New projects will always be listed first.
A City of Kirkland contractor will begin street maintenance August 27 on more than 40 sections of neighborhood roads and cul de sacs in the Kingsgate and Rose Hill neighborhoods.
Intermountain Slurry Seal will apply a thin layer of emulsified asphalt, water and fine gravel known as slurry seal. The four- to six-hour process will require full road-closures on these streets. Any form of interference—foot traffic, automotive traffic or an errant sprinkler system—can undermine the integrity of the new surface.
Without slurry seal, traffic and weather would continue to hammer our streets’ asphalt until chunks of pavement begin breaking loose and webs of cracks morph into potholes that could compromise the road’s basic structure.
For more information on the City’s slurry seal program visit
 NE 120th Street Closure- August 20 through August 22
The City of Kirkland Public Works Department will be performing significant pavement repair along the northbound lane of 124th Avenue NE between NE 116th Street and NE 120th Street. In order to repair the intersection of 124th Ave and NE 120th Street, NE 120th Street will be closed to through traffic between 5:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m, August 20 through 22.
Local traffic only will be allowed. Detours will be available on Slater Ave NE, and temporary lane closures and traffic control will be present on 124th Avenue.
 Cross Kirkland Corridor- segment closure starting 8/19
The Cross Kirkland Corridor from N.E. 100th Street to 111th Ave N.E. will be closed for approximately two weeks starting Monday, August 19. Trail users may use the established detour route. The City's contractor, Dungeness Construction, has begun work on repairs to a 24-inch culvert, the outfall of which is eroding a small section of the Cross Kirkland Corridor’s foundation north of Crestwoods Park. Crews will install a manhole and build a stream channel with check dams to dissipate the impact of the water as it flows from the concrete culvert, onto the Cross Kirkland Corridor’s foundation and down the hillside. More information is available on the CKC Headwall page on the City website.
 Sixth Street Improvements
The City's contractor, Lakeside Industries, plans to begin construction in mid-August on the Sixth Street corridor’s last major improvement project: rehabilitating and repaving the roadway from Fourth Avenue to Northeast 68th Street.
Lane closures will occur from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 5 a.m.
The Kirkland contractor will begin the two-month process by rebuilding curb ramps and removing lids from stormwater, sewer and other utilities. More information can be found on the 6th Street Project page on the City website.
Do you have an idea for a project that could improve pedestrian, bicycle and/or auto safety in your neighborhood?
Or maybe you've been thinking about a concept for an improvement that would make it safer for children to walk, bike or ride the bus to school?
Submit your great ideas to the 2020 Neighborhood Safety Program (NSP).
The Neighborhood Safety Program is an opportunity to energize your Neighborhood Association by empowering it to work collaboratively with City staff to identify, prioritize and address safety improvements in Kirkland.
Each year there is a total of $350,000 available for projects citywide under $50,000. Projects fall into the following categories:
Bicycle facility: Bike lanes or trails.
Crosswalks: New crosswalks, improved crosswalk ramps (ADA), crosswalk islands, and rapid flashing beacons.
Intersection Improvement: Signage, parking, and pedestrian “bump outs.”
Traffic Calming: Traffic islands, speed cushions, pedestrian “bump outs,” signage, and radar signs.
Walkway/Sidewalk and Trail: Gravel trails, steps, curb, traffic delineators, and sidewalks.
Street Light: On existing utility pole or installing a new light pole.
Need inspiration? You can view the projects that received funding for 2019 on the City website.
Visit the Suggest a Project webpage to submit an idea online, or email Kari Page at with the location and your pedestrian, bicycle, or auto safety concerns.
Don't let this 80 degree weather fool you, to quote a popular television show, Winter is Coming. Do you receive a call from Waste Management when service is disrupted or delayed due to unplanned events such as inclement weather or icy roadways?
Sign-up to receive notifications by visiting Our Kirkland, selecting Request a Service, choose your location, select Garbage/Water/Sewer Billing, then select I want to Receive Waste Management Alerts.
The Kirkland Salary Commission will hold a public meeting at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, September 10 at Kirkland City Hall in Council Chambers. The Salary Commission sets the salaries of Kirkland’s Mayor and its City Councilmembers in accordance with Washington state law, which prohibits a City Councilmember from voting on his or her own salary increase or decrease.
Adopted in 2005, the City of Kirkland’s Salary Commission has been modeled by other cities as they’ve laid the groundwork necessary to implement their own salary commissions. The Commission is made up of three Kirkland residents appointed to staggered terms based on a recommendation by the mayor and subsequent confirmation by the Kirkland City Council. The Commission meets no less than once per year, during the months of August or September.
Public comment may be given at the meeting or may be submitted in writing to: Salary Commission c/o City Attorney’s Office at 123 5th Ave., Kirkland, Washington, 98033, or via email to: Written comments must be received prior to 5 p.m., September 10, 2019.
CERT Rodeo!
Saturday, August 24, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Kirkland City Hall
Join the Kirkland Office of Emergency Management (OEM) for the inaugural Kirkland CERT Rodeo! Yeehaw! Come refresh, practice, and casually compete in CERT skills and get to know other CERTs in your neighborhood and OEM staff, and at the end of the day you'll get to lasso yourself a sweet treat.
This event is open to people who have completed Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. Priority registration will be given to City of Kirkland residents. For more information contact OEM at or (425) 587-3391. Learn more about CERT at
For safety reasons, the CERT Rodeo is only open to people who have completed Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. The next CERT class in Kirkland starts September 17, learn more at
Community Police Academy
Applications Due Friday, August 30
The Kirkland Police Department is accepting applications for the 2019 Community Police Academy, a dynamic, eight-week series meant to give Kirkland residents a firsthand look at the inner-workings of the Kirkland Police Department.
The 2019 Community Police Academy takes place 6 to 9 p.m. every Wednesday evening starting on September 18 and running through November 6, 2019. The series includes fun, focused instruction on a variety of law enforcement-related topics including patrol officer training, investigations, K9, special response, use of force, firearms, DUI enforcement, traffic enforcement and more! For more information about the Community Police Academy or to download the application, please visit our website at: Kirkland Police Department- Community Police Academy.
Becoming American
Kingsgate Library
Tuesday, September 17, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Join a celebration of National Welcoming Week, bringing together immigrants, refugees, and native-born residents to raise awareness of the benefits of welcoming everyone. More information at
Juanita Friday Market
Every Friday June 7 to Sept. 27, 3 to 7 p.m.
Juanita Beach Park, 9703 N.E. Juanita Drive
A twelve-year Kirkland tradition, the Juanita Friday Market features fresh produce from local farmers, artisanal breads and desserts, locally-made honey, hot food, cut flowers, sustainable skin care products, hand-crafted jewelry, candles, natural soap, local art and much more. The weekly series is set against the stunning backdrop of Juanita Beach Park, which offers sandy shoreline, restrooms, swimming and a children’s play area.